By faith

(πιστε). Instrumental case of πιστις which he now illustrates in a marvellous way. Each example as far as verse Hebrews 11:31 is formally and with rhetorical skill introduced by πιστε. After that only a summary is given.We understand

(νοουμεν). Present active indicative of νοεω, old verb (from νους, intellect) as in Matthew 15:17; Romans 1:20. The author appeals to our knowledge of the world in which these heroes lived as an illustration of faith. Recent books by great scientists like Eddington and Jeans confirm the position here taken that a Supreme Mind is behind and before the universe. Science can only stand still in God's presence and believe like a little child.The worlds

(τους αιωνας). "The ages" as in Hebrews 1:2 (cf. Einstein's fourth dimension, time). Accusative case of general reference.Have been framed

(κατηρτισθα). Perfect passive infinitive of καταρτιζω, to mend, to equip, to perfect (Luke 6:40), in indirect discourse after νοουμεν.So that

(εις το). As a rule εις το with the infinitive is final, but sometimes as here it expresses result as in Romans 12:3 (Robertson, Grammar, p. 1003).Hath been made

(γεγονενα). Perfect active infinitive of γινομα.What is seen

(το βλεπομενον). Present passive articular participle (accusative case of general reference) of βλεπω.Of things which do appear

(εκ φαινομενων). Ablative case with εκ (out of) of the present passive participle. The author denies the eternity of matter, a common theory then and now, and places God before the visible universe as many modern scientists now gladly do.

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Old Testament