When there arose a great dissension

(πολλης της γινομενης στασεως). Present middle participle (genitive absolute). Literally, "dissension becoming much."Lest Paul should be torn in pieces by them

(μη διασπασθη ο Παυλος). First aorist passive subjunctive of διασπαω, to draw in two, to tear in pieces, old verb, in the N.T. only here and Mark 5:4 of tearing chains in two. The subjunctive with μη is the common construction after a verb of fearing (Robertson, Grammar, p. 995).The soldiers

(το στρατευμα). The army, the band of soldiers and so in verse Acts 23:27.To go down

(καταβαν). Second aorist active participle of καταβαινω, having gone down.Take him by force

(αρπασα). To seize. The soldiers were to seize and save Paul from the midst of (εκ μεσου) the rabbis or preachers (in their rage to get at each other). Paul was more of a puzzle to Lysias now than ever.

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Old Testament