But that the world may know

(αλλ' ινα γνω ο κοσμος). Purpose clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of γινωσκω. Elliptical construction (cf. John 9:3; John 13:18; John 15:25). "But I surrendered myself to death," etc., before ινα.Arise, let us go hence

(εγειρεσθε, αγωμεν εντευθεν). Imperative present middle of εγειρω and the volitive (hortatory) subjunctive αγωμεν (the word used in John 11:7; John 11:16) of going to meet death. Apparently the group arose and walked out into the night and the rest of the talk (chs. 15 and 16) and prayer (ch. 17) was in the shadows on the way to Gethsemane.

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Old Testament