
(εκδοχη). Usually reception or interpretation from εκδεχομα (Hebrews 11:10), only here in N.T. and in unusual sense like προσδοκια, like απεκδεχομα (Romans 8:19; Romans 8:23; Romans 8:25), this sense apparently "coined by the writer" (Moffatt) from his use of εκδεχομα in Hebrews 10:13. The papyri have it in the sense of interpretation.A fierceness of fire

(πυρος ζηλος). An anger (zeal, jealousy) marked (genitive) by fire. Language kin to that in Isaiah 26:11; Zephaniah 1:19; Psalms 79:5. See also 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10 for a like picture of destined doom.Devour

(εσθιειν). "To eat" (figuratively), present active infinitive.The adversaries

(τους υπεναντιους). Old double compound adjective (υπο, εν, αντιος), in N.T. only here and Colossians 2:14. Those directly opposite.

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Old Testament