Come and ye shall see

(ερχεσθε κα οψεσθε). Polite invitation and definite promise (future middle indicative οψεσθε from οραω, correct text, not imperative ιδετε).Where he abode

(που μενε). Indirect question preserving the present active indicative after secondary tense (ειδαν, saw) according to regular Greek idiom. Same verb μενω as in John 1:38.With him

(παρ' αυτω). "By his side," "beside him."That day

(την ημεραν εκεινην). Accusative of extent of time, all during that day.About the tenth hour

(ωρα ως δεκατη). Roman time and so ten o'clock in the morning. John in Ephesus at the close of the century naturally uses Roman time. See John 20:19 "evening on that day," clearly Roman time. Thus also John 19:14 (sixth hour, morning) and Mark 15:25 (third hour, nine A.M.) suit. To his latest day John never forgot the hour when first he met Jesus.

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Old Testament