Ephesians 5:1

IMITATORS OF GOD (μιμητα του θεου). This old word from μιμεομα Paul boldly uses. If we are to be like God, we must imitate him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:2

AN OFFERING AND A SACRIFICE TO GOD (προσφοραν κα θυσιαν τω θεω). Accusative in apposition with εαυτον (himself). Christ's death was an offering to God "in our behalf" (υπερ ημων) not an offering to the devil (Anselm), a ransom (λυτρον) as Christ himself said (Matthew 20:28), Christ's own view of... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:3

OR COVETOUSNESS (η πλεονεξια). In bad company surely. Debasing like sensuality.AS BECOMETH SAINTS (καθως πρεπε αγιοις). It is "unbecoming" for a saint to be sensual or covetous.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:4

FILTHINESS (αισχροτης). Old word from αισχρος (base), here alone in N.T.FOOLISH TALKING (μωρολογια). Late word from μωρολογος (μωροσ, λογος), only here in N.T.JESTING (ευτραπελια). Old word from ευτραπελος (ευ, τρεπω, to turn) nimbleness of wit, quickness in making repartee (so in Plato and P... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:5

YE KNOW OF A SURETY (ιστε γινωσκοντες). The correct text has ιστε, not εστε. It is the same form for present indicative (second person plural) and imperative, probably indicative here, "ye know." But why γινωσκοντες added? Probably, "ye know recognizing by your own experience."NO (πασ--ου). Com... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:6

WITH EMPTY WORDS (κενοις λογοις). Instrumental case. Probably Paul has in mind the same Gnostic praters as in Colossians 2:4. See Ephesians 2:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:7

PARTAKERS WITH THEM (συνμετοχο αυτων). Late double compound, only here in N.T., joint (συν) shares with (μετοχο) them (αυτων). These Gnostics.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:9

THE FRUIT OF LIGHT (ο καρπος του φωτος). Two metaphors (fruit, light) combined. See Galatians 5:22 for "the fruit of the Spirit." The late MSS. have "spirit" here in place of "light."GOODNESS (αγαθοσυνη). Late and rare word from αγαθος. See 2 Thessalonians 1:11; Galatians 5:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:11

HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH (μη συνκοινωνειτε). No partnership with, present imperative with μη. Followed by associative instrumental case εργοις (works).UNFRUITFUL (ακαρποις). Same metaphor of verse Ephesians 5:9 applied to darkness (σκοτος).REPROVE (ελεγχετε). Convict by turning the light on th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:12

IN SECRET (κρυφη). Old adverb, only here in N.T. Sin loves the dark.EVEN TO SPEAK OF (κα λεγειν). And yet one must sometimes speak out, turn on the light, even if to do so is disgraceful (αισχρον, like 1 Corinthians 11:6).... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:13

ARE MADE MANIFEST BY THE LIGHT (υπο του φωτος φανερουτα). Turn on the light. Often the preacher is the only man brave enough to turn the light on the private sins of men and women or even those of a community.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:14

WHEREFORE HE SAITH (διο λεγε). Apparently a free adaptation of Isaiah 26:19; Isaiah 60:1. The form αναστα for αναστηθ (second person singular imperative second aorist active of ανιστημ) occurs in Acts 12:7.SHALL SHINE (επιφαυσε). Future active of επιφαυσκω, a form occurring in Job (Job 25:5; Jo... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:15

CAREFULLY (ακριβως). Aleph B 17 put ακριβως before πως (how) instead of πως ακριβως (how exactly ye walk) as the Textus Receptus has it. On ακριβως (from ακριβης) see Matthew 2:8; Luke 1:3.UNWISE (ασοφο). Old adjective, only here in N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:18

BE NOT DRUNKEN WITH WINE (μη μεθυσκεσθε οινω). Present passive imperative of μεθυσκω, old verb to intoxicate. Forbidden as a habit and to stop it also if guilty. Instrumental case οινω.RIOT (ασωτια). Old word from ασωτος (adverb ασωτως in Luke 15:13), in N.T. only here, Titus 1:6; 1 Peter 4:4.B... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:19

TO THE LORD (τω Κυριω). The Lord Jesus. In Colossians 3:16 we have τω θεω (to God) with all these varieties of praise, another proof of the deity of Christ. See Colossians 3:16 for discussion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:20

IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (εν ονοματ του Κυριου ημων Ιησου Χριστου). Jesus had told the disciples to use his name in prayer (John 16:23).TO GOD, EVEN THE FATHER (τω θεω κα πατρ). Rather, "the God and Father.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:21

SUBJECTING YOURSELVES TO ONE ANOTHER (υποτασσομενο αλληλοις). Present middle participle of υποτασσω, old military figure to line up under (Colossians 3:18). The construction here is rather loose, coordinate with the preceding participles of praise and prayer. It is possible to start a new paragra... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:22

BE IN SUBJECTION . Not in the Greek text of B and Jerome knew of no MS. with it. K L and most MSS. have υποτασσεσθε like Colossians 3:18, while Aleph A P have υποτασσεσθÂωσαν (let them be subject to). But the case of ανδρασιν (dative) shows that the verb is understood from verse Ephesians 5:21 if... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:23

FOR THE HUSBAND IS THE HEAD OF THE WIFE (οτ ανηρ εστιν κεφαλη της γυναικος). "For a husband is head of the (his) wife." No article with ανηρ or κεφαλη.AS CHRIST ALSO IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH (ως κα ο Χριστος κεφαλη της εκκλησιας). No article with κεφαλη, "as also Christ is head of the church.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:24

BUT (αλλα). Perhaps, "nevertheless," in spite of the difference just noted. Once again the verb υποτασσω has to be supplied in the principal clause before τοις ανδρασιν either as indicative (υποτασσοντα) or as imperative (υποτασσεσθωσαν).... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:25

EVEN AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED THE CHURCH (καθως κα ο Χριστος ηγαπησεν την εκκλησιαν). This is the wonderful new point not in Colossians 3:19 that lifts this discussion of the husband's love for his wife to the highest plane.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:26

THAT HE MIGHT SANCTIFY IT (ινα αυτην αγιαση). Purpose clause with ινα and the first aorist active subjunctive of αγιαζω. Jesus stated this as his longing and his prayer (John 17:17-19). This was the purpose of Christ's death (verse Ephesians 5:25).HAVING CLEANSED IT (καθαρισας). First aorist ac... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:27

THAT HE MIGHT PRESENT (ινα παραστηση). Final clause with ινα and first aorist active subjunctive of παριστημ (see Colossians 1:22 for parallel) as in 2 Corinthians 11:2 of presenting the bride to the bridegroom. Note both αυτος (himself) and εαυτω (to himself).GLORIOUS (ενδοξον). Used of splend... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:28

EVEN SO OUGHT (ουτως οφειλουσιν). As Christ loves the church (his body). And yet some people actually say that Paul in Ephesians 5:1 gives a degrading view of marriage. How can one say that after reading Ephesians 5:22-33 where the noblest picture of marriage ever drawn is given?... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:29

NOURISHETH (εκτρεφε). Old compound with perfective sense of εκ (to nourish up to maturity and on). In N.T. only here and Ephesians 6:4.CHERISHETH (θαλπε). Late and rare word, once in a marriage contract in a papyrus. In N.T. only here and 1 Thessalonians 2:7. Primarily it means to warm (Latin _... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:30

OF HIS FLESH AND OF HIS BONES (εκ της σαρκος αυτου κα εκ των οστεων αυτου). These words are in the Textus Receptus (Authorized Version) supported by D G L P cursives Syriac, etc., though wanting in Aleph A B 17 Bohairic. Certainly not genuine.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:31

FOR THIS CAUSE (αντ τουτου). "Answering to this" = ενεκεν τουτου of Genesis 2:24, in the sense of αντ seen in ανθ' ων (Luke 12:3). This whole verse is a practical quotation and application of the language to Paul's argument here. In Matthew 19:5 Jesus quotes Genesis 2:24. It seems absurd to make... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:32

THIS MYSTERY IS GREAT (το μυστηριον τουτο μεγα εστιν). For the word "mystery" see Ephesians 1:9. Clearly Paul means to say that the comparison of marriage to the union of Christ and the church is the mystery. He makes that plain by the next words.BUT I SPEAK (εγω δε λεγω). "Now I mean." Cf. 1 C... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 5:33

NEVERTHELESS (πλην). "Howbeit," not to dwell unduly (Abbott) on the matter of Christ and the church.DO YE ALSO SEVERALLY LOVE (κα υμεις ο καθ' ενα εκαστος αγαπατω). An unusual idiom. The verb αγαπατω (present active imperative) agrees with εκαστος and so is third singular instead of αγαπατε (se... [ Continue Reading ]

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