The Samaritan woman

(η γυνη η Σαμαρειτις). Different idiom from that in John 4:7, "the woman the Samaritan." The Samaritans were a mixture by intermarriage of the Jews left in the land (2 Chronicles 30:6; 2 Chronicles 30:10; 2 Chronicles 34:9) with colonists from Babylon and other regions sent by Shalmaneser. They had had a temple of their own on Mt. Gerizim and still worshipped there.Thou being a Jew

(συ Ιουδαιος ων). Race antipathy was all the keener because the Samaritans were half Jews.Drink

(πειν). Same infinitive form as in John 4:7 and the object of αιτεις (askest).Of me

(παρ' εμου). "From me," ablative case with παρα.For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans

(ου γαρ συνχρωντα Ιουδαιο Σαμαρειταις). Explanatory (γαρ) parenthesis of the woman's astonishment. Associative instrumental case with συνχρωντα (present middle indicative of συνχραομα, compound in literary Koine, here only in N.T.). The woman's astonishment is ironical according to Bernard. At any rate the disciples had to buy food in a Samaritan village and they were travelling through Samaria. Perhaps she was surprised that Jesus would drink out of her waterpot. The Western class omit this explanatory parenthesis of the author.

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Old Testament