When Paul was about to open his mouth

(μελλοντος του Παυλου ανοιγειν το στομα). Genitive absolute again. Before Paul could speak, Gallio cut in and ended the whole matter. According to their own statement Paul needed no defence.Wrong

(αδικημα). Injuria. Old word, a wrong done one. In N.T. only here, Acts 24:20; Revelation 18:5. Here it may mean a legal wrong to the state.Wicked villainy

(ραιδιουργημα). A crime, act of a criminal, from ραιδιουργος (ραιδιος, easy, εργον, work), one who does a thing with ease, adroitly, a "slick citizen."Reason would that I should bear with you

(κατα λογον αν ανεσχομην υμων). Literally, "according to reason I should have put up with you (or held myself back from you)." This condition is the second class (determined as unfulfilled) and means that the Jews had no case against Paul in a Roman court. The verb in the conclusion (ανεσχομην) is second aorist middle indicative and means with the ablative υμων "I should have held myself back (direct middle) from you (ablative). The use of αν makes the form of the condition plain.

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Old Testament