Acts 4:1

THE CAPTAIN OF THE TEMPLE (ο στρατηγος του ιερου). Twenty-four bands of Levites guarded the temple, one guard at a time. They watched the gates. The commander of each band was called captain (στρατηγος). Josephus names this captain of the temple police next to the high priest (_War_. VI. 5, 3).TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:2

BEING SORE TROUBLED (διαπονουμενο). Present passive participle of old verb διαπονεω (perfective use of δια) to be worked up, indignant. In the N.T. only here and Acts 16:8.BECAUSE (δια το). The articular infinitive with two accusatives, one the object (the people), the other ("they") of general... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:3

IN WARD (εις τηρησιν). Probably in one of the chambers of the temple. In safe keeping (from τηρεω, to guard). Old word, in the N.T. only here and Acts 5:18; 1 Corinthians 7:19. So in papyri.NOW EVENTIDE (εσπερα ηδη). Hence no trial could take place before the next day, a regulation violated in... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:4

MEN (ανδρων). Strictly, men and not women, for ανθρωπος is the term for both men and women. But in Luke 11:31 ανδρες seems to include both men and women and that is possible here, though by no means certain, for see Matthew 14:21 where the women and children are expressly excepted.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:5

RULERS AND ELDERS AND SCRIBES (τους αρχοντας κα τους πρεσβυτερους κα τους γραμματεις). The three classes composing the Sanhedrin (rulers=chief priests who were Sadducees, the scribes usually Pharisees, the elders not in either class: 24 priests, 24 elders, 22 scribes).WERE GATHERED TOGETHER (συ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:6

ANNAS (Hαννας). One of the rulers or chief priests, ex-high priest (A.D. 7-14) and father-in-law ofCAIAPHAS (Καιαφας) who was actual high priest at that time, though the title clung to Annas as here (both so called in Luke 3:2), Caiaphas so by Roman law, Annas so in the opinion of the Jews. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:7

IN THE MIDST (εν τω μεσω). The Sanhedrin sat in a semicircle.THEY INQUIRED (επυνθανοντο). Imperfect middle, began to inquire.OR IN WHAT NAME (η εν ποιω ονοματ). As if by some magical formula such as exorcists practised (Acts 19:13) as if to catch them by (Deuteronomy 13:1).HAVE YE DONE THIS... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:8

FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (πλησθεις πνευματος αγιου). For this occasion and so above all fear as in verse Acts 4:31 and as in Acts 2:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:9

CONCERNING A GOOD DEED DONE TO AN IMPOTENT MAN (επ ευεργεσια ανθρωπου ασθενους). Objective genitive. Note ευεργεσια (old word, in the N.T. only here and 1 Timothy 6:2), as a benefactor, not a malefactor. Skilful turn made by Peter.IS MADE WHOLE (σεσωστα). Perfect passive indicative of σωζω, sta... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:10

BE IT KNOWN (γνωστον εστω). Imperative present active third singular of ειμ, to be, and the verbal adjective γνωστον.WHOM YE CRUCIFIED (ον υμεις εσταυρωσατε). Too good a chance to miss, and so Peter boldly charges the Sanhedrin with responsibility for the death of Jesus. Note υμεις (ye) again.W... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:11

OF YOU THE BUILDERS (υφ' υμων των οικοδομων). The experts, the architects, had rejected Jesus for their building (Psalms 118:22) as Jesus himself had pointed out (Matthew 21:42; Luke 21:17). This very Rejected Stone God had made the head of the corner (either the highest corner stone right under... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:12

SALVATION (η σωτηρια). The Messianic salvation as in Acts 5:31; Acts 17:11 and as Jesus meant in John 4:22. It is amazing to see Peter speaking thus to the Sanhedrin and proclaiming the necessity of salvation (δε σωθηνα) in the name of Jesus Christ and in no other. If this was true then, it is tr... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:13

THE BOLDNESS (την παρρησιαν). Telling it all (παν, ρησια). See also verses Acts 4:29; Acts 4:31. Actually Peter had turned the table on the Sanhedrin and had arraigned them before the bar of God.HAD PERCEIVED (καταλαβομενο). Second aorist middle participle of καταλαμβανω, common verb to grasp s... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:14

THEY COULD SAY NOTHING AGAINST IT (ουδεν ειχον αντειπειν). Imperfect again, they kept on having nothing to say against it. The lame man was standing there before their eyes in proof of what Peter had said.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:15

THEY CONFERRED AMONG THEMSELVES (συνεβαλλον προς αλληλους). Imperfect active again. With Peter and John and the lame man outside, they began to compare (συν, βαλλω) notes and take stock of their predicament.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:16

WHAT SHALL WE DO? (Τ ποιησωμεν). Deliberative aorist active subjunctive (ingressive and urgent aorist).NOTABLE MIRACLE (γνωστον σημειον). Or sign. It was useless to deny it with the man there.WE CANNOT DENY IT (ου δυναμεθα αρνεισθα). That is, it will do no good.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:17

THAT IT SPREAD NO FURTHER (ινα μη επ πλειον διανεμηθη). First aorist passive subjunctive of διανεμω, to distribute with ινα μη, negative purpose.LET US THREATEN THEM (απειλησωμεθα αυτοις). Hortatory aorist middle subjunctive of απειλεω, old verb (note middle voice). In the N.T. only here and 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:18

NOT TO SPEAK AT ALL (καθολου μη φθεγγεσθα). Same construction as above, infinitive in indirect command with negative μη (and μηδε).... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:20

FOR WE CANNOT BUT SPEAK (ου δυναμεθα γαρ ημεισ--μη λαλειν). Both negatives hold here, "For we (note emphatic ημεις) are not able not to speak" (what we saw and heard). This is defiance of the civil and ecclesiastical authorities that was justified, for the temple authorities stepped in between th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:21

WHEN THEY HAD FURTHER THREATENED THEM (προσαπειλησαμενο). The "further" is in "pros" (in addition),FINDING NOTHING HOW THEY MIGHT PUNISH THEM (μηδεν ευρισκοντες το πως κολασωντα αυτους). Note the article "to" before πως (how), "the how." Aorist middle deliberative subjunctive κολασωντα in indir... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:23

TO THEIR OWN COMPANY (προς τους ιδιους). Their own people as in John 1:11; John 13:1; Acts 24:23; 1 Timothy 5:8; Titus 3:14, not merely the apostles (all the disciples). In spite of Peter's courageous defiance he and John told the brotherhood all that had been said by the Sanhedrin. They had real... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:24

WITH ONE ACCORD (ομοθυμαδον). A concert of voices as already seen by the word in Acts 1:14; Acts 2:46 and later in Acts 5:12; Acts 7:57; Acts 15:25.O LORD (Δεσποτα). Our word despot. Old word for relation of master to slaves or household servants (1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Timothy 2:21; Titus 2:9;... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:25

BY THE MOUTH OF OUR FATHER DAVID (του πατρος ημων δια πνευματος αγιου στοματος Δαυειδ). From Psalms 2:1. here ascribed to David. Baumgarten suggests that the whole company sang the second Psalm and then Peter applied it to this emergency. The Greek MSS. do not have δια (by) here before στοματος,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:26

SET THEMSELVES IN ARRAY (παρεστησαν). Literally, stood by.AGAINST HIS ANOINTED (κατα του Χριστου αυτου). Against his Messiah, his Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:27

BOTH HEROD AND PONTIOS PILATE (Hηρωιδης τε κα Ποντιυς Πειλατος). Luke alone (Luke 23:12) tells of the reconciliation between Herod and Pilate at the trial of Jesus. So Peter and the rest interpret this prophecy as directly fulfilled in their conduct towards Jesus Christ.WHOM THOU DIDST ANOINT ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:28

FOREORDAINED (προωρισεν). First aorist active indicative of προοριζω, "They rise above sight and seem to see the Hand which 'shapes men's ends, rough hew them how they will'" (Furneaux).... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:29

AND NOW (κα τα νυν). "And as to (accusative of general reference) the now things (the present situation)." Only in the Acts in the N.T. (Acts 5:38; Acts 17:30; Acts 20:32; Acts 27:22).GRANT (δος). Second aorist active imperative of διδωμ, urgency of the aorist, Do it now.TO SPEAK THY WORD WITH... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:30

WHILE THOU STRETCHEST FORTH THY HAND (εν τω την χειρα εκτεινειν σε). Luke's favourite idiom, "In the stretching out (articular present active infinitive) the hand as to thee" (accusative of general reference), the second allusion to God's "hand" in this prayer (verse Acts 4:28).TO HEAL (εις ιασ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:31

THE PLACE WAS SHAKEN (εσαλευθη ο τοπος). By an earthquake most likely as in Acts 16:26, but none the less a token of God's presence and power (Psalms 114:7; Isaiah 2:19; Isaiah 2:21; Hebrews 12:26).WERE GATHERED TOGETHER (ησαν συνηγμενο). Periphrastic past perfect passive of συναγω.THEY SPAKE... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:32

OF ONE HEART AND SOUL (καρδια κα ψυχη μια). It is not possible to make sharp distinction between heart and soul here (see Mark 12:30), only that there was harmony in thought and affection. But the English translation is curiously unlike the Greek original. "There was one heart and soul (nominativ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:33

GAVE THEIR WITNESS (απεδιδουν το μαρτυριον). Imperfect active of αποδιδωμ, old verb to give back, to pay back a debt (Luke 7:42), but a late omega form instead of the usual απεδιδοσαν. They kept on giving their witness with power after the answer to their prayer (verse Acts 4:31).OF THE RESURRECT... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:34

THAT LACKED (ενδεης). Literally, in need, old adjective, here only in the N.T.WERE (υπηρχον). Imperfect active of υπαρχω, to exist.SOLD THEM AND BROUGHT (πωλουντες εφερον). Present active participle and imperfect active indicative. Selling they brought from time to time, as there was occasion... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:35

DISTRIBUTION WAS MADE (διεδιδετο). Imperfect passive of διαδιδωμ, late omega form for διεδιδοτο (the stem vowel ο displaced by ε). Impersonal use of the verb here.ACCORDING AS ANY ONE HAD NEED (καθοτ αν τις χρειαν ειχεν). Imperfect active of εχω with καθοτ and αν with the notion of customary re... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:36

BARNABAS (Βαρναβας). His name was Joseph (correct text, and not Jesus) and he is mentioned as one illustration of those in verse Acts 4:34 who selling brought the money. The apostles gave him the nickname Barnabas by which later he was known because of this noble deed. This fact argues that all di... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 4:37

HAVING A HELD (υπαρχοντος αυτω αγρου). Genitive absolute with present active participle of υπαρχω and dative of possession.SOLD IT AND BROUGHT (πωλησας ηνεγκεν). Aorist active participle of πωλεω and second aorist active indicative of φερω because a single definite instance. So also with εθηκεν... [ Continue Reading ]

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