Provide beasts

(κτενη παραστησα). Change from direct to indirect discourse just the opposite of that in verse Acts 23:22.Beasts

(κτηνη). For riding as here or for baggage. See on Luke 10:34. Asses or horses, but not war-horses. Since Paul was chained to a soldier, another animal would be required for baggage. It was also seventy miles and a change of horses might be needed. The extreme precaution of Lysias is explained in some Latin MSS. as due to fear of a night attack with the result that he might be accused to Felix of bribery. Luke also probably accompanied Paul.To bring safe

(ινα διασωσωσιν). Final clause with ινα and the first aorist active subjunctive of διασωζω, old verb, to save through (δια) to a finish. Eight times in the N.T. (Matthew 14:36; Luke 7:3; Acts 23:24; Acts 27:43; Acts 27:44; Acts 28:1; Acts 28:4; 1 Peter 3:20).Unto Felix the governor

(προς Φηλικα τον ηγεμονα). Felix was a brother of Pallas, the notorious favourite of Claudius. Both had been slaves and were now freedmen. Felix was made procurator of Judea by Claudius A.D. 52. He held the position till Festus succeeded him after complaints by the Jews to Nero. He married Drusilla the daughter of Herod Agrippa I with the hope of winning the favour of the Jews. He was one of the most depraved men of his time. Tacitus says of him that "with all cruelty and lust he exercised the power of a king with the spirit of a slave." The term "governor" (ηγεμων) means "leader" from ηγεομα, to lead, and was applied to leaders of all sorts (emperors, kings, procurators). In the N.T. it is used of Pilate (Matthew 27:2), of Felix, (Acts 23:24; Acts 23:26; Acts 23:33; Acts 24:1), of Festus (Acts 26:30).

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Old Testament