
(δε). So often in John δε is explanatory and transitional, not adversative. Nicodemus is an instance of Christ's knowledge of men (John 2:25) and of one to whom he did trust himself unlike those in John 2:24. As a Pharisee "he belonged to that party which with all its bigotry contained a salt of true patriotism and could rear such cultured and high-toned men as Gamaliel and Paul" (Marcus Dods).Named Nicodemus

(Νικοδημος ονομα). Same construction as in John 1:6, "Nicodemus name to him." So Revelation 6:8. It is a Greek name and occurs in Josephus (Ant. XIV. iii. 2) as the name of an ambassador from Aristobulus to Pompey. Only in John in N.T. (here, John 7:50; John 19:39). He was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin, and wealthy. There is no evidence that he was the young ruler of Luke 18:18 because of αρχων (ruler) here.

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Old Testament