Hath been counted worthy of more glory than Moses

(πλειονος δοξης παρα Μωυσην ηξιωτα). Perfect passive indicative of αξιοω, to deem worthy, permanent situation described with definite claim of Christ's superiority to Moses. Δοξης in genitive case after ηξιωτα. For παρα after the comparative πλειονος see Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews 1:9; Hebrews 2:7.By so much as

(καθ' οσον). A proportionate measurement (common use of κατα and the quantitative relative οσος).Than the house

(του οικου). Ablative case of comparison after πλειονα. The architect is superior to the house just as Sir Christopher Wren is superior to St. Paul's Cathedral. The point in the argument calls for Jesus as the builder (ο κατασκευασας, first aorist active participle of κατασκευαζω, to found or build). But it is God's house as αυτου means (verses Hebrews 3:2; Hebrews 3:5) and ου in verse Hebrews 3:6. This house of God existed before Moses (Hebrews 11:2; Hebrews 11:25). Jesus as God's Son founded and supervised this house of God.

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Old Testament