Already he that reapeth receiveth wages

(ηδη ο θεριζων μισθον λαμβανε). The spiritual harvester can gather his harvest without waiting four months. Jesus is reaping a harvest right now by the conversion of this woman. The labourer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7; 2 Timothy 2:6). John does not use μισθος (reward) again, but καρπος (John 15:2-16), "fruit for life eternal" (cf. John 4:14).That he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together

(ινα ο σπειρων ομου χαιρη κα ο θεριζων). Final use of ινα with present active subjunctive of χαιρω, to rejoice, in the singular with ο σπειρων (the sower) and to be repeated with ο θεριζων (the reaper). The adverb ομου (together) elsewhere in N.T. only John 20:4; John 21:2; Acts 2:1. Usually considerable time passes between the sowing and the reaping as in verse John 4:35. Amos (Amos 9:13) spoke of the time when "the ploughman shall overtake the reaper" and that has happened here with the joy of the harvest time (Isaiah 9:3). Jesus the Sower and the disciples as the reapers are here rejoicing simultaneously.

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Old Testament