
(λειτουργος). See on Romans 13:6; Philippians 2:25.Of the sanctuary

(των αγιων). "Of the holy places" (τα αγια), without any distinction (like Hebrews 9:8; Hebrews 10:19; Hebrews 13:11) between the holy place and the most holy place as in Hebrews 9:2.Of the true tabernacle

(της σκηνης της αληθινης). By way of explanation of των αγιων. For σκηνη see Matthew 17:4 and σκηνος (2 Corinthians 5:1), old word used here for the antitype or archetype of the tabernacle in the wilderness in which Aaron served, the ideal tabernacle in heaven of which the earthly tabernacle was a symbol and reproduced in the temple which merely copied the tabernacle. Hence it is the "genuine" tabernacle and see John 1:9 for αληθινος.Pitched

(επηξεν). First aorist active indicative of πηγνυμ, old verb to fasten as the pegs of a tent, here only in the N.T. Cf. Numbers 24:6.

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Old Testament