From among your own selves

(εξ υμων αυτων). In sheep's clothing just as Jesus had foretold. The outcome fully justified Paul's apprehensions as we see in Colossians, Ephesians, I and II Timothy, Revelation. False philosophy, immorality, asceticism will lead some astray (Colossians 2:8; Colossians 2:18; Ephesians 4:14; Ephesians 5:6). John will picture "antichrists" who went out from us because they were not of us (1 John 2:18). There is a false optimism that is complacently blind as well as a despondent pessimism that gives up the fight.Perverse things

(διεστραμμενα). Perfect passive participle of διαστρεφω, old verb to turn aside, twist, distort as in Acts 13:8; Acts 13:10.To draw away

(του αποσπαιν). Articular genitive present active participle of purpose from αποσπαω, old verb used to draw the sword (Matthew 26:51), to separate (Luke 22:41; Acts 21:1). The pity of it is that such leaders of dissension can always gain a certain following. Paul's long residence in Ephesus enabled him to judge clearly of conditions there.

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Old Testament