
(ανετειλεν). Gnomic or timeless aorist active indicative of the old compound ανατελλω, used here of plants (cf. αναθαλλω in Philippians 4:10), often of the sun (Matthew 13:6).With the scorching wind

(συν τω καυσων). Associative instrumental case with συν. In the LXX this late word (from καυσος) is usually the sirocco, the dry east wind from the desert (Job 1:19). In Matthew 20:12; Luke 12:55 it is the burning heat of the sun. Either makes sense here.Withereth

(εξηρανεν). Another gnomic aorist active indicative (Robertson, Grammar, p. 837) of ξηραινω, old verb (from ξηρος, dry or withered, Matthew 12:10), to dry up. Grass and flowers are often used to picture the transitoriness of human life.Falleth

(εξεπεσεν). Another gnomic aorist (second aorist active indicative) of εκπιπτω to fall out (off).The grace

(η ευπρεπεια). Old word (from ευπρεπης well-looking, not in the N.T.), only here in N.T. Goodly appearance, beauty.Of the fashion of it

(του προσωπου αυτου). "Of the face of it." The flower is pictured as having a "face," like a rose or lily.Perisheth

(απωλετο). Another gnomic aorist (second aorist middle indicative of απολλυμ, to destroy, but intransitive here, to perish). The beautiful rose is pitiful when withered.Shall fade away

(μαρανθησετα). Future passive indicative of μαραινω, old verb, to extinguish a flame, a light. Used of roses in Wisdom 2:8.Goings

(πορειαις). Old word from πορευω to journey, in N.T. only here and Luke 13:22 (of Christ's journey toward Jerusalem). The rich man's travels will come to "journey's end."

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Old Testament