Ephesians 3:1

FOR THIS CAUSE (τουτου χαριν). Use of χαριν (accusative of χαρις) as a preposition with the genitive and referring to the preceding argument about God's elective grace. It is possible that Paul started to make the prayer that comes in verses Ephesians 3:14-21 when he repeats τουτου χαριν. If so,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:2

IF SO BE THAT YE HAVE HEARD (ε γε ηκουσατε). Condition of first class with ε and first aorist active indicative and with the intensive particle γε that gives a delicate touch to it all. On οικονομιαν (stewardship, dispensation) see Ephesians 1:9; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:25.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:3

BY REVELATION (κατα αποκαλυψιν). Not essentially different from δι' αποκαλυψεως (Galatians 1:12). This was Paul's qualification for preaching "the mystery" (το μυστηριον. See Ephesians 1:9).AS I WROTE AFORE (καθως προεγραψα). First aorist active indicative of προγραφω as in Romans 15:4, not pict... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:4

WHEREBY (προς ο). "Looking to which," "according to which."WHEN YE READ (αναγινωσκοντες). This Epistle will be read in public.MY UNDERSTANDING IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST (την συνεσιν μου εν τω μυστηριω του Χριστου). My "comprehension" (συνεσιν, Colossians 1:9; Colossians 2:2). Every sermon reve... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:5

IN OTHER GENERATIONS (ετεραις γενεαις). Locative case of time. He had already claimed this revelation for himself (verse Ephesians 3:3). Now he claims it for all the other apostles and prophets of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:6

TO WIT . Not in the Greek. But the infinitive (εινα) clause is epexegetical and gives the content of the revelation, a common idiom in the N.T. Τα εθνη is in the accusative of general reference. Paul is fond of compounds with συν and here uses three of them.FELLOW-HEIRS (συνκληρονομα). Late and... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:8

UNTO ME WHO AM LESS THAN THE LEAST OF ALL SAINTS (εμο τω ελαχιστοτερω παντων αγιων). Dative case εμο with ελοθη. The peculiar form ελαχιστοτερω (in apposition with εμο) is a comparative (-τερος) formed on the superlative ελαχιστος. This sort of thing was already done in the older Greek like εσχατ... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:9

TO MAKE SEE (φωτισα). First aorist active infinitive of φοτιζω, late verb, to turn the light on. With the eyes of the heart enlightened (Ephesians 1:18) one can then turn the light for others to see. See Colossians 1:26.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:10

TO THE INTENT THAT (ινα). Final clause.MIGHT BE MADE KNOWN (γνωρισθη). First aorist passive subjunctive of γνωριζω with ινα. The mystery was made known to Paul (Ephesians 3:3) and now he wants it blazoned forth to all powers (Gnostic aeons or what not).THROUGH THE CHURCH (δια της εκκλησιας).... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:11

ACCORDING TO THE ETERNAL PURPOSE (κατα προθεσιν των αιωνων). "According to the purpose (Ephesians 1:11) of the ages." God's purpose runs on through the ages. "Through the ages one eternal purpose runs.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:12

IN CONFIDENCE (εν πεποιθησε). Late and rare word from πεποιθα. See 2 Corinthians 1:15.THROUGH OUR FAITH IN HIM (δια της πιστεως αυτου). Clearly objective genitive αυτου (in him).... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:13

THAT YE FAINT NOT (μη ενκακειν). Object infinitive with μη after αιτουμα. The infinitive (present active) ενκακειν is a late and rare word (see already Luke 18:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 4:1; 2 Corinthians 4:16; Galatians 6:9) and means to behave badly in, to give in to evil (εν, κακο... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:14

I BOW MY KNEES (καμπτω τα γονατα μου). He now prays whether he had at first intended to do so at Ephesians 3:1 or not. Calvin supposes that Paul knelt as he dictated this prayer, but this is not necessary. This was a common attitude in prayer (Luke 22:41; Acts 7:40; Acts 20:36; Acts 21:5), though... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:15

EVERY FAMILY (πασα πατρια). Old word (πατρα is the usual form) from πατηρ, descent from a common ancestor as a tribe or race. Some take it here as = πατροτης, fatherhood, but that is most unlikely. Paul seems to mean that all the various classes of men on earth and of angels in heaven get the nam... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:16

THAT HE WOULD GRANT YOU (ινα δω υμιν). Sub-final clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of διδωμ, to give. There are really five petitions in this greatest of all Paul's prayers (one already in Ephesians 1:16-23), two by the infinitives after ινα δω (κραταιωθηναι, κατοικησα), tw... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:17

THAT CHRIST MAY DWELL (κατοικησα τον Χριστον). Another infinitive (first aorist active) after ινα δω. Κατοικεω is an old verb to make one's home, to be at home. Christ (Χριστον accusative of general reference) is asked to make his home in our hearts. This is the ideal, but a deal of fixing would... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:18

THAT YE MAY BE STRONG (ινα εξισχυσητε). Sub-final clause again with ινα and the first aorist active subjunctive of εξισχυω, a late and rare compound (from εξ, ισχυω) to have full strength. Here only in N.T.TO APPREHEND (καταλαβεσθα). Second aorist middle infinitive of καταλαμβανω, old and commo... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:19

AND TO KNOW (γνωνα τε). Second aorist active infinitive with εξισχυσητε.WHICH PASSETH KNOWLEDGE (την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως). Ablative case γνωσεως after υπερβαλλουσαν (from υπερβαλλω). All the same Paul dares to scale this peak.THAT YE MAY BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD (ινα πληρωθη... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:20

THAT IS ABLE TO DO (τω δυναμενω ποιησα). Dative case of the articular participle (present middle of δυναμα). Paul is fully aware of the greatness of the blessings asked for, but the Doxology ascribes to God the power to do them for us.ABOVE ALL (υπερ παντα). Not simply παντα, but υπερ beyond an... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 3:21

IN THE CHURCH (εν τη εκκλησια). The general church, the body of Christ.AND IN CHRIST JESUS (κα εν Χριστω Ιησου). The Head of the glorious church.... [ Continue Reading ]

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