
(ηυξανεν). Imperfect active, kept on growing all the more because the apostles were now relieved from the daily ministration of the food.Multiplied

(επληθυνετο). Imperfect passive. The two imperfects kept pace with each other.Of the priests

(των ιερων). Who were usually Sadducees. It was a sad day for Annas and Caiaphas and all the sect of the Sadducees (Acts 5:17).Were obedient to

(υπηκουον). Imperfect active of υπακουω, repetition, one after another.The faith

(τη πιστε). Here meaning the gospel, the faith system as in Romans 1:5; Galatians 1:23; Judges 1:3, etc. Here the word means more than individual trust in Christ.

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Old Testament