Ministering spirits

(λειτουργικα πνευματα). Thayer says that λειτουργικος was not found in profane authors, but it occurs in the papyri for "work tax" (money in place of service) and for religious service also. The word is made from λειτουργια (Luke 1:23; Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 9:21).Sent forth

(αποστελλομενα). Present passive participle of αποστελλω, sent forth repeatedly, from time to time as occasion requires.For the sake of

(δια). With the accusative, the usual causal meaning of δια.That shall inherit

(τους μελλοντας κληρονομειν). "That are going to inherit," common idiom of μελλω (present active participle) with the infinitive (present active here), "destined to inherit" (Matthew 11:14).Salvation

(σωτηριαν). Here used of the final salvation in its consummation. Only here in the N.T. do we have "inherent salvation," but see Hebrews 6:12; Hebrews 12:17. We do not have here the doctrine of special guardian angels for each of us, but simply the fact that angels are used for our good. "And if so, may we not be aided, inspired, guided by a cloud of witnesses--not witnesses only, but helpers, agents like ourselves of the immanent God?" (Sir Oliver Lodge, The Hibbert Journal, Jan., 1903, p. 223).

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Old Testament