John 12:1

JESUS THEREFORE (Ιησους ουν). Here ουν is not causal, but simply copulative and transitional, "and so" (Bernard), as often in John (John 1:22, etc.).SIX DAYS BEFORE THE PASSOVER (προ εξ ημερων του πασχα). This idiom, transposition of προ, is like the Latin use of _ante_, but it occurs in the old... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:2

SO THEY MADE HIM A SUPPER THERE (εποιησαν ουν αυτω δειπνον εκε). Here again ουν is not inferential, but merely transitional. This supper is given by Mark (Mark 14:3-9) and Matthew (Matthew 26:6-13) just two days (Mark 14:1) before the passover, that is on our Tuesday evening (beginning of Jewish W... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:3

A POUND (λιτραν). Latin _libra_, late _Koine_ (Polybius, Plutarch) word with weight of 12 ounces, in N.T. only here and John 19:39. Mark (Mark 14:3) and Matthew (Matthew 26:7) have alabaster cruse.OF OINTMENT OF SPIKENARD (μυρου ναρδου πιστικης). "Of oil of nard." See already John 11:2 for μυρου... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:4

JUDAS ISCARIOT (Ιουδας ο Ισκαριωτης). See ο Ισκαριωτης in John 14:22. See John 6:71; John 13:1 for like description of Judas save that in John 6:71 the father's name is given in the genitive, Σιμωνος and Ισκαριωτου (agreeing with the father), but in John 13:1 Ισκαριωτης agrees with Ιουδας, not wit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:5

SOLD (επραθη). First aorist passive indicative of πιπρασκω, old verb to sell (Matthew 13:46).FOR THREE HUNDRED PENCE (τριακοσιων δηναριων). Genitive of price. Same item in Mark 14:5, while in Matthew 26:9 it is simply "for much" (πολλου). But all three have "given to the poor" (εδοθη πτωχοις). F... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:6

NOT BECAUSE HE CARED FOR THE POOR (ουχ οτ περ των πτωχων εμελεν αυτω). Literally, "not because it was a care to him concerning the poor" (impersonal imperfect of μελε, it was a care). John often makes explanatory comments of this kind as in John 2:21; John 7:22; John 7:39.BUT BECAUSE HE WAS A THI... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:7

SUFFER HER TO KEEP IT AGAINST THE DAY OF MY BURYING (Αφες αυτην, ινα εις την ημεραν του ενταφιασμου μου τηρηση αυτο). This reading (ινα τηρηση, purpose clause with ινα and first aorist active subjunctive of τηρεω) rather than that of the Textus Receptus (just τετηρεκεν, perfect active indicative)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:8

YE HAVE ALWAYS (παντοτε εχετε). Jesus does not discredit gifts to the poor at all. But there is relativity in one's duties.BUT ME YE HAVE NOT ALWAYS (εμε δε ου παντοτε εχετε). This is what Mary perceived with her delicate woman's intuition and what the apostles failed to understand though repea... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:9

THE COMMON PEOPLE (ο οχλος πολυς). This is the right reading with the article ο, literally, "the people much or in large numbers." One is reminded of the French idiom. Gildersleeve (_Syntax_, p. 284) gives a few rare examples of the idiom ο ανηρ αγαθος. Westcott suggests that οχλος πολυς came to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:10

THE CHIEF PRIESTS TOOK COUNSEL (εβουλευσαντο ο αρχιερεις). First aorist middle indicative of βουλευω, old verb, seen already in John 11:53 which see. The whole Sanhedrin (John 7:32) had decided to put Jesus to death and had asked for information concerning him (John 11:57) that might lead to his a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:11

BECAUSE THAT (οτ). Causal use of οτ.BY REASON OF HIM (δι' αυτον). "Because of him," regular idiom, accusative case with δια.WENT AWAY (υπηγον). Cf. John 6:67 for this verb. Inchoative imperfect active of υπαγω, "began to withdraw" as happened at the time of the raising of Lazarus (John 11:45)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:12

ON THE MORROW (τη επαυριον). Locative case. Supply ημερα (day) after the adverb επαυριον ("on the tomorrow day"). That is on our Sunday, Palm Sunday.A GREAT MULTITUDE (ο οχλος πολυς). Same idiom rendered "the common people" in verse John 12:9 and should be so translated here.THAT HAD COME (ο... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:13

TOOK (ελαβον). Second aorist active indicative of λαμβανω.THE BRANCHES OF THE PALM-TREES (τα βαια των φοινικων). Φοινιξ is an old word for palm-tree (Revelation 7:9 for the branches) and in Acts 27:12 the name of a city. Βαιον is apparently a word of Egyptian origin, palm branches, here only in... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:14

FOUND (ευρων). Second aorist active participle of ευρισκω. Through the disciples, of course, as in Mark 11:2-6 (Matthew 21:2-3; Matthew 21:6; Luke 19:30).A YOUNG ASS (οναριον). Late diminutive of ονος, in Epictetus and the papyri (even the double diminitive, οναριδιον), only here in the N.T. Se... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:15

DAUGHTER OF ZION (θυγατηρ Σιων). Nominative form (instead of θυγατερ) but vocative case. The quotation is from Zechariah 9:9 shortened.THY KING COMETH (ο βασιλευς ερχετα). Prophetic futuristic present. The ass was the animal ridden in peace as the horse was in war (Judges 10:4; Judges 12:14; 2... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:16

UNDERSTOOD NOT (ουκ εγνωσαν). Second aorist active indicative of γινωσκω. Another comment by John concerning the failure of the disciples to know what was happening (cf. John 2:22; John 7:39).AT THE FIRST (το πρωτον). Adverbial accusative, as in John 10:40; John 19:39.WAS GLORIFIED (εδοξασθη).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:17

BARE WITNESS (εμαρτυρε). Imperfect active of μαρτυρεω. This crowning triumph of Jesus gave an added sense of importance to the crowds that were actually with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead. For this description of this portion of the crowd see John 11:45... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:18

THE MULTITUDE (ο οχλος). The multitude of verse John 12:13, not the crowd just mentioned that had been with Jesus at the raising of Lazarus. There were two crowds (one following Jesus, one meeting Jesus as here).WENT AND MET HIM (υπηντησεν αυτω). First aorist active indicative of υπανταω, old c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:19

THE PHARISEES THEREFORE LAID AMONG THEMSELVES (ο ουν Φαρισαιο ειπαν προς εαυτους). Graphic picture of the predicament of the Pharisees standing off and watching the enthusiastic crowds sweep by. As people usually do, they blame each other for the defeat of their plots against Jesus and for his fi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:20

CERTAIN GREEKS (Hελληνες τινες). Real Greeks, not Greek-speaking Jews (Hellenists, Acts 6:1), but Greeks like those in Antioch (Acts 11:20, correct text προς τους Hελληνας) to whom Barnabas was sent. These were probably proselytes of the gate or God-fearers like those worshipping Greeks in Thessa... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:21

TO PHILIP WHICH WAS OF BETHSAIDA OF GALILEE (Φιλιππω τω απο Βηθσαιδα της Γαλιλαιας). He had a Greek name and the Greeks may have seen Philip in Galilee where there were many Greeks, probably (Mark 6:45) the Western Bethsaida in Galilee, not Bethsaida Julias on the Eastern side (Luke 9:10).ASKED... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:22

ANDREW (τω Ανδρεα). Another apostle with a Greek name and associated with Philip again (John 6:7), the man who first brought his brother Simon to Jesus (John 1:41). Andrew was clearly a man of wisdom for a crisis. Note the vivid dramatic presents here,COMETH (ερχετα),TELLETH (λεγε). What was t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:23

THE HOUR IS COME (εληλυθεν η ωρα). The predestined hour, seen from the start (John 2:4), mentioned by John (John 7:30; John 8:20) as not yet come and later as known by Jesus as come (John 13:1), twice again used by Jesus as already come (in the prayer of Jesus, John 17:1; Mark 14:41, just before... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:24

EXCEPT (εαν μη). Negative condition of third class (undetermined, supposable case) with second aorist active participle πεσων (from πιπτω, to fall) and the second aorist active subjunctive of αποθνησκω, to die.A GRAIN OF WHEAT (ο κοκκος του σιτου). Rather, "the grain of wheat."BY ITSELF ALONE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:25

LOSETH IT (απολλυε αυτην). The second paradox. Present active indicative of απολλυω. This great saying was spoken at various times as in Mark 8:35 (Matthew 16:25; Luke 9:24) and Mark 10:39 (Luke 17:33). See those passages for discussion of ψυχη (life or soul). For "he that hateth his life" (ο μισω... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:26

IF ANY MAN SERVE ME (εαν εμο τις διακονη). Condition of third class again (εαν with present active subjunctive of διακονεω, keep on serving with dative εμο).LET HIM FOLLOW ME (εμο ακολουθειτω). "Me (associative instrumental case) let him keep on following" (present active imperative of ακολουθε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:27

MY SOUL (η ψυχη μου). The soul (ψυχη) here is synonymous with spirit (πνευμα) in John 13:21.IS TROUBLED (τεταρακτα). Perfect passive indicative of ταρασσω, used also in John 11:33; John 13:21 of Jesus. While John proves the deity of Jesus in his Gospel, he assumes throughout his real humanity as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:28

FATHER, GLORIFY THY NAME (πατερ, δοξασον σου το ονομα). First aorist (note of urgency) active imperative of δοξαζω and in the sense of his death already in verses John 12:16; John 12:23 and again in John 13:31; John 17:5. This is the prayer of the πνευμα (or ψυχη) as opposed to that of the σαρξ (f... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:29

THAT IT HAD THUNDERED (βροντην γεγονενα). Perfect active infinitive of γινομα in indirect discourse after ελεγεν and the accusative of general reference (βροντην, thunder, as in Mark 3:17), "that thunder came to pass." So the crowd "standing by" (εστως, second perfect active participle of ιστημ),... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:30

NOT FOR MY SAKE, BUT FOR YOUR SAKES (ου δι' εμε, αλλα δι' υμας). These words seem to contradict verses John 12:28; John 12:29. Bernard suggests an interpolation into the words of Jesus. But why not take it to be the figure of exaggerated contrast, "not merely for my sake, but also for yours"?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:31

THE JUDGEMENT (κρισις). No article, "A judgement." The next few days will test this world.THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD (ο αρχων του κοσμου τουτου). This phrase here, descriptive of Satan as in possession of the evil world, occurs again in John 14:30; John 16:11. In the temptations Satan claims powe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:32

AND I, IF I BE LIFTED FROM THE EARTH (καγω αν υψωθω εκ της γης). Note proleptic position of εγω (I). Condition of third class (undetermined with prospect) with αν (= εαν here) with first aorist passive subjunctive of υψοω, the verb used in John 3:14 of the brazen serpent and of the Cross of Chris... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:33

SIGNIFYING (σημαινων). Present active participle of σεμαινω, old verb to give a sign (σημειον) as in Acts 25:27, and the whole phrase repeated in John 18:32 and nearly so in John 21:19. The indirect question here and in John 18:32 has the imperfect εμελλεν with present infinitive rather than the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:34

OUT OF THE LAW (εκ του νομου). That is, "out of the Scriptures" (John 10:34; John 15:25).THE CHRIST ABIDETH FOREVER (ο Χριστος μενε εις τον αιωνα). Timeless present active indicative of μενω, to abide, remain. Perhaps from Psalms 89:4; Psalms 110:4; Isaiah 9:7; Ezekiel 37:25; Daniel 7:14.HOW SA... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:35

YET A LITTLE WHILE IS THE LIGHT AMONG YOU (ετ μικρον χρονον το φως εν υμιν εστιν). Χρονον is the accusative of extent of time. Jesus does not argue the point of theology with the crowd who would not understand. He turns to the metaphor used before when he claimed to be the light of the world (Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:36

BELIEVE IN THE LIGHT (πιστευετε εις το φως). That is, "believe in me as the Messiah" (John 8:12; John 9:5).THAT YE MAY BECOME SONS OF LIGHT (ινα υιο φωτος γενησθε). Purpose clause with ινα and second aorist subject of γινομα, to become. They were not "sons of light," a Hebrew idiom (cf. John 17:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:37

THOUGH HE HAD DONE SO MANY SIGNS BEFORE THEM (τοσαυτα αυτου σημεια πεποιηκοτος εμπροσθεν αυτων). Genitive absolute with perfect active participle in concessive sense of ποιεω.YET THEY BELIEVED NOT ON HIM (ουκ επιστευον εις αυτον). No "yet" in the Greek. Negative imperfect active of πιστευω, "th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:38

THAT MIGHT BE FULFILLED (ινα πληρωθη). It is usually assumed that ινα here with the first aorist passive subjunctive of πληροω has its full telic force. That is probable as God's design, but it is by no means certain since ινα is used in the N.T. with the idea of result, just as _ut_ in Latin is e... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:39

FOR THIS CAUSE THEY COULD NOT BELIEVE (δια τουτο ουκ εδυναντο πιστευειν). Τουτο (this) seems to have a double reference (to what precedes and to what follows) as in John 8:47. The negative imperfect (double augment, εδυναντο) of δυναμα. John is not absolving these Jews from moral responsibility,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:40

HE HATH BLINDED (τετυφλωκεν). Perfect active indicative of τυφλοω, old causative verb to make blind (from τυφλος, blind), in N.T. only here, 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 2:11.HE HARDENED (επωρωσεν). First aorist active indicative of πωροω, a late causative verb (from πωρος, hard skin), seen alread... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:41

BECAUSE HE SAW HIS GLORY (οτ ειδεν την δοξαν αυτου). Correct reading here οτ (because), not οτε (when). Isaiah with spiritual vision saw the glory of the Messiah and spoke (ελαλησεν) of him, John says, whatever modern critics may think or say. So Jesus said that Abraham saw his day (John 8:56). C... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:42

NEVERTHELESS EVEN (ομως μεντο κα). For the old ομως see 1 Corinthians 14:7; Galatians 3:15 (only other examples in N.T.), here only with μεντο, "but yet," and κα, "even." In spite of what has just been said "many (πολλο) even of the rulers" (recall the lonely shyness of Nicodemus in John 3:1). Th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:44

CRIED AND SAID (εκραξεν κα ειπεν). First aorist active indicative of κραζω, to cry aloud, and second aorist active of defective verb ερω, to say. This is probably a summary of what Jesus had already said as in verse John 12:36 John closes the public ministry of Jesus without the Synoptic account... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:46

I AM COME A LIGHT (Εγω φως εληλυθα). As in John 3:19; John 9:5; John 8:12; John 12:35. Final clause (negative) also here (ινα μη μεινη, first aorist active subjunctive) as in John 12:35. Light dispels darkness.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:47

IF ANY ONE (εαν τις). Third-class condition with εαν and first aorist active subjunctive (ακουση) of ακουω and same form (φυλαξη) of φυλασσω with negative μη.BUT TO SAVE THE WORLD (αλλ' ινα σωσω τον κοσμον). Purpose clause again (cf. ινα κρινω, just before) with ινα and first aorist active of so... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:48

REJECTETH (αθετων). Present active participle of αθετεω, late _Koine_ verb (from αθετος, α privative, and τιθημ), to render null and void, only here in John, but see Mark 6:26; Mark 7:9.ONE THAT JUDGETH HIM (τον κρινοντα αυτον). Articular present active participle of κρινω. See same idea in Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:49

HE HATH GIVEN (δεδωκεν). Perfect active indicative. Christ has permanent commission.WHAT I SHOULD SAY AND WHAT I SHOULD SPEAK (τ ειπω κα τ λαλησω). Indirect question retaining the deliberative subjunctive (second aorist active ειπω, first aorist active λαλησω). Meyer and Westcott take ειπω to r... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:50

LIFE ETERNAL (ζωη αιωνιος). See John 3:15; Matthew 25:46 for this great phrase. In John 6:68 Peter says to Jesus, "Thou hast the words of eternal life." Jesus had just said (John 6:63) that his words were spirit and life. The secret lies in the source, "as the Father hath said to me" (ειρηκεν).... [ Continue Reading ]

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