
(καθεζομενος). Sitting (present middle participle describing his posture).In the window

(επ της θυριδος). Old word diminutive from θυρα, door, a little door. Latticed window (no glass) opened because of the heat from the lamps and the crowd. Our window was once spelt windore (Hudibras), perhaps from the wrong idea that it was derived from wind and door. Eutychus (a common slave name) was sitting on (επ) the window sill. Ahaziah "fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber" (2 Kings 1:2). In the N.T. θυρις only here and 2 Corinthians 11:33 (δια θυριδος) through which Paul was let down through the wall in Damascus.Borne down with deep sleep

(καταφερομενος υπνω βαθε). Present passive participle of καταφερω, to bear down, and followed by instrumental case (υπνω). Describes the gradual process of going into deep sleep. Great medical writers use βαθυς with υπνος as we do today (deep sleep). D here has βασε (heavy) for βαθε (deep).As Paul discoursed yet longer

(διαλεγομενου του Παυλου επ πλειον). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of διαλεγομα (cf. verse Acts 20:7). with επ πλειον. Eutychus struggled bravely to keep awake, vainly hoping that Paul would finish. But he went on "for more."Being born down by his sleep

(κατενεχθεις απο του υπνου). First aorist (effective) passive showing the final result of the process described by καταφερομενος, finally overcome as a result of (απο) the (note article του) sleep (ablative case). These four participles (καθεζομενοσ, καταφερομενοσ, διαλεγομενου, κατενεχθεις) have no connectives, but are distinguished clearly by case and tense. The difference between the present καταφερομενος and the aorist κατενεχθεις of the same verb is marked.Fell down

(επεσεν κατω). Effective aorist active indicative of πιπτω with the adverb κατω, though καταπιπτω (compound verb) could have been used (Acts 26:14; Acts 28:6). Hobart (Medical Language of St. Luke) thinks that Luke shows a physician's interest in the causes of the drowsiness of Eutychus (the heat, the crowd, the smell of the lamps, the late hour, the long discourse). Cf. Luke 22:45.From the third story

(απο του τριστεγου). From τρεις (three) and στεγη (roof), adjective τριστεγος having three roofs.Was taken up dead

(ηρθη νεκρος). First aorist passive indicative of αιρω. Luke does not say ως (as) or ωσε (Mark 9:26 as if). The people considered him dead and Luke the physician seems to agree with that view.

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Old Testament