There came a man

(εγενετο ανθρωπος). Definite event in the long darkness, same verb in verse John 1:3.Sent

(απεσταλμενος). Perfect passive participle of αποστελλω, to send.From God

(παρα θεου). From the side of (παρα) God (ablative case θεου).Whose name

(ονομα αυτω). "Name to him," nominative parenthetic and dative (Robertson, Grammar, p. 460).John

(Ιωανης). One ν in Westcott and Hort. In the giving of the name see Luke 1:59-63, Hellenized form of Jonathan, Joanan (Gift of God), used always of the Baptist in this Gospel which never mentions the name of John son of Zebedee (the sons of Zebedee once, John 21:2).

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Old Testament