Which things

(ατινα). "Which very things," these ascetic regulations.Have indeed a show of wisdom

(εστιν λογον μεν εχοντα σοφιας). Periphrastic present indicative with εστιν in the singular, but present indicative εχοντα in the plural (ατινα). Λογον σοφιας is probably "the repute of wisdom" (Abbott) like Plato and Herodotus. Μεν (in deed) has no corresponding δε.In will-worship

(εν εθελοθρησκια). This word occurs nowhere else and was probably coined by Paul after the pattern of εθελοδουλεια, to describe the voluntary worship of angels (see Colossians 2:18).And humility

(κα ταπεινοφροσυνη). Clearly here the bad sense, "in mock humility."And severity to the body

(κα αφειδια σωματος). Old word (Plato) from αφειδης, unsparing (α privative, φειδομα, to spare). Here alone in N.T. Ascetics often practice flagellations and other hardnesses to the body.Not of any value

(ουκ εν τιμη τιν). Τιμη usually means honour or price.Against the indulgence of the flesh

(προς πλησμονην της σαρκος). These words are sharply debated along with τιμη just before. It is not unusual for προς to be found in the sense of "against" rather than "with" or "for." See προς in sense ofagainst

in Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:12; 1 Corinthians 6:1. Πλησμονη is an old word from πιμπλημ, to fill and means satiety. It occurs here only in the N.T. Peake is inclined to agree with Hort and Haupt that there is a primitive corruption here. But the translation in the Revised Version is possible and it is true that mere rules do not carry us very far in human conduct as every father or mother knows, though we must have some regulations in family and state and church. But they are not enough of themselves.

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Old Testament