Whose house are we

(ου οικος εσμεν ημεις). We Christians (Jew and Gentile) looked at as a whole, not as a local organization.If we hold fast

(εαν κατασχωμεν). Condition of third class with εαν and second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of κατεχω. This note of contingency and doubt runs all through the Epistle. We are God's house if we do not play the traitor and desert.Boldness

(παρρησιαν)and glorying

(κα καυχημα) some had lost. The author makes no effort to reconcile this warning with God's elective purpose. He is not exhorting God, but these wavering Christians. All these are Pauline words. B does not have μεχρ τελους βεβαιαν (firm unto the end), but it is clearly genuine in verse Hebrews 3:14. He pleads for intelligent confidence.

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Old Testament