If so be that ye continue in the faith

(ε γε επιμενετε τη πιστε). Condition of the first class (determined as fulfilled), with a touch of eagerness in the use of γε (at least). Επ adds to the force of the linear action of the present tense (continue and then some).Pistei

is in the locative case (in faith).Grounded

(τεθεμελιωμενο). Perfect passive participle of θεμελιοω, old verb from θεμελιος (adjective, from θεμα from τιθημ, laid down as a foundation, substantive, 1 Corinthians 3:11). Picture of the saint as a building like Ephesians 2:20.Steadfast

(εδραιο). Old adjective from εδρα (seat). In N.T. only here, 1 Corinthians 7:37; 1 Corinthians 15:58. Metaphor of seated in a chair.Not moved away

(μη μετακινουμενο). Present passive participle (with negative μη) of μετακινεω, old verb, to move away, to change location, only here in N.T. Negative statement covering the same ground.From the hope of the gospel

(απο της ελπιδος του ευαγγελιου). Ablative case with απο. The hope given by or in the gospel and there alone.Which ye heard

(ου ηκουσατε). Genitive case of relative either by attraction or after ηκουσατε. The Colossians had in reality heard the gospel from Epaphras.Preached

(κηρυχθεντος). First aorist passive participle of κηρυσσω, to herald, to proclaim.In all creation

(εν παση κτισε). Κτισις is the act of founding (Romans 1:20) from κτιζω (verse Colossians 1:16), then a created thing (Romans 1:25), then the sum of created things as here and Revelation 3:14. It is hyperbole, to be sure, but Paul does not say that all men are converted, but only that the message has been heralded abroad over the Roman Empire in a wider fashion than most people imagine.A minister

(διακονος). General term for service (δια, κονις, raising a dust by speed) and used often as here of preachers like our "minister" today, one who serves. Jesus used the verb διακονησα of himself (Mark 10:45). Our "deacon" is this word transliterated and given a technical meaning as in Philippians 1:1.

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Old Testament