Acts 9:1

YET (ετ). As if some time elapsed between the death of Stephen as is naturally implied by the progressive persecution described in Acts 8:3. The zeal of Saul the persecutor increased with success.BREATHING THREATENING AND SLAUGHTER (ενπνεων απειλης κα φονου). Present active participle of old and... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:2

ASKED (ηιτησατο). First aorist middle indicative, the indirect middle, asked for himself (as a favour to himself). Felten notes that "Saul as a Pharisee makes request of a Sadducee" (the high priest) either Caiaphas if before A.D. 35, but if in 36 Jonathan, son of Caiaphas or if in 37 Theophilus,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:3

AS HE JOURNEYED (εν τω πορευεσθα). Luke's common idiom for a temporal clause (in the journeying), εν with the locative articular middle infinitive.DREW NIGH (εγγιζειν). Present active infinitive, was drawing nigh.SHONE ROUND ABOUT HIM (αυτον περιηστραψεν). First aorist (ingressive) active indi... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:4

HE FELL UPON THE EARTH (πεσων επ την γην). Second aorist active participle. So in Acts 22:7 Paul says: "I fell unto the ground" (επεσα εις το εδαφος) using an old word rather than the common γην. In Acts 26:14 Paul states that "we were all fallen to the earth" (παντων καταπεσοντων ημων εις την γην... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:5

LORD (κυριε). It is open to question if κυριε should not here be translated "Sir" as in Acts 16:30 and in Matthew 21:29; Matthew 21:30; John 5:7; John 12:21; John 20:15; and should be so in John 9:36. It is hardly likely that at this stage Saul recognized Jesus as Lord, though he does so greet him... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:6

The best MSS. do not have "trembling and astonished," and "What wilt thou have me to do, Lord?" The Textus Receptus put these words in here without the authority of a Greek codex. See Acts 22:10 above for the genuine text.IT SHALL BE TOLD THEE (λαληθησετα). Future passive indicative of λαλεω. It i... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:7

THAT JOURNEYED WITH HIM (ο συνοδευοντες αυτω). Not in the older Greek, but in the _Koine_, with the associative instrumental.SPEECHLESS (ενεο). Mute. Only here in N.T., though old word.HEARING THE VOICE, BUT BEHOLDING NO MAN (ακουοντες μεν της φωνησ, μηδενα δε θεωρουντες). Two present active p... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:8

HE SAW NOTHING (ουδεν εβλεπεν). Imperfect active indicative, was seeing nothing. "The glory of that light" (Acts 22:11) when he saw Jesus had blinded his eyes now wide open (ανεωιγμενων, perfect passive participle of ανοιγω with double reduplication). The blindness was proof that something had ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:9

NOT SEEING (μη βλεπων). The usual negative μη of the participle. It was a crisis for Saul, this sudden blindness for three days (ημερας τρεις, accusative of extent of time). Later (Galatians 4:15) Paul has an affection of the eyes which may have been caused by this experience on the road to Damas... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:10

ANANIAS (Hανανιας). Name common enough (cf. Acts 5:1 for another Ananias) and means "Jehovah is gracious." _Nomen et omen_ (Knowling). This Ananias had the respect of both Jews and Christians in Damascus (Acts 22:12).IN A VISION (εν οραματ). Zeller and others scout the idea of the historicity of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:11

TO THE STREET (επ την ρυμην). See on Luke 14:21. A run way (from ρεω, to run) between the houses. So were the narrow lanes or alleys called streets and finally in later Greek the word is applied to streets even when broad.STRAIGHT (ευθειαν). Most of the city lanes were crooked like the streets... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:12

COMING IN AND LAYING (εισελθοντα κα επιθεντα). Second aorist (ingressive) active participles picturing the punctiliar act as a sort of indirect discourse after verbs of sensation (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-2). Some ancient documents do not have "in a vision" here.RECEIVE HIS SIGHT (αναβλεψ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:13

HOW MUCH EVIL (οσα κακα). How many evil things. Saul's reputation (Acts 26:10) as a persecutor had preceded him.TO THY SAINTS (τοις αγιοις). Dative of disadvantage. "Used here for the first time as a name for the Christians" (Knowling), but it came to be the common and normal (Hackett) term for... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:14

HATH AUTHORITY (εχε εξουσιαν). Probably Ananias had received letters from the Christians left in Jerusalem warning him of the coming of Saul. The protest of Ananias to Jesus against any dealing with Saul is a fine illustration of our own narrow ignorance in our rebellious moods against the will o... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:15

A CHOSEN VESSEL (σκευος εκλογης). A vessel of choice or selection. The genitive of quality is common in the Hebrew, as in the vernacular _Koine_. Jesus chose Saul before Saul chose Jesus. He felt of himself that he was an earthen vessel (2 Corinthians 4:7) unworthy of so great a treasure. It was... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:16

I WILL SHEW (υποδειξω). Beforehand as a warning as in Luke 3:7 and from time to time.HE MUST SUFFER (δε αυτον παθειν). Constative aorist active infinitive (παθειν, from πασχω) covering the whole career of Saul. Suffering is one element in the call that Saul receives. He will learn "how many thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:17

LAYING HIS HANDS ON HIM (επιθεις επ' αυτον τας χειρας). As in the vision Saul saw (verse Acts 9:12).BROTHER SAUL (Σαουλ αδελφε). All suspicion has vanished and Ananias takes Saul to his heart as a brother in Christ. It was a gracious word to Saul now under suspicion on both sides.THE LORD, EVEN... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:18

FELL OFF (απεπεσαν). Second aorist active indicative (note--an ending like first aorist) of αποπιπτω, old verb, but here alone in the N.T.AS IF IT WERE SCALES (ως λεπιδες). Chiefly late word (LXX) from λεπω, to peel, and only here in the N.T. See Tobit 11:13, "The white film peeled from his eye... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:19

WAS STRENGTHENED (ενισχυθη). First aorist passive indicative of ενισχυω, to receive strength (ισχυς), comparatively late verb and here only in the N.T. save Luke 22:43 where it is doubtful. Poor verse division. This clause belongs in sense to verse Acts 9:18.SOME DAYS (ημερας τινας). An indefin... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:20

HE PROCLAIMED JESUS (εκηρυσσεν τον Ιησουν). Imperfect indicative, inchoative, began to preach. Jesus, not Christ, is the correct text here. He did this first preaching in the Jewish synagogues, a habit of his life when possible, and following the example of Jesus.THAT HE IS THE SON OF GOD (οτ ου... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:21

WERE AMAZED (εξισταντο). Imperfect middle indicative of εξιστημ. They continued to stand out of themselves in astonishment at this violent reversal in Saul the persecutor.MADE HAVOCK (πορθησας). First aorist active participle of πορθεω, to lay waste, an old verb, but only here and Galatians 1:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:22

INCREASED THE MORE (μαλλον ενεδυναμουτο). Imperfect passive indicative of ενδυναμοω, to receive power (late verb), progressive increase in strength as opposition grew. Saul's recantation stirred controversy and Saul grew in power. See also Paul in Philippians 4:13; 1 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:1; 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:23

WHEN MANY DAYS WERE FULFILLED (Hως επληρουντο ημερα ικανα). Imperfect passive indicative of πληροω, old and common verb, were in process of being fulfilled. How "many" (considerable, ικανα, common word for a long period) Luke does not say nor does he say that Saul spent all of this period in Damas... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:24

PLOT (επιβουλη). Old word for a plan (βουλη) against (επ) one. In the N.T. only in Acts (Acts 9:24; Acts 20:3; Acts 20:19; Acts 23:30).THEY WATCHED (παρετηρουντο). Imperfect middle indicative of παρατηρεω, common verb in late Greek for watching beside (παρα) or insidiously or on the sly as in Lu... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:25

THROUGH THE WALL (δια του τειχους). Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:33 explains δια του τειχους as being δια θυριδος (through a window) which opened into the house on the inside of the wall as is true today in Damascus as Hackett saw there. See Joshua 2:15 (cf. 1 Samuel 19:12) for the way that Rahab let... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:26

HE ASSAYED (επειραζεν). Imperfect active of conative action.TO JOIN HIMSELF (κολλασθα). Present middle (direct) infinitive of conative action again. Same word κολλαω in Luke 15:15; Acts 10:28. See on Matthew 19:5 for discussion.WERE ALL AFRAID OF HIM (παντες εφοβουντο αυτον). They were fearing... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:27

TOOK HIM (επιλαβομενος). Second aorist middle (indirect) participle of επιλαμβανω, common verb to lay hold of. Barnabas saw the situation and took Saul to himself and listened to his story and believed it. It is to the credit of Barnabas that he had the insight and the courage to stand by Saul at... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:28

GOING IN AND GOING OUT (εισπορευμενος κα εκπορευομενος). Barnabas and Peter and James opened all the doors for Saul and the fear of the disciples vanished.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:29

PREACHING BOLDLY (παρρησιαζομενος). For a while. Evidently Saul did not extend his preaching outside of Jerusalem (Galatians 1:22) and in the city preached mainly in the synagogues of the Hellenists (προς τους Hελλενιστας) as Stephen had done (Acts 8:9). As a Cilician Jew he knew how to speak to... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:30

KNEW IT (επιγνοντες). Second aorist active participle of επιγινωσκω, to know fully. The disciples saw it clearly, so theyCONDUCTED (κατηγαγον, effective second aorist active indicative of καταγω).SENT FORTH (εξαπεστειλαν). Double compound (εξ, out, απο, away or off). Sent him out and offTO TA... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:31

SO THE CHURCH (Hη μεν ουν εκκλησια). The singular εκκλησια is undoubtedly the true reading here (all the great documents have it so). By this time there were churches scattered over Judea, Galilee, and Samaria (Galatians 1:22), but Luke either regards the disciples in Palestine as still members of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:33

AENIAS (Αινεαν). Old Greek name and so probably a Hellenistic Jew. He was apparently a disciple already (the saint, verse Acts 9:32). Luke the physician notes that he had been bed ridden for eight years. See on Acts 5:15 for "bed" (κραβαττου) and Acts 8:7; Luke 5:18 for "paralyzed" (παραλελυμενος... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:34

HEALETH (ιατα). Aoristic present middle indicative, heals here and now.MAKE THY BED (στρωσον σεαυτω). First aorist (ingressive) active imperative of στρωννυμ (-υω). Old word with "bed" (κραβαττον) understood as the object. Literally, spread thy bed for thyself (dative case), what others for eig... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:36

AT JOPPA (Εν Ιοππη). The modern Jaffa, the port of Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 2:16).DISCIPLE (μαθητρια). Feminine form of μαθητης, a learner from μανθανω, to learn, a late word and only here in the N.T.TABITHA (Ταβειθα). Aramaic form of the Hebrew _Tsebi_ and, like the Greek wordDORCAS (Δορκας)... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:37

IN AN UPPER CHAMBER (εν υπερωιω). See on Acts 1:13. Also in verse Acts 9:39. In that house. This service was rendered by the women, though Luke has λουσαντες (masculine plural aorist active participle of λουω), a general way of saying "they washed." The interment was not hurried as in Jerusalem ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:38

DELAY NOT (μη οκνησηις). Ingressive aorist active subjunctive in prohibition. Direct discourse and not indirect as late MSS. have (aorist active infinitive, οκνησα). Possibly the two messengers started before Dorcas was quite dead, though we do not know. Peter had recently healed Aeneas and the d... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:39

STOOD BY HIM (παρεστησαν αυτω). Second aorist active indicative, intransitive, of παριστημ). Vivid picture of this group of widows as they stood around Peter, weeping (κλαιουσα) and showing (επιδεικνυμενα, present middle as belonging to themselves, pointing with pride to) the very inner garments... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:40

PUT THEM ALL FORTH (εκβαλων εξω παντας). Second aorist (effective) active participle of εκβαλλω, a rather strong word, perhaps with some difficulty. Cf. Mark 5:40 which incident Peter may have recalled. The words are not genuine in Luke 8:54. Peter's praying alone reminds one of Elijah (1 Kings 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:41

RAISED HER UP (ανεστησεν αυτην). First aorist active indicative, transitive, of ανιστημ.PRESENTED (παρεστησεν). First aorist active indicative, transitive of παριστημ (cf. intransitive second aorist in verse Acts 9:39 above). It was a joyful time for Peter, the widows, all the saints, and for D... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 9:43

MANY DAYS (ημερας ικανας). See on verse Acts 9:23. Luke is fond of the phrase and uses it for time, number, size. It might be "ten days, ten months, or ten years" (Page).WITH ONE SIMON A TANNER (παρα τιν Σιμων βυρσε). The use of παρα is usual for staying with one (by his side). "The more scrupu... [ Continue Reading ]

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