How much

(ποσω). Instrumental case of degree or measure. An argument from the less to the greater, "the first of Hillel's seven rules for exegesis" (Moffatt).Think ye

(δοκειτε). An appeal to their own sense of justice about apostates from Christ.Sorer

(χειρονος). "Worse," comparative of κακος (bad).Punishment

(τιμωριας). Genitive case with αξιωθησετα (first future passive of αξιοω, to deem worthy). The word τιμωρια originally meant vengeance. Old word, in LXX, only here in N.T.Who hath trodden under foot the Son of God

(ο τον υιον του θεου καταπατησας). First aorist active articular participle of καταπατεω, old verb (Matthew 5:13) for scornful neglect like Zechariah 12:3. See same idea in Hebrews 6:6.Wherewith he was sanctified

(εν ω ηγιασθη). First aorist passive indicative of αγιαζω. It is an unspeakable tragedy that should warn every follower of Christ not to play with treachery to Christ (cf. Hebrews 6:4-8).An unholy thing

(κοινον). Common in the sense of uncleanness as Peter used it in Acts 10:14. Think of one who thus despises "the blood of Christ wherewith he was sanctified." And yet there are a few today who sneer at the blood of Christ and the gospel based on his atoning sacrifice as "a slaughter house" religion!Hath done despite

(ενυβρισας). First aorist active participle of ενυβριζω, old verb to treat with contumely, to give insult to, here only in the N.T. It is a powerful word for insulting the Holy Spirit after receiving his blessings (Hebrews 6:4).

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Old Testament