Not because he cared for the poor

(ουχ οτ περ των πτωχων εμελεν αυτω). Literally, "not because it was a care to him concerning the poor" (impersonal imperfect of μελε, it was a care). John often makes explanatory comments of this kind as in John 2:21; John 7:22; John 7:39.But because he was a thief

(αλλε οτ κλεπτης ην). Clearly the disciples did not know then that Judas was a petty thief. That knowledge came later after he took the bribe of thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus (Matthew 26:15), for the disciples did not suspect Judas of treachery (John 13:28), let alone small peculations. There is no reason for thinking that John is unfair to Judas. "Temptation commonly comes through that for which we are naturally fitted" (Westcott). In this case Judas himself was "the poor beggar" who wanted this money.And having the bag took away what was put therein

(κα το γλωσσοκομον εχων τα βαλλομενα εβασταζεν). This is the correct text. This compound for the earlier γλωσσοκομειον (from γλωσσα, tongue, and κομεω, to tend) was originally a receptacle for the tongues or mouth-pieces of wind instruments. The shorter form is already in the Doric inscriptions and is common in the papyri for "money-box" as here. It occurs also in Josephus, Plutarch, etc. In N.T. only here and John 13:29 in same sense about Judas. Βαλλομενα is present passive participle (repeatedly put in) of βαλλω, to cast or fling. The imperfect active (custom) of βασταζω, old verb to pick up (John 10:31), to carry (John 19:17), but here and John 20:15 with the sense to bear away as in Polybius, Josephus, Diogenes Laertes, and often so in the papyri.

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Old Testament