
(τελειωσις). Abstract substantive of τελειοω. More the act than the quality or state (τελειοτης, Hebrews 6:1). The condition is of the second class, "if there were perfection, etc." The Levitical priesthood failed to give men "a perfectly adequate relation to God" (Moffatt).Priesthood

(ιεροσυνης). Old word, in N.T. only here, verses Hebrews 7:12; Hebrews 7:24. Cf. ιερετια in verse Hebrews 7:5. The adjective Λευειτικη occurs in Philo.Received the law

(νενομοθετητα). Perfect passive indicative of νομοθετεω, old compound to enact law (νομοσ, τιθημ), to furnish with law (as here), only other N.T. example in Hebrews 8:6.What further need was there?

(τις ετ χρεια;). No copula expressed, but it would normally be ην αν, not just ην: "What need still would there be?"Another priest

(ετερον ιερεα). Of a different line (ετερον), not just one more (αλλον). Accusative of general reference with the infinitive ανιστασθα (present middle of ανιστημ intransitive).And not to be reckoned

(κα ου λεγεσθα). The negative ου belongs rather to the descriptive clause than just to the infinitive.

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Old Testament