John 14:1

LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED (μη ταρασσεσθω υμων η καρδια). Not here the physical organ of life (Luke 21:34), but the seat of spiritual life (πνευμα, ψυχη), the centre of feeling and faith (Romans 10:10), "the focus of the religious life" (Vincent) as in Matthew 22:37. See these words repeated i... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:2

MANSIONS (μονα). Old word from μενω, to abide, abiding places, in N.T. only here and verse John 14:23. There are many resting-places in the Father's house (οικια). Christ's picture of heaven here is the most precious one that we possess. It is our heavenly home with the Father and with Jesus.IF I... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:3

IF I GO (εαν πορευθω). Third-class condition (εαν and first aorist passive subjunctive of πορευομα).AND PREPARE (κα ετοιμασω). Same condition and first aorist active subjunctive of the same verb ετοιμαζω.I COME AGAIN (παλιν ερχομα). Futuristic present middle, definite promise of the second co... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:4

YE KNOW THE WAY (οιδατε την οδον). Definite allusion to the puzzle of Peter in John 13:36. The path to the Father's house is now plain.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:5

WHITHER (που)-- HOW (πως). It is Thomas, not Peter (John 13:36) who renews the doubt about the destination of Jesus including the path or way thither (την οδον). Thomas is the spokesman for the materialistic conception then and now.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:6

I AM THE WAY, AND THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE (Εγω ειμ η οδος κα η αληθεια κα η ζωη). Either of these statements is profound enough to stagger any one, but here all three together overwhelm Thomas. Jesus had called himself "the life" to Martha (John 11:25) and "the door" to the Pharisees (John 10:7)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:7

IF YE HAD KNOWN ME (ε εγνωκειτε με). Past perfect indicative of γινωσκω, to know by personal experience, in condition of second class as is made plain by the conclusion (αν ηιδετε) where οιδα, not γινωσκω is used. Thomas and the rest had not really come to know Jesus, much as they loved him.FROM... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:8

SHOW US (δειξον ημιν). Philip now speaks up, possibly hoping for a theophany (Exodus 33:18), certainly not grasping the idea of Jesus just expressed.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:9

SO LONG TIME (τοσουτον χρονον). Accusative of extent of time.AND DOST THOU NOT KNOW ME? (κα ουκ εγνωκας με;). Perfect active indicative of γινωσκω. Jesus patiently repeats his language to Philip with the crisp statement: "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (ο εωρακως εμε εωρακεν τον πατ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:10

BELIEVEST THOU NOT? (ου πιστευεισ;). Jesus had a right to expect greater faith from these men than from the blind man (John 9:35) or Martha (John 11:27). His words in John 14:1 are clearly needed. This oneness with the Father Jesus had already stated (John 10:38) as shown by his "words" (ρηματα)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:11

BELIEVE ME (πιστευετε μο). Repeated appeal (present active imperative of πιστευω) as in John 14:1 to his disciples and as he had done with the hostile Jews to be influenced by his "works" at any rate (John 10:38).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:12

SHALL HE DO ALSO (κακεινος ποιησε). Emphatic pronoun εκεινος, "that one also."GREATER WORKS THAN THESE (μειζονα τουτων). Comparative adjective neuter plural from μεγας with ablative case τουτων. Not necessarily greater miracles and not greater spiritual works in quality, but greater in quantity... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:13

WHATSOEVER YE SHALL ASK (οτ αν αιτησητε). Indefinite relative clause with οτ (neuter accusative singular of οστις), αν and the aorist active subjunctive of αιτεω. This is an advance thought over verse John 14:12.IN MY NAME (εν τω ονοματ μου). First mention of his "name" as the open sesame to th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:14

IF YE SHALL ASK ME ANYTHING IN MY NAME (εαν τ αιτησητε με εν τω ονοματ μου). Condition of third class with εαν and first aorist active subjunctive of αιτεω. The use of με (me) here is supported by Aleph B 33 Vulgate Syriac Peshitta. Just this phrase does not occur elsewhere in John and seems awkw... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:15

IF YE LOVE ME (εαν αγαπατε με). Third-class condition "if ye keep on loving (present active subjunctive, same contract form as indicative) me." Cf. verse John 14:23.YE WILL KEEP (τηρησετε). Future active of τηρεω, not aorist imperative τηρησατε (keep) as some MSS. have. For this phrase see also... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:16

AND I WILL PRAY THE FATHER (καγω ερωτησω τον πατερα). Ερωταω for prayer, not question (the old use), also in John 16:23 (prayer to Jesus in same sense as αιτεω), John 14:26 (by Jesus as here); John 17:9 (by Jesus), "make request of."ANOTHER COMFORTER (αλλον παρακλητον). Another of like kind (αλλ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:17

THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (το πνευμα της αληθειας). Same phrase in John 15:27; John 16:13; 1 John 4:6, "a most exquisite title" (Bengel). The Holy Spirit is marked by it (genitive case), gives it, defends it (cf. John 1:17), in contrast to the spirit of error (1 John 4:6).WHOM (ο). Grammatical neuter... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:18

I WILL NOT LEAVE (ουκ αφησω). Future active of αφιημ, to send away, to leave behind.DESOLATE (ορφανους). Old word (ορφος, Latin _orbus_), bereft of parents, and of parents bereft of children. Common in papyri of orphan children. In John 13:33 Jesus called the disciples τεκνια (little children),... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:19

BUT YE BEHOLD ME (υμεις δε θεωρειτε με). Emphatic position of υμεις (ye) in contrast to the blind, unseeing world. Cf. John 13:33; John 16:10; John 16:16.BECAUSE I LIVE, YE SHALL LIVE ALSO (οτ εγω ζω κα υμεις ζησετε). This is our blessed guarantee of immortal, eternal life, the continued living... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:20

IN THAT DAY (εν εκεινη τη ημερα). The New Dispensation of the Holy Spirit, beginning with Christ's Resurrection and the Coming of the Holy Spirit at pentecost.SHALL KNOW (γνωσεσθε). Future middle of γινωσκω. Chapter s 1 to 3 of Acts bear eloquent witness to these words.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:21

HE IT IS THAT LOVETH ME (εκεινος εστιν ο αγαπων με). Emphatic demonstrative pronoun εκεινος: "that is the one who loves me."AND WILL MANIFEST MYSELF UNTO HIM (κα εμφανισω αυτω εμαυτον). Future active of εμφανιζω, old verb from εμφανης (Acts 10:40; Romans 10:20). The Unseen and Risen Christ will... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:22

NOT ISCARIOT (ουχ ο Ισκαριωτης). Judas Iscariot had gone (John 13:30), but John is anxious to make it clear that this Judas (common name, two apostles also named James) was not the infamous traitor. He is also called Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus (Mark 3:17; Matthew 10:3) and the brother (or son) of James... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:23

IF A MAN LOVE ME (εαν τις αγαπα με). Condition of third class with εαν and present active subjunctive, "if one keep on loving me." That is key to the spiritual manifestation (εμφανιζω).WE WILL COME (ελευσομεθα). Future middle of ερχομα and first person plural (the Father and I), not at the judg... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:24

HE THAT LOVETH ME NOT (ο μη αγαπων με). Present active articular participle of αγαπαω with negative μη, "the one who keeps on not loving me."IS NOT MINE, BUT THE FATHER'S (ουκ εστιν εμοσ, αλλα του πατρος). Predicative possessive pronoun εμος and the predicate genitive of possession πατρος.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:25

HAVE I SPOKEN (λελαληκα). Perfect active indicative of λαλεω, for permanent keeping (τηρεω verse John 14:23).WHILE YET ABIDING WITH YOU (παρ' υμιν μενων). Present active participle, no "yet" (ετ) in the Greek, "while remaining beside (παρ') you" before departing for the coming of the other Para... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:26

WHOM (ο). Grammatical neuter, but "whom" is correct translation. The Father will send the Holy Spirit (John 14:16; Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33), but so will the Son (John 15:26; John 16:7) as Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit upon the disciples (John 20:22). There is no contradiction in this relation of th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:27

MY PEACE (ειρηνην την εμην). This is Christ's bequest to the disciples before he goes, the _shalom_ of the orient for greeting and parting, used by Jesus in his appearances after the resurrection (John 20:19; John 20:21; John 20:26) as in 2 John 1:3; 3 John 1:14, but here and in John 16:33 in the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:28

I GO AWAY, AND I COME (υπαγω κα ερχομα), both futuristic presents (John 7:33; John 14:3; John 14:18).IF YE LOVED ME (ε ηγαπατε με). Second-class condition with the imperfect active of αγαπαω referring to present time, implying that the disciples are not loving Jesus as they should.YE WOULD HAVE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:31

BUT THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW (αλλ' ινα γνω ο κοσμος). Purpose clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of γινωσκω. Elliptical construction (cf. John 9:3; John 13:18; John 15:25). "But I surrendered myself to death," etc., before ινα.ARISE, LET US GO HENCE (εγειρεσθε, αγωμεν εντευθ... [ Continue Reading ]

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