This I say

(τουτο λεγω). Paul explains why he has made this great claim for Christ at this point in his discussion.May delude

(παραλογιζητα). Present middle subjunctive of παραλογιζομα, old verb, only here in N.T., from παρα and λογιζομα, to count aside and so wrong, to cheat by false reckoning, to deceive by false reasoning (Epictetus).With persuasiveness of speech

(εν πιθανολογια). Rare word (Plato) from πιθανος and λογος, speech, adapted to persuade, then speciously leading astray. Only here in N.T. One papyrus example. The art of persuasion is the height of oratory, but it easily degenerates into trickery and momentary and flashy deceit such as Paul disclaimed in 1 Corinthians 2:4 (ουκ εν πιθοις σοφιας λογοις) where he uses the very adjective πιθος (persuasive) of which πιθανος (both from πειθω) is another form. It is curious how winning champions of error, like the Gnostics and modern faddists, can be with plausibility that catches the gullible.

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Old Testament