
(φοβερον). As in Hebrews 10:27; Hebrews 10:31, only in Heb. in N.T.The appearance

(το φανταζομενον). Present passive articular participle of φανταζω, old verb from φαινω, to make visible, here only in N.T. "The manifestation."I exceedingly fear and quake

(εκφοβος ειμ κα εντρομος). "I am terrified (εκφοβος, late compound like εκφοβεω, to frighten, Mark 9:6) and trembling" (εντρομος, late compound like εντρεμω, to tremble at, as in Acts 7:32; Acts 16:29). Εκφοβος is quoted from Deuteronomy 9:19.

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Old Testament