Lest haply we should be cast ashore on rocky ground

(μη που κατα τραχεις τοπους εκπεσωμεν). The usual construction after a verb of fearing (μη and the aorist subjunctive εκπεσωμεν). Literally, "Lest somewhere (που) we should fall out down against (κατα) rocky places." The change in the soundings made it a very real fear. Τραχεις (rough) is old adjective, but in the N.T. only here and Luke 3:5 (from Isaiah 40:4).Four anchors

(αγκυρας τεσσαρας). Old word from αγκη. In N.T. only in this chapter, with ριπτω here, with εκτεινω in verse Acts 27:30, with περιαιρεω in verse Acts 27:40; and Hebrews 6:19 (figuratively of hope).From the stern

(εκ πρυμνης). Old word, but in N.T. only in Mark 4:38; here and Acts 27:41 in contrast with πρωιρα (prow). The usual practice was and is to anchor by the bows. "With a view to running the ship ashore anchoring from the stern would, it is said, be best" (Page). Nelson is quoted as saying that he had been reading Acts 27:27 the morning of the Battle of Copenhagen (April, 1801) where he anchored his ships from the stern.Wished for the day

(ηυχοντο). Imperfect middle, kept on praying for "day to come" (ημεραν γενεσθα) before the anchors broke under the strain of the storm or began to drag. If the ship had been anchored from the prow, it would have swung round and snapped the anchors or the stern would have faced the beach.

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Old Testament