John 19:1

TOOK AND SCOURGED (ελαβεν κα εμαστιγωσεν). First aorist active indicative of λαμβανω and μαστιγοω (from μαστιξ, whip). For this redundant use of λαμβανω see also verse John 19:6. It is the causative use of μαστιγοω, for Pilate did not actually scourge Jesus. He simply ordered it done, perhaps to s... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:3

THEY CAME (ηρχοντο). Imperfect middle of repeated action, "they kept coming and saying" (ελεγον) in derision and mock reverence with Αςε (χαιρε, Hail!) as if to Caesar. Note ο βασιλευς (the king) in address.THEY STRUCK HIM WITH THEIR HANDS (εδιδοσαν αυτω ραπισματα). Imperfect of διδωμ, repetiti... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:4

I BRING HIM OUT TO YOU (αγω υμιν αυτον εξω). Vividly pictures Pilate leading Jesus out of the palace before the mob in front.THAT YE MAY KNOW (ινα γνωτε). Final clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of γινωσκω, "that ye may come to know," by this mockery the sincerity of Pila... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:5

WEARING (φορων). Present active participle of φορεω, an early frequentative of φερω, denoting a continual wearing, though not true here (only temporary). Jesus bore the mockery with kingly dignity as part of the shame of the Cross (Hebrews 12:2).BEHOLD, THE MAN (Ιδου ο ανθρωπος). _Ecce Homo!_ b... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:6

CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM (σταυρωσον, σταυρωσον). First aorist active imperative of σταυροω for which verb see Matthew 29:19, etc. Here the note of urgency (aorist imperative) with no word for "him," as they were led by the chief priests and the temple police till the whole mob takes it up (Matthe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:7

BECAUSE HE MADE HIMSELF THE SON OF GOD (οτ υιον θεου εαυτον εποιησεν). Here at last the Sanhedrin give the real ground for their hostility to Jesus, one of long standing for probably three years (John 5:18) and the one on which the Sanhedrin voted the condemnation of Jesus (Mark 14:61-64; Matthew... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:8

HE WAS THE MORE AFRAID (μαλλον εφοβηθη). First aorist passive indicative of φοβεομα. He was already afraid because of his wife's message (Matthew 27:19). The claim of Jesus to deity excited Pilate's superstitious fears.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:9

WHENCE ART THOU? (ποθεν ε συ;). Pilate knew that Jesus was from Galilee (Luke 23:6). He is really alarmed. See a like question by the Jews in John 8:25.GAVE HIM NO ANSWER (αποκρισιν ουκ εδωκεν αυτω). See same idiom in John 1:22. Αποκρισις (old word from αποκρινομα) occurs also in Luke 2:47; Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:10

UNTO ME (εμο). Emphatic position for this dative. It amounted to contempt of court with all of Pilate's real "authority" (εξουσια), better here than "power.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:11

THOU WOULDEST HAVE (ουκ ειχες). Imperfect active indicative without αν, but apodosis of second-class condition as in John 15:22; John 15:24.EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN THEE (ε μη ην δεδομενον). Periphrastic past perfect indicative of διδωμ (a permanent possession).FROM ABOVE (ανωθεν). From God (cf.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:12

SOUGHT (εζητε). Imperfect active, "kept on seeking," "made renewed efforts to release him." He was afraid to act boldly against the will of the Jews.IF THOU RELEASE THIS MAN (εαν τουτον απολυσηις). Condition of third class, a direct threat to Pilate. He knew all the time that the Sanhedrin migh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:13

SAT DOWN ON THE JUDGEMENT SEAT (εκαθισεν επ βηματος). "Took his seat upon the βημα" (the raised platform for the judge outside the palace as in Acts 7:5). The examination is over and Pilate is now ready for the final stage.THE PAVEMENT (Λιθοστρωτον). Late compound from λιθος, stone, and the ver... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:14

THE PREPARATION OF THE PASSOVER (παρασκευη του πασχα). That is, Friday of passover week, the preparation day before the Sabbath of passover week (or feast). See also verses John 19:31; John 19:42; Mark 15:42; Matthew 27:62; Luke 23:54 for this same use of παρασκευη for Friday. It is the name for... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:15

AWAY WITH HIM, AWAY WITH HIM (αρον, αρον). First aorist active imperative of αιρω. See αιρε in Luke 23:18. This thing has gotten on the nerves of the crowd. Note the repetition. In a second-century papyrus letter (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) a nervous mother cries "He upsets me; away wit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:16

HE DELIVERED (παρεδωκεν). Kappa aorist active of παραδιδωμ, the very verb used of the Sanhedrin when they handed Jesus over to Pilate (John 18:30; John 18:35). Now Pilate hands Jesus back to the Sanhedrin with full consent for his death (Luke 23:25).TO BE CRUCIFIED (ινα σταυρωθη). Purpose claus... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:17

THEY TOOK (παρελαβον). Second aorist active indicative of παραλαμβανω, they took Jesus from Pilate. Cf. John 1:11; John 14:3. This is after the shameful scourging between 6 A.M. and 9 A.M. when the soldiers insult Jesus _ad libitum_ (Mark 15:16-19; Matthew 27:27-30). BEARING THE CROSS FOR HIMSELF... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:18

THEY CRUCIFIED (εσταυρωσαν). The soldiers just as in Acts 22:24; the scourging of Paul was to be done by the soldiers.AND JESUS IN THE MIDST (μεσον δε τον Ιησουν). Predicate adjective μεσον. A robber (ληιστης, not a thief, κλεπτης) was on each side of Jesus (Mark 15:27; Matthew 27:38) like Bara... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:19

PILATE WROTE A TITLE ALSO (εγραψεν κα τιτλον ο Πειλατος). Only John tells us that Pilate himself wrote it and John alone uses the technical Latin word _titlon_ (several times in inscriptions), for the board with the name of the criminal and the crime in which he is condemned; Mark (Mark 15:26) an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:20

READ (ανεγνωσαν). Second aorist active indicative of αναγινωσκω. It was meant to be read. Latin was the legal and official language; Aramaic (Hebrew) was for the benefit of the people of Jerusalem; Greek was for everybody who passed by who did not know Aramaic. Many of the Jews mocked as they rea... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:21

BUT THAT HE SAID (αλλ' οτ εκεινος ειπεν). The chief priests were uneasy for fear that the joke in the mock title was on them instead of on Jesus. They were right in their fear.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:22

WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN (ο γεγραφα γεγραφα). With emphasis on the permanence of the accusation on the board. Pilate has a sudden spirit of stubbornness in this detail to the surprise of the chief priests. Technically he was correct, for he had condemned Jesus on this charge made by the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:23

FOUR PARTS (τεσσερα μερη). There were four soldiers, the usual quaternion (τετραδιον, Acts 12:9) besides the centurion (Mark 15:39; Matthew 27:54; Luke 23:47). The clothes (ιματια, outer clothes) of the criminal were removed before the crucifixion and belonged to the soldiers. Luke (Luke 23:34) m... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:24

LET US NOT REND IT (μη σχισωμεν αυτον). Μη with first aorist active volitive subjunctive of σχιζω, to split. It was too valuable to ruin.CAST LOTS (λαχωμεν). Second aorist active volitive subjunctive of λαγχανω. The usual meaning is to obtain by lot (Luke 1:9; Acts 1:17). Field (_Ot. Norv_. 72)... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:25

WERE STANDING BY THE CROSS OF JESUS (ιστηκεισαν παρα τω σταυρω του Ιησου). Perfect of ιστημ, to place, used as imperfect (intransitive) with παρα (beside) and the locative case. Vivid contrast this to the rude gambling of the soldiers. This group of four (or three) women interests us more. Matt. ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:26

HIS MOTHER (την μητερα). Common Greek idiom, the article as possessive.STANDING BY (παρεστωτα). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of παριστημ, vivid and picturesque scene. The dying Saviour thinks of the comfort of his mother.WHOM HE LOVED (ον ηγαπα). Imperfect active. Surely John is j... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:27

UNTO HIS OWN HOME (εις τα ιδια). See this same idiom and sense in John 1:11; John 16:32; Acts 21:6. John had a lodging in Jerusalem, whether a house or not, and the mother of Jesus lived with him there.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:28

ARE NOW FINISHED (ηδη τετελεστα). Perfect passive indicative of τελεω. See same form in verse John 19:30. As in John 13:1, where Jesus is fully conscious (knowing, ειδως) of the meaning of his atoning death.MIGHT BE ACCOMPLISHED (τελειωθη). First aorist passive subjunctive of τελειοω rather than... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:29

WAS SET (εκειτο). Imperfect middle. John, as eyewitness, had noticed it there.OF VINEGAR (οξους). Not vinegar drugged with myrrh (Mark 15:23) and gall (Matthew 27:34) which Jesus had refused just before the crucifixion.SPONGE (σπογγον). Old word, in N.T. only here, Mark 15:36; Matthew 27:48,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:30

HAD RECEIVED (ελαβεν). Second aorist active indicative of λαμβανω. Jesus took the vinegar (a stimulant), though he had refused the drugged vinegar. It is finished (τετελεστα). Same for as in verse John 19:28. A cry of victory in the hour of defeat like νενικηκα in John 16:33. Jesus knew the relat... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:31

THE PREPARATION (παρασκευη). Friday. See verse John 19:14.MIGHT NOT REMAIN (μη μεινη). Negative final clause with ινα μη and first aorist active (constative) subjunctive of μενω.A HIGH DAY (μεγαλη). A "great" day, since "the sabbath day following synchronized with the first day of unleavened... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:32

WHICH WAS CRUCIFIED WITH HIM (του συνσταυρωθεντος αυτω). First aorist passive articular participle of συνσταυροω with associative instrumental case. Cf. Paul's Χριστω συνεσταυρωμα (Galatians 2:19).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:33

ALREADY DEAD (ηδη τεθνηκοτα). Perfect active participle of θνησκω. So then Jesus died before the robbers, died of a broken heart.THEY BRAKE NOT (ου κατεαξαν). The augment is proper here (see John 19:32).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:34

WITH A SPEAR (λογχη). Instrumental case of this old word, here only in the N.T.PIERCED HIS SIDE (αυτου την πλευραν ενυξεν). First aorist active indicative of νυσσω, old word to pierce, here only in N.T., and πλευραν (side), another old word, occurs in N.T. only here and John 20:20; John 20:25;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:35

HE THAT HATH SEEN (ο εωρακως). Perfect active articular participle of οραω. John the Apostle was there and saw this fact (still sees it, in fact). This personal witness disproves the theory of the Docetic Gnostics that Jesus did not have a real human body.HE KNOWETH (εκεινος οιδεν). That is Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:36

BE BROKEN (συντριβησετα). Second future passive of συντριβω, to crush together. A free quotation of Exodus 12:46 about the paschal lamb.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:37

THEY PIERCED (εξεκεντησαν). First aorist active of εκκεντεω, late verb, correct translation of the Hebrew of Zechariah 12:10, but not like the LXX, in N.T. only here and Revelation 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:38

BUT SECRETLY FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS (κεκρυμμενος δε δια τον φοβον των Ιουδαιων). Perfect passive participle of κρυπτω. An example of the rulers described in John 12:41-43 who through cowardice feared to own their faith in Jesus as the Messiah. But it must be put down to the credit of Joseph that he... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:39

NICODEMUS ALSO (κα Νικοδημος). The Synoptics tell about Joseph of Arimathea, but only John adds the help that Nicodemus gave him in the burial of Jesus, these two timid disciples, Nicodemus now at last taking an open stand.AT THE FIRST (το πρωτον). Adverbial accusative and reference to John 3:1... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:40

IN LINEN CLOTHS (οθονιοις). Late diminutive for the old οθονη, used for ships' sails, in N.T. here and Luke 24:12. Case here either locative or instrumental.WITH THE SPICES (μετα των αρωματων). Late word αρωμα for spices, from fumes.TO BURY (ενταφιαζειν). Late verb, from ενταφια (εν, ταφος) t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:41

A GARDEN (κηπος). See John 18:1; John 18:26.NEW (καινον). Fresh, unused.WAS NEVER YET LAID (ουδεπω ην τεθειμενος). Periphrastic past perfect passive of τιθημ. It was Joseph's mausoleum, a rock tomb hewn out of the mountain side (Mark 15:56; Matthew 27:60; Luke 23:53), a custom common with the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:42

WAS NIGH AT HAND (εγγυς ην). This tomb was outside of the city, near a road as the Cross was, and in a garden. The hill looked like a skull and was probably Gordon's Calvary seen from the Mount of Olives today.... [ Continue Reading ]

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