John 1:1

IN THE BEGINNING (εν αρχη). Αρχη is definite, though anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew _be reshith_ in Genesis 1:1. But Westcott notes that here John carries our thoughts beyond the beginning of creation in time to eternity. There is no argument here to prove the existe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:2

THE SAME (ουτος). "This one," the Logos of verse John 1:1, repeated for clarity, characteristic of John's style. He links together into one phrase two of the ideas already stated separately, "in the beginning he was with God," "afterwards in time he came to be with man" (Marcus Dods). Thus John c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:3

ALL THINGS (παντα). The philosophical phrase was τα παντα (the all things) as we have it in 1 Corinthians 8:6; Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16. In verse John 1:10 John uses ο κοσμος (the orderly universe) for the whole.WERE MADE (egeneto). Second aorist middle indicative of γινομα, the constative... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:4

IN HIM WAS LIFE (εν αυτω ζωη ην). That which has come into being (verse John 1:3) in the Logos was life. The power that creates and sustains life in the universe is the Logos. This is what Paul means by the perfect passive verb εκτιστα (stands created) in Colossians 1:16. This is also the claim of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:5

SHINETH (φαινε). Linear present active indicative of φαινω, old verb from φαω, to shine (φαοσ, φως). "The light keeps on giving light."IN THE DARKNESS (εν τη σκοτια). Late word for the common σκοτος (kin to σκια, shadow). An evident allusion to the darkness brought on by sin. In 2 Peter 2:17 we... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:6

THERE CAME A MAN (εγενετο ανθρωπος). Definite event in the long darkness, same verb in verse John 1:3.SENT (απεσταλμενος). Perfect passive participle of αποστελλω, to send.FROM GOD (παρα θεου). From the side of (παρα) God (ablative case θεου).WHOSE NAME (ονομα αυτω). "Name to him," nominati... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:7

FOR WITNESS (εις μαρτυριαν). Old word from μαρτυρεω (from μαρτυς), both more common in John's writings than the rest of the N.T. This the purpose of the Baptist's ministry.THAT HE MIGHT BEAR WITNESS (ινα μαρτυρηση). Final clause with ινα and aorist active subjunctive of μαρτυρεω to make clearer... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:8

HE (εκεινος). "That one," i.e. John. He was a light (John 5:35) as all believers are (Matthew 5:14), but not "the light" (το φως).BUT CAME (αλλ'). No verb in the Greek, to be supplied by repeating ηλθεν of verse John 1:7. See similar ellipses in John 9:3; John 13:18; John 15:25. In Johannine fa... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:9

THERE WAS (ην). Imperfect indicative. Emphatic position at the beginning of the sentence and so probably not periphrastic conjugation with ερχομενον (coming) near the end, though that is possible.THE TRUE LIGHT (το φως το αληθινον). "The light the genuine," not a false light of wreckers of ship... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:10

HE WAS IN THE WORLD (εν τω κοσμω ην). Imperfect tense of continuous existence in the universe before the Incarnation as in verses John 1:1; John 1:2.WAS MADE BY HIM (δι' αυτου εγενετο). "Through him." Same statement here of "the world" (ο κοσμος) as that made in verse John 1:3 of παντα.KNEW HIM... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:11

UNTO HIS OWN (εις τα ιδια). Neuter plural, "unto his own things," the very idiom used in John 19:27 when the Beloved Disciple took the mother of Jesus "to his own home." The world was "the own home" of the Logos who had made it. See also John 16:32; Acts 21:6.THEY THAT WERE HIS OWN (ο ιδιο). In... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:12

AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM (οσο ελαβον αυτον). Effective aorist active indicative of λαμβανω "as many as did receive him," in contrast with ο ιδιο just before, exceptional action on the part of the disciples and other believers.TO THEM (αυτοις). Dative case explanatory of the relative clause prece... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:13

WHICH WERE BORN (ο εγεννηθησαν). First aorist passive indicative of γενναω, to beget, "who were begotten." By spiritual generation (of God, εκ θεου), not by physical (εξ αιματων, plural as common in classics and O.T., though why it is not clear unless blood of both father and mother; εκ θεληματος... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:14

AND THE WORD BECAME FLESH (κα ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο). See verse John 1:3 for this verb and note its use for the historic event of the Incarnation rather than ην of verse John 1:1. Note also the absence of the article with the predicate substantive σαρξ, so that it cannot mean "the flesh became the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:15

BEARETH WITNESS (μαρτυρε). Historical (dramatic) present indicative of this characteristic word in John (cf. John 1:17). See John 1:32; John 1:34 for historical examples of John's witness to Christ. This sentence is a parenthesis in Westcott and Hort's text, though the Revised Version makes a par... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:16

FOR (οτ). Correct text (Aleph B C D L) and not κα (and) of the Textus Receptus. Explanatory reason for verse John 1:14.OF HIS FULNESS (εκ του πληρωματος). The only instance of πληρωμα in John's writings, though five times of Christ in Paul's Epistles (Colossians 1:19; Colossians 2:9; Ephesians 1... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:17

WAS GIVEN (εδοθη). First aorist passive indicative of διδωμ.BY MOSES (δια Μωυσεως). "Through Moses" as the intermediate agent of God.CAME (εγενετο). The historical event, the beginning of Christianity.BY JESUS CHRIST (δια Ιησου Χριστου). "Through Jesus Christ," the intermediate agent of God... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:18

NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME (θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε). "God no one has ever seen." Perfect active indicative of οραω. Seen with the human physical eye, John means. God is invisible (Exodus 33:20; Deuteronomy 4:12). Paul calls God αορατος (Colossians 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:17). John repeats the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:19

AND THIS IS THE WITNESS OF JOHN (κα αυτη εστιν η μαρτυρια του Ιωανου). He had twice already alluded to it (verses John 1:7; John 1:15) and now he proceeds to give it as the most important item to add after the Prologue. Just as the author assumes the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke, so he as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:20

AND HE CONFESSED (κα ωμολογησεν). The continued paratactic use of κα (and) and the first aorist active indicative of ομολογεω, old verb from ομολογος (ομον, λεγω, to say the same thing), to confess, in the Synoptics (Matthew 10:32) as here.AND DENIED NOT (κα ουκ ηρνησατο). Negative statement of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:21

AND THEY ASKED HIM (κα ηρωτησαν αυτον). Here the paratactic κα is like the transitional ουν (then).WHAT THEN? (Τ ουν;). Argumentative ουν like Paul's τ ουν in Romans 6:15. _Quid ergo?_ ART THOU ELIJAH? (Συ Ελιας ει;). The next inevitable question since Elijah had been understood to be the forer... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:22

THEY SAID THEREFORE (ειπαν ουν). Second aorist active indicative of defective verb ειπον with α instead of usual ο. Note ουν, inferential here as in verse John 1:21 though often merely transitional in John.WHO ART THOU? (Τις ει;). Same question as at first (verse John 1:19), but briefer.THAT WE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:23

HE SAID (εφη). Common imperfect active (or second aorist active) of φημ, to say, old defective verb.I AM THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS (Εγω φωνη βοωντος εν τη ερημω). For his answer John quotes Isaiah 40:3. The Synoptics (Mark 1:3; Matthew 3:3; Luke 3:4) quote this language from Isai... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:24

THEY HAD BEEN SENT (απεσταλμενο ησαν). Periphrastic past perfect passive of αποστελλω.FROM THE PHARISEES (εκ των Φαρισαιων). As the source (εκ) of the committee of Sadducees (verse John 1:19).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:25

WHY THEN BAPTIZEST THOU? (Τ ουν βαπτιζεισ;). In view of his repeated denials (three here mentioned).IF THOU ART NOT (ε συ ουκ ε). Condition of first class. They did not interpret his claim to be "the voice" to be important enough to justify the ordinance of baptism. Abrahams (_Studies in Pharis... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:26

IN THE MIDST OF YOU STANDETH (μεσος υμων στηκε). Adjective as in John 19:18, not εν μεσω υμων. Present active indicative of late verb στηκω from perfect stem εστηκα. John had already baptized Jesus and recognized him as the Messiah.WHOM YE KNOW NOT (ον υμεις ουκ οιδατε). This was the tragedy of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:27

COMING AFTER ME (οπισω μου ερχομενος). No article (ο) in Aleph B. John as the forerunner of the Messiah has preceded him in time, but not in rank as he instantly adds.THE LATCHET OF WHOSE SHOE I AM NOT WORTHY TO UNLOOSE (ου ουκ ειμ αξιος ινα λυσω αυτου τον ιμαντα του υποδηματος). Literally, "of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:28

IN BETHANY BEYOND JORDAN (εν Βηθανια περαν του Ιορδανου). Undoubtedly the correct text, not "in Bethabara" as Origen suggested instead of "in Bethany" of all the known Greek manuscripts under the mistaken notion that the only Bethany was that near Jerusalem.WAS BAPTIZING (ην βαπτιζων). Periphra... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:29

ON THE MORROW (τη επαυριον). Locative case with ημηρα (day) understood after the adverb επαυριον. "Second day of this spiritual diary" (Bernard) from verse John 1:19.SEETH JESUS COMING (βλεπε τον Ιησουν ερχομενον). Dramatic historical present indicative (βλεπε) with vivid present middle partici... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:30

OF WHOM (υπερ ου). Not περ, but υπερ. "On behalf of whom." John points to Jesus as he speaks: "This is he." There he is. See verse John 1:15 for discussion of these words of John.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:31

AND I KNEW HIM NOT (καγω ουκ ηιδειν αυτον). Repeated in verse John 1:33. Second past perfect of οιδα as imperfect. He had predicted the Messiah and described him before he met him and baptized him. See the Synoptics for that story. Whether John knew Jesus personally before the baptism we do not k... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:32

BARE WITNESS (εμαρτυρησεν). First aorist active indicative of μαρτυρεω. Another specimen of John's witness to the Messiah (John 1:7; John 1:15; John 1:19; John 1:29; John 1:35; John 1:36).I HAVE BEHELD (τεθεαμα). Perfect middle indicative of θεαομα, the realization of the promise of the sign (ve... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:33

HE SAID (εκεινος ειπεν). Explicit and emphatic pronoun as in verse John 1:8, referring to God as the one who sent John (verse John 1:6).WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (εν πνευματ αγιω). "In the Holy Spirit." Here again one needs the background of the Synoptics for the contrast between John's baptism in w... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:34

I HAVE SEEN (εωρακα). Present perfect active of οραω. John repeats the statement of verse John 1:32 (τεθεαμα).HAVE BORNE WITNESS (μεμαρτυρηκα). Perfect active indicative of μαρτυρεω for which verb see John 1:32.THIS IS THE SON OF GOD (ο υιος του θεου). The Baptist saw the Spirit come on Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:35

AGAIN ON THE MORROW (τη επαυριον παλιν). Third day since verse John 1:19.WAS STANDING (ιστηκε). Past perfect of ιστημ, intransitive, and used as imperfect in sense. See same form in John 7:37.TWO (δυο). One was Andrew (verse John 1:40), the other the Beloved Disciple (the Apostle John), who r... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:36

HE LOOKED (εμβλεψας). First aorist active participle of εμβλεπω, antecedent action before λεγε (says).AS HE WALKED (περιπατουντ). Present active participle in dative case after εμβλεψας and like ερχομενον in verse John 1:29 vividly pictures the rapture of John in this vision of Jesus, so far as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:37

HEARD HIM SPEAK (ηκουσαν αυτου λαλουντος). First active indicative of ακουω and present active participle of λαλεω in genitive case agreeing with αυτου, object of ακουω. "Heard him speaking" (kind of indirect discourse). John had disciples (μαθητα, learners, from μανθανω, to learn).THEY FOLLOWED... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:38

TURNED (στραφεις). Second aorist passive participle of στρεφω, vividly picturing the sudden act of Jesus on hearing their steps behind him.BEHELD (θεασαμενος). First aorist middle participle of θεαομα (verse John 1:32). Both participles here express antecedent action to λεγε (saith).FOLLOWING... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:39

COME AND YE SHALL SEE (ερχεσθε κα οψεσθε). Polite invitation and definite promise (future middle indicative οψεσθε from οραω, correct text, not imperative ιδετε).WHERE HE ABODE (που μενε). Indirect question preserving the present active indicative after secondary tense (ειδαν, saw) according to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:40

ANDREW (Ανδρεας). Explained by John as one of the two disciples of the Baptist and identified as the brother of the famous Simon Peter (cf. also John 6:8; John 12:22). The more formal call of Andrew and Simon, James and John, comes later (Mark 1:16; Matthew 4:18; Luke 3:1-11).THAT HEARD JOHN SPEA... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:41

HE FINDETH FIRST (ευρισκε ουτος πρωτον). "This one finds (vivid dramatic present) first" (προτων). Προτων (adverb supported by Aleph A B fam. 13) means that Andrew sought "his own brother Simon" (τον αδελφον τον ιδιον Σιμωνα) before he did anything else. But Aleph L W read πρωτος (nominative adje... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:42

LOOKED UPON HIM (εμβλεψας αυτω). See verse John 1:36 for same word and form of John's eager gaze at Jesus. Luke uses this word of Jesus when Peter denied him (Luke 22:61).HE BROUGHT HIM (ηγαγεν αυτον). Effective second aorist active indicative of αγο as if Andrew had to overcome some resistance... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:43

ON THE MORROW (τη επαυριον). The fourth of the days from verse John 1:19.HE FINDETH PHILIP (ευρισκε Φιλιππον). Vivid dramatic present as in John 1:41, though ηθελησεν (was minded, wished) is aorist active indicative. Apparently not an accidental finding, possibly due to the efforts of Andrew an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:44

FROM BETHSAIDA (απο Βηθσαιδα). Same expression in John 12:21 with the added words "of Galilee," which locates it in Galilee, not in Iturea. There were two Bethsaidas, one called Bethsaida Julias in Iturea (that in Luke 9:10) or the Eastern Bethsaida, the other the Western Bethsaida in Galilee (Ma... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:45

PHILIP FINDETH (ευρισκε Φιλιππος). Dramatic present again. Philip carries on the work. One wins one. If that glorious beginning had only kept on! Now it takes a hundred to win one.NATHANIEL (τον Ναθαναηλ). It is a Hebrew name meaning "God has given" like the Greek Θεοδορε (Gift of God). He was f... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:46

CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF NAZARETH? (Εκ Ναζαρετ δυνατα τ αγαθον ειναι;). Literally, "Out of Nazareth can anything good be." There is a tinge of scorn in the question as if Nazareth (note position at beginning of sentence) had a bad name. Town rivalry may account to some extent for it since C... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:47

BEHOLD (ιδε). Here an exclamation (see John 1:29) as often like ιδου.AN ISRAELITE INDEED (αληθως Ισραηλειτης). "Truly an Israelite," one living up to the covenant name, Israel at its best (Romans 2:29), without the guile (δολος, deceit, bait for fish, from δελεαζω, to catch with bait) that Jaco... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:48

WHENCE KNOWEST THOU ME? (Ποθεν με γινωσκεισ;). Nathanael is astonished at this tribute, at any knowledge about himself by Jesus. He had overheard Christ's comment and longed to know its source.BEFORE PHILIP CALLED THEE (Προ του σε Φιλιππον φωνησα). Idiomatic Greek, προ and the ablative case of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:49

THOU ART THE SON OF GOD (συ ε ο υιος του θεου). Whether Nathanael had heard the Baptist say this of Jesus (John 1:34) we do not know, apparently not, but Nathanael was a student of the Old Testament as Philip implied (John 1:45) and was quick to put together his knowledge, the statement of Philip,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:50

ANSWERED AND SAID (απεκριθη κα ειπεν). This redundant use of both verbs (cf. John 1:26) occurs in the Synoptics also and in the LXX also. It is Aramaic also and vernacular. It is not proof of an Aramaic original as Burney argues (_Aramaic Origin_, etc., p. 53).BECAUSE (οτ). Causal use of οτ at... [ Continue Reading ]

John 1:51

VERILY, VERILY (Αμην, αμην). Hebrew word transliterated into Greek and then into English, our "amen." John always repeats it, not singly as in the Synoptics, and only in the words of Jesus, an illustration of Christ's authoritative manner of speaking as shown also by λεγω υμιν (I say unto you). N... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament