
(σκιαν). The contrast here between σκια (shadow, shade caused by interruption of light as by trees, Mark 4:32) and εικων (image or picture) is striking. Christ is the εικων of God (2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15). In Colossians 2:17 Paul draws a distinction between σκια for the Jewish rites and ceremonies and σωμα for the reality in Christ. Children are fond of shadow pictures. The law gives only a dim outline of the good things to come (Hebrews 9:11).Continually

(εις το διηνεκες). See this phrase also in Hebrews 7:3; Hebrews 9:12; Hebrews 9:14. Nowhere else in N.T. From διηνεγκα (διαφερω), to bear through.They can

(δυναντα). This reading leaves ο νομος a nominativus pendens (an anacoluthon). But many MSS. read δυνατα (it--the law--can). For the idea and use of τελειωσα see Hebrews 9:9.

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Old Testament