John 10:1

VERILY, VERILY (Αμην, αμην). Solemn prelude by repetition as in John 1:51. The words do not ever introduce a fresh topic (cf. John 8:34; John 8:51; John 8:58). So in John 10:7. The Pharisees had previously assumed (Vincent) they alone were the authoritative guides of the people (John 9:24; John 9:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:2

THE SHEPHERD OF THE SHEEP (ποιμην εστιν των προβατων). No article with ποιμην, "a shepherd to the sheep." He comes in by the door with the sheep whom he leads. Old word is ποιμην, root meaning to protect. Jesus applies it to himself in verse John 10:16 and implies it here. It is used of Christ in... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:3

TO HIM (τουτω). "To this one," the shepherd, in dative case.THE PORTER (ο θυρωρος). Old word for doorkeeper (θυρα, door, ωρα, care, carer for the door). Used for man (Mark 13:34; John 10:3) or woman (John 18:16), only N.T. examples. The porter has charge of the sheep in the fold at night and op... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:4

WHEN HE HATH PUT FORTH ALL HIS OWN (οταν τα ιδια παντα εκβαλη). Indefinite temporal clause with οταν and the second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of εκβαλλω. No need of the _futurum exactum_ idea, simply, "when he leads out all his own sheep." They are all out of the fold. He overlooks no... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:5

A STRANGER (αλλοτριω). Literally, "One belonging to another" (from αλλος, opposed to ιδιος). A shepherd of another flock, it may be, not necessarily the thief and robber of verse John 10:1. Note associative instrumental case after ακολουθησουσιν (future active indicative of ακολουθεω, verse John... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:6

THIS PARABLE (ταυτην την παροιμιαν). Old word for proverb from παρα (beside) and οιμος, way, a wayside saying or saying by the way. As a proverb in N.T. in 2 Peter 2:22 (quotation from Proverbs 26:11), as a symbolic or figurative saying in John 16:25; John 16:29, as an allegory in John 10:6. Nowhe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:7

THEREFORE AGAIN (ουν παλιν). Jesus repeats the allegory with more detail and with more directness of application. Repeating a story is not usually an exhilarating experience.I AM THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP (εγω ειμ η θυρα των προβατων). The door for the sheep by which they enter. "He is the legitimat... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:8

BEFORE ME (προ εμου). Aleph with the Latin, Syriac, and Sahidic versions omit these words (supported by A B D L W). But with or without προ εμου Jesus refers to the false Messiahs and self-appointed leaders who made havoc of the flock. These are the thieves and robbers, not the prophets and sincer... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:9

THE DOOR (η θυρα). Repeated from verse John 10:7.BY ME IF ANY MAN ENTER IN (δι' εμου εαν τις εισελθη). Condition of third class with εαν and second aorist active subjunctive of εισερχομα. Note proleptic and emphatic position of δι' εμου. One can call this narrow intolerance, if he will, but it i... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:10

BUT THAT HE MAY STEAL, AND KILL, AND DESTROY (ε μη ινα κλεψη κα θυση κα απολεση). Literally, "except that" (ε μη) common without (Matthew 12:4) and with verb (Galatians 1:7), "if not" (literally), followed here by final ινα and three aorist active subjunctives as sometimes by οταν (Mark 9:9) or ο... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:11

I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD (εγω ειμ ο ποιμην ο καλος). Note repetition of the article, "the shepherd the good one." Takes up the metaphor of verses John 10:2. Vulgate _pastor bonus_. Philo calls his good shepherd αγαθος, but καλος calls attention to the beauty in character and service like "good stew... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:12

HE THAT IS A HIRELING (ο μισθωτος). Old word from μισθοω, to hire (Matthew 20:1) from μισθος (hire, wages, Luke 10:7), in N.T. only in this passage. Literally, "the hireling and not being a shepherd" (ο μισθωτος κα ουκ ων ποιμην). Note ουκ with the participle ων to emphasize the certainty that he... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:13

BECAUSE HE IS A HIRELING (οτ μισθωτος εστιν). And only that, without the shepherd heart that loves the sheep. Reason given for the conduct of the hireling after the parenthesis about the wolf.AND CARETH NOT FOR THE SHEEP (κα ου μελε αυτω περ των προβατων). Literally, "and it is no care to him a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:14

I AM THE GOOD-SHEPHERD (εγω ειμ ο ποιμην ο καλος). Effective repetition.AND MINE OWN KNOW ME (κα γινωσκουσιν με τα εμα). Jesus as the Good Shepherd knows his sheep by name as he had already said (verse John 10:3) and now repeats. Yes, and they know his voice (verse John 10:4), they have experim... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:15

AND I KNOW THE FATHER (καγω γινωσκω τον πατερα). Hence he is qualified to reveal the Father (John 1:18). The comparison of the mutually reciprocal knowledge between the Father and the Son illustrates what he has just said, though it stands above all else (Matthew 11:27; Luke 10:22; John 17:21-26)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:16

OTHER SHEEP (αλλα προβατα). Sheep, not goats, but "not of this fold" (εκ της αυλης ταυτης). See verse John 10:1 for αυλη. Clearly "his flock is not confined to those enclosed in the Jewish fold, whether in Palestine or elsewhere" (Westcott). Christ's horizon takes in all men of all races and time... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:17

FOR THIS REASON (δια τουτο). Points to the following οτ clause. The Father's love for the Son is drawn out (John 3:16) by the voluntary offering of the Son for the sin of the world (Romans 5:8). Hence the greater exaltation (Philippians 2:9). Jesus does for us what any good shepherd does (John 10:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:18

NO ONE TAKETH IT AWAY FROM ME (ουδεις αιρε αυτην απ' εμου). But Aleph B read ηρεν (first aorist active indicative of αιρω, to take away), probably correct (Westcott and Hort). "John is representing Jesus as speaking _sub specie aeternitatis_" (Bernard). He speaks of his death as already past and... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:19

THERE AROSE A DIVISION AGAIN (σχισμα παλιν εγενετο). As in John 7:43 in the crowd (also in John 7:12; John 7:31), so now among the hostile Jews (Pharisees) some of whom had previously professed belief in him (John 8:31). The direct reference of παλιν (again) may be to John 9:16 when the Pharisees... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:20

HE HAS A DEMON AND IS MAD (δαιμονιον εχε κα μαινετα). As some had already said (John 7:20; John 8:48 with the addition of "Samaritan"). So long before in Mark 3:21. An easy way of discounting Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:21

OF ONE POSSESSED WITH A DEMON (δαιμονιζομενου). Genitive of present passive participle of δαιμονιζω. They had heard demoniacs talk, but not like this.CAN A DEMON OPEN THE EYES OF THE BLIND? (μη δαιμονιον δυνατα τυφλον οφθαλμους ανοιξαι;). Negative answer expected. Demons would more likely put o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:22

AND IT WAS THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION AT JERUSALEM (εγενετο δε τα ενκαινια εν τοις Ιεροσολυμοις). But Westcott and Hort read τοτε (then) instead of δε (and) on the authority of B L W 33 and some versions. This is probably correct: "At that time came the feast of dedication in Jerusalem." Τοτε doe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:23

WAS WALKING (περιεπατε). Imperfect active of περιπατεω, to walk around, picturesque imperfect.IN SOLOMON'S PORCH (εν τη στοα του Σολομωνος). A covered colonnade or portico in which people could walk in all weather. See Acts 3:11; Acts 5:12 for this porch. This particular part of Solomon's templ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:24

CAME ROUND ABOUT HIM (εκυκλωσαν αυτον). Aorist active indicative of κυκλοω, old verb from κυκλος (cycle, circle). See Acts 14:20 for the circle of disciples around Paul when stoned. Evidently the hostile Jews cherished the memory of the stinging rebuke given them by Jesus when here last, particul... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:25

I TOLD YOU, AND YOU BELIEVE NOT (ειπον υμιν κα ου πιστευετε). It was useless to say more. In John 7:14-10 Jesus had shown that he was the Son of the Father as he had previously claimed (John 5:17-47), but it was all to no purpose save to increase their rage towards him.THESE BEAR WITNESS OF ME... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:26

BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP (οτ εκ των προβατων μου). This had been the point in the allegory of the Good Shepherd. In fact, they were the children of the devil in spirit and conduct (John 8:43), pious ecclesiastics though they seemed, veritable wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:27

MY SHEEP (τα προβατα τα εμα). In contrast with you they are not in doubt and suspense. They know my voice and follow me. Repetition of the idea in John 10:4; John 10:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:28

AND I GIVE UNTO THEM ETERNAL LIFE (καγω διδωμ αυτοις ζωην αιωνιον). This is the gift of Jesus now to his sheep as stated in John 6:27; John 6:40 (cf. 1 John 2:25; 1 John 5:11).AND THEY SHALL NEVER PERISH (κα ου μη απολωντα). Emphatic double negative with second aorist middle (intransitive) subju... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:29

WHICH (ος). Who. If ο (which) is correct, we have to take ο πατηρ as nominative absolute or independent, "As for my Father."IS GREATER THAN ALL (παντων μειζων εστιν). If we read ος. But Aleph B L W read ο and A B Theta have μειζον. The neuter seems to be correct (Westcott and Hort). But is it?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:30

ONE (εν). Neuter, not masculine (εις). Not one person (cf. εις in Galatians 3:28), but one essence or nature. By the plural συμυς (separate persons) Sabellius is refuted, by υνυμ Arius. So Bengel rightly argues, though Jesus is not referring, of course, to either Sabellius or Arius. The Pharisees... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:31

TOOK UP STONES AGAIN (εβαστασαν παλιν λιθους). First aorist active indicative of βασταζω, old verb to pick up, to carry (John 12:6), to bear (Galatians 6:5). The παλιν refers to John 8:59 where ηραν was used. They wanted to kill him also when he made himself equal to God in John 5:18. Perhaps her... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:32

FROM THE FATHER (εκ του πατρος). Proceeding out of the Father as in John 6:65; John 16:28 (cf. John 7:17; John 8:42; John 8:47) rather than παρα as in John 1:14; John 6:46; John 7:29; John 17:7.FOR WHICH OF THOSE WORKS (δια ποιον αυτων εργον). Literally,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:33

FOR A GOOD WORK WE STONE THEE NOT (περ καλου εργου ου λιθαζομεν). "Concerning a good deed we are not stoning thee." Flat denial that the healing of the blind man on the Sabbath had led them to this attempt (John 8:59) in spite of the facts.BUT FOR BLASPHEMY (αλλα περ βλασφημιας). See Acts 26:7... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:34

IS IT NOT WRITTEN? (ουκ εστιν γεγραμμενον;). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of γραφω (as in John 2:17) in place of the usual γεγραπτα. "Does it not stand written?"IN YOUR LAW (εν τω νομω υμων). From Psalms 82:6. The term νομος (law) applying here to the entire O.T. as in John 12:34; Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:35

IF HE CALLED THEM GODS (ε εκεινους ειπεν θεους). Condition of first class, assumed as true. The conclusion (verse John 10:36) is υμεις λεγετε; ( DO YE SAY? ). As Jews (and rabbis) they are shut out from charging Jesus with blasphemy because of this usage in the O.T. It is a complete _ad hominem_... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:36

OF HIM WHOM THE FATHER SANCTIFIED AND SENT INTO THE WORLD (ον ο πατηρ ηγιασεν κα απεστειλεν εις τον κοσμον). Another relative clause with the antecedent (τουτον, it would be, object of λεγετε) unexpressed. Every word counts heavily here in contrast with the mere judges of Psalms 82:6.THOU BLASPHE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:37

IF I DO NOT (ε ου ποιω). Condition of first class, assumed as true, with negative ου, not ε μη=unless.BELIEVE ME NOT (μη πιστευετε μο). Prohibition with μη and the present active imperative. Either "cease believing me" or "do not have the habit of believing me." Jesus rests his case on his doin... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:38

BUT IF I DO (ε δε ποιω). Condition again of the first class, assumed as true, but with the opposite results.THOUGH YE BELIEVE NOT ME (καν εμο μη πιστευητε). Condition now of third class, undetermined (but with prospect), "Even if you keep on (present active subjunctive of πιστευο) not believing... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:39

THEY SOUGHT AGAIN TO SEIZE HIM (εζητουν αυτον παλιν πιαζα). Imperfect active, "They kept on seeking to seize (ingressive aorist active infinitive of πιαζω for which see John 7:30) as they had tried repeatedly (John 7:1; John 7:30; John 7:44; John 8:20), but in vain. They gave up the effort to sto... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:40

AGAIN (παλιν). Referring to John 1:28 (Bethany beyond Jordan). Παλιν does not mean that the other visit was a recent one.AT THE FIRST (το πρωτον). Adverbial accusative (extent of time). Same idiom in John 12:16; John 19:39. Here the identical language of John 1:28 is used with the mere addition... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:41

MANY CAME TO HIM (πολλο ηλθον προς αυτον). Jesus was busy here and in a more congenial atmosphere than Jerusalem. John wrought no signs the crowds recall, though Jesus did many here (Matthew 19:2). The crowds still bear the impress of John's witness to Christ as "true" (αληθη). Here was prepared... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:42

MANY BELIEVED ON HIM THERE (πολλο επιστευσαν εις αυτον εκε). See John 1:12; John 2:11 for same idiom. Striking witness to the picture of the Messiah drawn by John. When Jesus came they recognized the original. See John 1:29-34. What about our sermons about Jesus if he were to walk down the aisle... [ Continue Reading ]

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