To the ship

(επ το πλοιον). Note article. It is possible that Paul's party had chartered a coasting vessel from Philippi or Troas to take them to Patara in Lycia. Hence the boat stopped when and where Paul wished. That is possible, but not certain, for Paul could simply have accommodated himself to the plans of the ship's managers.To take in Paul

(αναλαμβανειν τον Παυλον). So in verse Acts 20:14. Same use in 2 Timothy 4:11: "Picking up Mark" (Μαρκον αναλαβων). Assos was a seaport south of Troas in Mysia in the province of Asia.He had appointed

(διατεταγμενος ην). Past perfect periphrastic middle of διατασσω, old verb to give orders (military in particular).To go by land

(πεζευειν). Present active infinitive of πεζευω, old verb to go on foot, not on horse back or in a carriage or by ship. Here only in the N.T. It was about twenty miles over a paved Roman road, much shorter (less than half) than the sea voyage around Cape Lectum. It was a beautiful walk in the spring-time and no doubt Paul enjoyed it whatever his reason was for going thus to Assos while the rest went by sea. Certainly he was entitled to a little time alone, this one day, as Jesus sought the Father in the night watches (Matthew 14:23).

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Old Testament