If a man be overtaken

(εαν κα προλημφθη ανθρωπος). Condition of third class, first aorist passive subjunctive of προλαμβανω, old verb to take beforehand, to surprise, to detect.Trespass

(παραπτωματ). Literally, a falling aside, a slip or lapse in the papyri rather than a wilful sin. In Polybius and Diodorus. Koine word.Ye which are spiritual

(ο πνευματικο). See on 1 Corinthians 3:1. The spiritually led (Galatians 5:18), the spiritual experts in mending souls.Restore

(καταρτιζετε). Present active imperative of καταρτιζω, the very word used in Matthew 4:21 of mending nets, old word to make αρτιος, fit, to equip thoroughly.Looking to thyself

(σκοπων σεαυτον). Keeping an eye on as in 2 Corinthians 4:18 like a runner on the goal.Lest thou also be tempted

(μη κα συ πειρασθηις). Negative purpose with first aorist passive subjunctive. Spiritual experts (preachers in particular) need this caution. Satan loves a shining mark.

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Old Testament