John 4:1

WHEN THEREFORE (Hως ουν). Reference to John 3:22. the work of the Baptist and the jealousy of his disciples. Ουν is very common in John's Gospel in such transitions.THE LORD (ο Κυριος). So the best manuscripts (Neutral Alexandrian), though the Western class has ο Ιησους. Mark usually has ο Ιησου... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:2

ALTHOUGH JESUS HIMSELF BAPTIZED NOT, BUT HIS DISCIPLES (καιτοιγε Ιησους αυτος ουκ εβαπτιζεν αλλ' ο μαθητα αυτου). Parenthetical explanation that applies also to John 3:22. Imperfect tense means that it was not the habit of Jesus. This is the only N.T. instance of καιτοιγε (and yet indeed), compoun... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:3

LEFT JUDEA (αφηκεν την Ιουδαιαν). Unusual use of αφιημ. First (Καππα) aorist active indicative. Originally the word means to send away, to dismiss, to forsake, to forgive, to allow. Jesus uses it in this sense in John 16:28. Evidently because Jesus did not wish to bring the coming conflict with th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:4

HE MUST NEEDS PASS THROUGH SAMARIA (Εδε δε αυτον διερχεσθα δια της Σαμαριας). Imperfect indicative of the impersonal verb δε with subject infinitive (διερχεσθα) and accusative of general reference (αυτον). Note repetition of δια. It was only necessary to pass through Samaria in going directly nor... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:5

SO HE COMETH (ερχετα ουν). Vivid present middle indicative and transitional ουν.SYCHAR (Συχαρ). There is a dispute whether this is just a variation of Shechem as meaning "drunken-town" (Isaiah 28:1) or "lying-town" (Habakkuk 2:18) or is a separate village near Shechem (Neapolis, Nablous) as the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:6

JACOB'S WELL (πηγη του Ιακωβ). "A spring of Jacob" (here and verse John 4:14), but φρεαρ (well, pit, cistern) in verses John 4:11; John 4:12. It is really a cistern 100 feet deep dug by a stranger apparently in a land of abundant springs (Genesis 26:19).WEARIED (κεκοπιακως). Perfect active parti... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:7

THERE COMETH (ερχετα). Vivid historical present as in verse John 4:5.A WOMAN OF SAMARIA (γυνη εκ της Σαμαριας). The country, not the city which was two hours away.TO DRAW WATER (αντλησα υδωρ). First aorist active infinitive of purpose of αντλεω for which see John 2:8. Cf. Rebecca in Genesis 2... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:8

FOR (γαρ). Explanation of the reason for asking her.WERE GONE AWAY (απεληλυθεισαν). Past perfect of απερχομα, to go off. They had already gone before she came. To Sychar (John 4:5; John 4:39).TO BUY FOOD (ινα τροφας αγορασωσιν). Hινα in purpose clause with first aorist active subjunctive of α... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:9

THE SAMARITAN WOMAN (η γυνη η Σαμαρειτις). Different idiom from that in John 4:7, "the woman the Samaritan." The Samaritans were a mixture by intermarriage of the Jews left in the land (2 Chronicles 30:6; 2 Chronicles 30:10; 2 Chronicles 34:9) with colonists from Babylon and other regions sent by... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:10

ANSWERED AND SAID (απεκριθη κα ειπεν). As often (redundant) in John. The first aorist passive (απεκριθη) is deponent, no longer passive in sense.IF THOU KNEWEST (ε ηιδεις). Condition of second class, determined as unfulfilled, ε and past perfect ηιδεις (used as imperfect) in condition and αν an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:11

SIR (Κυριε). So it has to mean here in the mouth of the Samaritan woman, not Lord.THOU HAST NOTHING TO DRAW WITH AND THE WELL IS DEEP (ουτε αντλημα εχεις κα το φρεαρ εστιν βαθυ). This broken construction of ουτε-κα (neither--and) occurs in N.T. elsewhere only in 3 John 1:10. Αντλημα (from αντλε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:12

ART THOU (Μη συ ε). Expecting a negative answer.GREATER THAN OUR FATHER JACOB (μειζων ε του πατρος ημων Ιακωβ). Ablative case πατρος after the comparative adjective μειζων (positive μεγας). The Samaritans claimed descent from Jacob through Joseph (tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh).CATTLE (θρεμμ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:13

EVERY ONE THAT DRINKETH (πας ο πινων). Present active articular participle with πας, parallel to the indefinite relative with the second aorist active subjunctive (ος αν πιη) in verse John 4:14. With this difference in the tenses used (πινων, keep on drinking, πιη, once for all). Note εκ and the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:14

THAT I SHALL GIVE HIM (ου εγω δωσω αυτω). Relative ου attracted to the case (genitive) of the antecedent (υδατος). Future active indicative of διδωμ.SHALL NEVER THIRST (ου μη διψησε εις τον αιονα). The double negative ου μη is used with either the future indicative as here or the aorist subjunc... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:15

SIR (Κυριε). Not yet "Lord" for her. See verse John 4:11.THIS WATER (τουτο το υδωρ). This peculiar kind of water. She did not grasp the last phrase "unto life eternal," and speaks half ironically of "this water."THAT I THIRST NOT (ινα μη διψω). Final clause with ινα, alluding to the words of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:16

GO, CALL THY HUSBAND (Hυπαγε φωνησον σου τον ανδρα). Two imperatives (present active, first aorist active). Had she started to leave after her perplexed reply? Her frequent trips to the well were partly for her husband. We may not have all the conversation preserved, but clearly Jesus by this sud... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:17

I HAVE NO HUSBAND (ουκ εχω ανδρα). The Greek ανηρ means either "man" or "husband." She had her "man," but he was not a legal "husband." Her language veils her deceit.THOU SAIDST WELL (καλως ειπες). Jesus saw through the double sense of her language and read her heart as he only can do, a supern... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:19

SIR (Κυριε). So still.I PERCEIVE (θεωρω). "I am beginning to perceive" from what you say, your knowledge of my private life (verse John 4:29). See John 2:23 for θεωρεω which John's Gospel has 23 times, of bodily sight (John 20:6; John 20:14), of mental contemplation (John 12:45; John 14:17). See... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:20

IN THIS MOUNTAIN (εν τω ορε τουτω). Jacob's Well is at the foot of Mount Gerizim toward which she pointed. Sanballat erected a temple on this mountain which was destroyed by John Hyrcanus B.C. 129. Abraham (Genesis 12:7) and Jacob (Genesis 33:20) set up altars at Shechem. On Gerizim were proclaime... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:21

BELIEVE ME (πιστευε μο). Correct text. Present active imperative. Unique phrase in place of the common αμην αμην (verily, verily).THE HOUR COMETH (ερχετα ωρα). "There is coming an hour." The same idiom occurs also in John John 4:34; John 5:25; John 5:28; John 16:2; John 16:25; John 16:32.NEITHE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:22

THAT WHICH YE KNOW NOT (ο ουκ οιδατε). Cf. Acts 17:23. "You know whom to worship, but you do not know him" (Westcott). The Samaritans rejected the prophets and the Psalms and so cut themselves off from the fuller knowledge of God.WE (ημεις). We Jews. Jesus is a Jew as he fully recognizes (Matth... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:23

AND NOW IS (κα νυν εστιν). See this same phrase in John 5:25. This item could not be added in verse John 4:21 for local worship was not abolished, but spiritual independence of place was called for at once. So contrast John 5:25; John 5:28; John 16:25; John 16:32.THE TRUE WORSHIPPERS (ο αληθινο... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:24

GOD IS A SPIRIT (πνευμα ο θεος). More precisely, "God is Spirit" as "God is Light" (1 John 1:5), "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). In neither case can we read Spirit is God, Light is God, Love is God. The non-corporeality of God is clearly stated and the personality of God also. All this is put in thre... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:25

MESSIAH COMETH (Μεσσιας ερχετα). Hebrew word in N.T. only here and John 1:41 and explained by Χριστος in both places. The Samaritans looked for a Messiah, a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18). Simon Magus gave himself out in Samaria as some great one and had a large following (Acts 8:9). Pila... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:26

I THAT SPEAK UNTO THEE AM HE (Εγω ειμ ο λαλων σο). "I am he, the one speaking to thee." In plain language Jesus now declares that he is the Messiah as he does to the blind man (John 9:37).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:27

UPON THIS (επ τουτω). This idiom only here in N.T. At this juncture. Apparently the woman left at once when the disciples came.THEY MARVELLED (εθαυμαζον). Imperfect active describing the astonishment of the disciples as they watched Jesus talking with a woman.WAS SPEAKING (ελαλε). As in John... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:28

LEFT HER WATERPOT (αφηκεν την υδριαν). First aorist active indicative of αφιημ, ingressive aorist, in her excitement and embarrassment. It was too large for speed anyhow (John 2:6). And says (κα λεγε). Graphic historic present indicative again.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:29

ALL THINGS THAT EVER I DID (παντα α εποιησα).HA , not οσα (as many as), no "ever" in the Greek. But a guilty conscience (verse John 4:18) led her to exaggerate a bit.CAN THIS BE THE CHRIST? (μητ ουτος εστιν ο Χριστοσ;). She is already convinced herself (verses John 4:26), but she puts the que... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:30

THEY WENT OUT (εξηλθον). Second aorist (effective) indicative of εξερχομα, at once and in a rush.AND WERE COMING TO HIM (κα ηρχοντο προς αυτον). Imperfect middle, graphically picturing the long procession as they approached Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:31

IN THE MEANWHILE (εν τω μεταξυ). Supply καιρο or χρονο. See το μεταξυ Σαββατον, "the next Sabbath" (Acts 13:42) and εν τω μεταξυ (Luke 8:1). Μεταξυ means between.PRAYED HIM (ηρωτων αυτον). Imperfect active, "kept beseeching him." For this late (_Koine_) use of ερωταω, to beseech, instead of the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:32

MEAT (βρωσιν). Originally the act of eating (Romans 14:17) from βιβρωσκω, but soon and commonly as that which is eaten like βρωμα once in John (verse John 4:34). So here and John 6:27; John 6:55. Cf. vernacular English "good eating," "good eats."I... YE (εγω... υμεις). Emphatic contrast. Spirit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:33

HATH ANY MAN BROUGHT HIM AUGHT TO EAT? (Μη τις ηνεγκεν αυτω φαγειν;). Negative answer expected (μη). "Did any one bring him (something) to eat?" During our absence, they mean. Second aorist active indicative of φερω (ηνεγκεν) and second aorist active infinitive of εσθιω (φαγειν), defective verbs... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:34

TO DO THE WILL (ινα ποιησω το θελημα). Non-final use of ινα and the first aorist active subjunctive as subject or predicate nominative as in John 6:29; John 15:8; John 17:3. The Messianic consciousness of Jesus is clear and steady (John 5:30; John 6:38). He never doubted that the Father sent him.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:35

SAY NOT YE? (Ουχ υμεις λεγετε;). It is not possible to tell whether Jesus is alluding to a rural proverb of which nothing is known about there being four months from seedtime to harvest (a longer time than four months in fact) or whether he means that it was then actually four months to harvest.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:36

ALREADY HE THAT REAPETH RECEIVETH WAGES (ηδη ο θεριζων μισθον λαμβανε). The spiritual harvester can gather his harvest without waiting four months. Jesus is reaping a harvest right now by the conversion of this woman. The labourer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7; 2 Timothy 2:6). John does not us... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:37

FOR HEREIN (εν γαρ τουτω). In this relation between the sower and the reaper.THE SAYING (ο λογος). Like 1 Timothy 1:15; 1 Timothy 3:1, etc. Probably a proverb that is particularly true (αληθινος for which see John 1:9) in the spiritual realm.ONE SOWETH, AND ANOTHER REAPETH (αλλος εστιν ο σπειρ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:38

I SENT (εγω απεστειλα). Emphatic use of εγω and first aorist active indicative of αποστελλω common in John for to send.WHEREON YE HAVE NOT LABOURED (ο ουχ υμεις κεκοπιακατε). Perfect active indicative of κοπιαω for which see John 4:6. So also κεκοπιακασιν in next line. The disciples had done no... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:39

BECAUSE OF THE SAYING OF THE WOMAN WHO TESTIFIED (δια τον λογον της γυναικος μαρτυρουσης). She bore her witness clearly and with discretion. She told enough to bring her neighbours to Christ. They knew her evil life and she frankly confessed Christ's rebuke to her. She had her share in this harve... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:40

TWO DAYS (δυο ημερας). Accusative of extent of time. They wanted to cultivate the acquaintance of Jesus. So he remained in Sychar in a continuous revival, a most unexpected experience when one recalls the feeling between the Jews and the Samaritans (John 4:9). The reaping went on gloriously.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:41

MANY MORE (πολλω πλειους). "More by much" (instrumental case πολλω) in comparison with just "many" (πολλο) of verse John 4:39. Jesus was reaping more rapidly than the woman did. But all were rejoicing that so many "believed" (επιστευσαν, really believed).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:42

NOT BECAUSE OF THY SPEAKING (ουκετ δια την σην λαλιαν). "No longer because of thy talk," good and effective as that was. Λαλια (cf. λαλεω) is talk, talkativeness, mode of speech, one's vernacular, used by Jesus of his own speech (John 8:43).WE HAVE HEARD (ακηκοαμεν). Perfect active indicative o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:43

AFTER THE TWO DAYS (Μετα τας δυο ημερας). Those in verse John 4:40.INTO GALILEE (εις την Γαλιλαιαν). As he had started to do (verse John 4:3) before the interruption at Sychar.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:44

FOR JESUS HIMSELF TESTIFIED (αυτος γαρ Ιησους εμαρτυρησεν). John's explanation of the conduct of Jesus by quoting a proverb often used by Jesus (Mark 6:4; Matthew 13:57; Luke 4:24 in reference to Nazareth), but not necessarily used by Jesus on this occasion. A similar proverb has been found in Pl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:45

SO WHEN (οτε ουν). Transitional use of ουν, sequence, not consequence.RECEIVED HIM (εδεξαντο αυτον). First aorist middle of δεχομα, "welcomed him." Jesus had evidently anticipated a quiet arrival.HAVING SEEN (εωρακοτες). Perfect active participle of οραω. Note θεωρουντες in John 2:23 about th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:46

AGAIN (παλιν). A second time.UNTO CANA (εις την Κανα). Note article, "the Cana of Galilee" already mentioned in John 2:1.WHERE HE MADE THE WATER WINE (οπου εποιησεν το υδωρ οινον). That outstanding first miracle would still be remembered in Cana and would indicate that Jesus had some friends... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:47

WHEN HE HEARD (ακουσας). First aorist active participle of ακουω. The news spread rapidly about Jesus.WAS COME (ηκε). Present active indicative of ηκω, one of the perfective presents, retained in indirect discourse. He had heard the people talk about the miracles in Jerusalem and the first one... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:48

EXCEPT YE SEE (εαν μη ιδητε). Condition of the third class (εαν μη, negative, with second aorist active subjunctive of οραω). Jesus is not discounting his "signs and wonders" (σημεια κα τερατα, both words together here only in John, though common in N.T. as in Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Acts 2:19;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:49

SIR (Κυριε). See John 1:38.COME DOWN (καταβηθ). Second aorist active imperative, tense and tone of urgency. Ερε μψ χιλδ διε (πριν αποθανειν το παιδιον μου). Regular idiom with πριν in positive clause, second aorist active infinitive of αποθνησκω and accusative of general reference, "before dyin... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:50

THY SON LIVETH (ο υιος σου ζη). "Thy son is living," and will not now die, Jesus means. Words too good and gracious to be true. His son is healed without Jesus even going to Capernaum, "absent treatment" so to speak, but without the cure being absent.BELIEVED THE WORD (επιστευσεν τω λογω). Inst... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:51

AS HE WAS NOW GOING DOWN (ηδη αυτου καταβαινοντος). Genitive absolute in-spite of the fact that αυτω (associative instrumental case with υπηντησαν aorist active indicative of υπανταω) is near.THAT HIS SON LIVED (οτ ο παις αυτου ζη). Present active indicative preserved in indirect discourse (cf.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:52

INQUIRED (επυθετο). Second aorist middle indicative of πυνθανομα.BEGAN TO MEND (κομψοτερον εσχεν). Second aorist ingressive active indicative of εχω (took a turn, got better) and comparative of adverb κομψως. Arrian (_Epictetus iii. 10.13) has κομψως εχεις from a physician, "Thou hast it fine,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:53

SO THE FATHER KNEW (εγνω ουν ο πατηρ). Second aorist active indicative of γινωσκω. Inferential use of ουν.HIMSELF BELIEVED (επιστευσεν αυτος). Not just the word of Jesus (verse John 4:50), but complete faith in Jesus himself as the Messiah, absolute use of πιστευω as in John 1:7.AND HIS WHOLE H... [ Continue Reading ]

John 4:54

THE SECOND SIGN THAT (δευτερον σημειον). No article, simply predicate accusative, "This again a second sign did Jesus having come out of Judea into Galilee." The first one was also in Cana (John 2:1), but many were wrought in Jerusalem also (John 2:23).... [ Continue Reading ]

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