In the day that I took them

(εν ημερα επιλαβομενου μου). Genitive absolute (μου and second aorist middle participle of επιλαμβανω), "a Hellenistic innovation" (Moffatt) in imitation of the Hebrew after ημερα in place of εν η επελαβομεν, occurring also in Barn. 2:28.By the hand

(της χειρος). Technical use of the genitive of the part affected.To lead them forth

(εξαγαγειν αυτους). Second aorist active infinitive of εξαγω to denote purpose.For they continued not

(οτ αυτο ουκ ενεμειναν). First aorist active indicative of εμμενω, old verb to remain in (Acts 14:22). The Israelites broke the covenant. Then God annulled it.I regarded not

(ημελησα). "I neglected" as in Hebrews 2:3. The covenant was void when they broke it.

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Old Testament