When they had further threatened them

(προσαπειλησαμενο). The "further" is in "pros" (in addition),Finding nothing how they might punish them

(μηδεν ευρισκοντες το πως κολασωντα αυτους). Note the article "to" before πως (how), "the how." Aorist middle deliberative subjunctive κολασωντα in indirect question after πως from κολαζω, to lop (κολος, lopped), to curb, to prune, to correct, to punish. Old verb, in the N.T. only here and 2 Peter 2:9.Glorified God

(εδοξαζον τον θεον). Imperfect active, kept on glorifying God while the Sanhedrin were threatening Peter and John. It was to laugh at the helplessness of the Sanhedrin.

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Old Testament