I may almost say

(σχεδον). Old adverb, only three times in the N.T., here, Acts 13:44; Acts 19:26. Here it qualifies the entire clause, not just παντα.With blood

(εν αιματ). In blood. There were exceptions (Exodus 19:10; Exodus 32:30; Leviticus 5:11; Leviticus 15:5; Numbers 16:46; Numbers 31:23, etc.).Apart from shedding of blood

(χωρις αιματεκχυσιας). A double compound first found here (coined by the writer) and later in ecclesiastical writers (αιμα, blood, εκ, out, χεω, to pour, like εκχυσις αιματος 1 Kings 18:28). "Pouring out of blood." The author seems to have in mind Christ's words in Matthew 26:28: "This is my blood of the covenant which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." The blood is the vital principle and is efficacious as an atonement. The blood of Christ sets aside all other plans for pardon.

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Old Testament