Lacketh wisdom

(λειπετα σοφιας). Condition of first class, assumed as true, ε and present passive indicative of λειπω to be destitute of, with ablative case σοφιας. "If any one falls short of wisdom." A banking figure, to have a shortage of wisdom (not just knowledge, γνωσεως, but wisdom σοφιας, the practical use of knowledge).Let him ask

(αιτειτω). Present active imperative of αιτεω, "let him keep on asking."Of God

(παρα του θεου). "From (from beside) God," ablative case with παρα. Liberally (απλως). This old adverb occurs here only in the N.T. (from απλους, single-fold, Matthew 6:22, and απλοτης, simplicity, generosity, is common-- 2 Corinthians 8:2; Romans 12:8). But the adverb is common in the papyri by way of emphasis as simply or at all (Moulton and Milligan's Vocabulary). Mayor argues for the sense of "unconditionally" (the logical moral sense) while Hort and Ropes agree and suggest "graciously." The other sense of "abundantly" or "liberally" suits the idea in απλοτης in 2 Corinthians 8:2; Romans 12:8, but no example of the adverb in this sense has been found unless this is one here. See Isaiah 55:1 for the idea of God's gracious giving and the case of Solomon (1 Kings 3:9-12; Proverbs 2:3).Upbraideth not

(μη ονειδιζοντος). Present active participle of ονειδιζω (old verb to reproach, to cast in one's teeth, Matthew 5:11) in the ablative case like διδοντος agreeing with θεου and with the usual negative of the participle (με). This is the negative statement of διδοντος απλως (giving graciously). The evil habit of giving stinging words along with the money is illustrated in Sirach 41:22 and Plutarch (De adulat., p. 64A).] Cf. Hebrews 4:16.And it shall be given him

(κα δοθησετα αυτω). First future passive of διδωμ, a blessed promise in accord with the words of Jesus (Matthew 7:7; Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13), meaning here not only "wisdom," but all good gifts, including the Holy Spirit. There are frequent reminiscences of the words of Jesus in this Epistle.

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Old Testament