That ye may be filled with

(ινα πληρωθητε). First aorist (effective) passive subjunctive of πληροω, to fill full.The knowledge of his will

(την επιγνωσιν του θεληματος αυτου). The accusative case is retained with this passive verb. Επιγνωσις is a Koine word (Polybius, Plutarch, etc.) for additional (επ) or full knowledge. The word is the keynote of Paul's reply to the conceit of Gnosticism. The cure for these intellectual upstarts is not ignorance, not obscurantism, but more knowledge of the will of God.In all spiritual wisdom and understanding

(εν παση σοφια κα συνεσε πνευματικη). Both πασε (all) and πνευματικη (spiritual) are to be taken with both σοφια and συνεσε. In Ephesians 1:8 Paul uses φρονησε (from φρην, intellect) rather than συνεσε (grasp, from συνιημ, to send together). Συνεσις is the faculty of deciding in particular cases while σοφια gives the general principles (Abbott). Paul faces Gnosticism with full front and wishes the freest use of all one's intellectual powers in interpreting Christianity. The preacher ought to be the greatest man in the world for he has to deal with the greatest problems of life and death.

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Old Testament