John 5:1

AFTER THESE THINGS (μετα ταυτα). John is fond of this vague phrase (John 3:22; John 6:1). He does not mean that this incident follows immediately. He is supplementing the Synoptic Gospels and does not attempt a full story of the work of Jesus. Some scholars needlessly put chapter 5 after chapter... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:2

THERE IS (εστιν). Bengel argues that this proves a date before the destruction of Jerusalem, but it is probably only John's vivid memory.BY THE SHEEP GATE (επ τη προβατικη). Supply πυλη (gate) which occurs with the adjective προβατικη (pertaining to sheep, προβατα) in Nehemiah 3:1; Nehemiah 3:2... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:3

IN THESE (εν ταυταις). In these five porches.LAY (κατεκειτο). Imperfect middle of κατακειμα, to lie down, singular number because πληθος (multitude) is a collective substantive.WITHERED (ξηρων). Old adjective ξηρος for dry, wasted as the hand (Matthew 12:10). The oldest and best manuscripts o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:4

All of this verse is wanting in the oldest and best manuscripts like Aleph B C D W 33 Old Syriac, Coptic versions, Latin Vulgate. It is undoubtedly added, like the clause in verse John 5:3, to make clearer the statement in verse John 5:7. Tertullian is the earliest writer to mention it. The Jews exp... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:5

WHICH HAD BEEN THIRTY AND EIGHT YEARS (τριακοντα κα οκτω ετη εχων). Literally, "having thirty and eight years," "having spent thirty and eight years.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:6

KNEW THAT HE HAD BEEN A LONG TIME (γνους οτ πολυν ηδη χρονον εχε). How Jesus "knew" (γνους, second aorist active participle of γινωσκω) we are not told, whether supernatural knowledge (John 2:24) or observation or overhearing people's comments. In ηδη εχε we have a progressive present active indi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:7

WHEN THE WATER IS TROUBLED (οταν ταραχθη το υδωρ). Indefinite temporal clause with οταν and the first aorist passive subjunctive of ταρασσω, old verb to agitate (Matthew 2:3). The popular belief was that, at each outflow of this intermittent spring, there was healing power in the water for the fi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:8

ARISE, TAKE UP THY BED, AND WALK (Εγειρε, αρον τον κραβαττον σου κα περιπατε). Present active imperative of εγειρω, a sort of exclamation, like our "Get up." The first active imperative (αρον of αιρω) means to pick up the pallet, and then "go on walking" (present active imperative of περιπατεω).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:9

TOOK UP HIS BED AND WALKED (ηρε τον κραβαττον αυτου κα περιεπατε). The same distinction in tenses in the same verbs preserved, punctiliar action in ηρε (first aorist active of αιρω, took it up at once) and linear act (imperfect active of περιπατεω, went on walking).THE SABBATH ON THAT DAY (σαββα... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:10

UNTO HIM THAT WAS CURED (τω τεθεραπευμενω). Perfect passive articular participle of θεραπευω (only example in John), "to the healed man." See Matthew 8:7.TO TAKE UP THY BED (αρα τον κραβαττον). The very words of Jesus (verse John 5:8), only infinitive (first aorist active). Carrying burdens was... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:11

BUT HE ANSWERED (ος δε απεκριθη). Demonstrative ος (But this one) and deponent use of απεκριθη (first aorist passive indicative of αποκρινομα with no passive force).THE SAME (εκεινος). "That one," emphatic demonstrative as often in John (John 1:18; John 1:33; John 9:37; John 10:1, etc.). The ma... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:12

WHO IS THE MAN? (Τις εστιν ο ανθρωποσ;). Contemptuous expression, "Who is the fellow?" They ask about the command to violate the Sabbath, not about the healing.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:13

HE THAT WAS HEALED (ο ιαθεις). First aorist passive articular participle of ιαομα (John's usual word).WHO IT WAS (τις εστιν). Present tense preserved in indirect question.HAD CONVEYED HIMSELF AWAY (εξενευσεν). First aorist active indicative of εκνεω, old verb to swim out, to slip out, or from... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:14

FINDETH HIM (ευρισκε αυτον). Dramatic present as in John 1:45, possibly after search as in John 9:35.SIN NO MORE (μηκετ αμαρτανε). "No longer go on sinning." Present active imperative with μηκετ, a clear implication that disease was due to personal sin as is so often the case. Jesus used the sam... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:15

WENT AWAY AND TOLD (απηλθεν κα ειπεν). Both aorist active indicatives. Instead of giving heed to the warning of Jesus about his own sins he went off and told the Jews that now he knew who the man was who had commanded him to take up his bed on the Sabbath Day, to clear himself with the ecclesiast... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:16

PERSECUTE (εδιωκον). Inchoative imperfect, "began to persecute" and kept it up. They took this occasion as one excuse (δια τουτο, because of this). They disliked Jesus when here first (John 2:18) and were suspicious of his popularity (John 4:1). Now they have cause for an open breach.BECAUSE HE D... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:17

ANSWERED (απεκρινατο). Regular aorist middle indicative of αποκρινομα, in John here only and verse John 5:19, elsewhere απεκριθη as in verse John 5:11.MY FATHER (ο πατερ μου). Not "our Father," claim to peculiar relation to the Father.WORKETH EVEN UNTIL NOW (εως αρτ εργαζετα). Linear present... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:18

SOUGHT THE MORE (μαλλον εζητουν). Imperfect active of ζητεω, graphic picture of increased and untiring effort "to kill him" (αυτον αποκτεινα, first aorist active, to kill him off and be done with him). John repeats this clause "they sought to kill him" in John 7:1; John 7:19; John 7:25; John 8:37... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:19

THE SON (ο υιος). The absolute use of the Son in relation to the Father admitting the charge in verse John 5:18 and defending his equality with the Father.CAN DO NOTHING BY HIMSELF (ου δυνατα ποιειν αφ'εαυτου ουδεν). True in a sense of every man, but in a much deeper sense of Christ because of t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:20

LOVETH (φιλε). In John 3:35 we have αγαπα from αγαπαω, evidently one verb expressing as noble a love as the other. Sometimes a distinction (John 21:17) is made, but not here, unless φιλεω presents the notion of intimate friendship (φιλος, friend), fellowship, the affectionate side, while αγαπαω ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:21

QUICKENETH WHOM HE WILL (ους θελε ζωοποιε). Present active indicative of ζωοποιεω (from ζωοποιος, making alive), common in Paul (1 Corinthians 15:45, etc.). As yet, so far as we know, Jesus had not raised the dead, but he claims the power to do it on a par with the power of the Father. The raising... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:22

HE HATH GIVEN ALL JUDGEMENT UNTO THE SON (την κρισιν πασαν δεδωκεν τω υιω). Perfect active indicative of διδωμ, state of completion (as in John 3:35; John 6:27; John 6:29; John 10:29, etc.). See this prerogative claimed for Christ already in John 3:17. See the picture of Christ as Judge of men in... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:23

THAT ALL MAY HONOUR THE SON (ινα παντες τιμωσιν τον υιον). Purpose clause with ινα and present active subjunctive of τιμαω (may keep on honouring the Son).HE THAT HONOURETH NOT THE SON (ο μη τιμων τον υιον). Articular present active participle of τιμαω with negative μη. Jesus claims here the sam... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:24

HATH ETERNAL LIFE (εχε ζωην αιωνιον). Has now this spiritual life which is endless. See John 3:36. In verses John 5:24; John 5:25 Jesus speaks of spiritual life and spiritual death. In this passage (John 5:21-29) Jesus speaks now of physical life and death, now of spiritual, and one must notice ca... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:25

AND NOW IS (κα νυν εστιν). See John 4:23 for this phrase. Not the future resurrection in verse John 5:28, but the spiritual resurrection here and now.THE DEAD (ο νεκρο). The spiritually dead, dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:5; Ephesians 5:14).SHALL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:26

IN HIMSELF (εν εαυτω). The Living God possesses life wholly in himself and so he has bestowed this power of life to the Son as already stated in the Prologue of the Logos (John 1:3). For "gave" (εδωκεν, timeless aorist active indicative) see also John 3:35; John 17:2; John 17:24. The particles "a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:27

BECAUSE HE IS THE SON OF MAN (οτ υιος ανθρωπου εστιν). Rather, "because he is a son of man" (note absence of articles and so not as the Messiah), because the judge of men must partake of human nature himself (Westcott). Bernard insists that John is here giving his own reflections rather than the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:28

IN THE TOMBS (εν τοις μνημειοις). Ταφος (grave) presents the notion of burial (θαπτω, to bury) as in Matthew 23:27, μνημειον (from μναομα, μιμνησκω, to remind) is a memorial (sepulchre as a monument). Jesus claims not only the power of life (spiritual) and of judgement, but of power to quicken the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:29

UNTO THE RESURRECTION OF LIFE (εις αναστασιν ζωης). Αναστασις is an old word (Aeschylus) from ανιστημ, to raise up, to arise. This combination occurs nowhere else in the N.T. nor does "the resurrection of judgement" (εις αναστασιν κρισεως), but in Luke 14:14 there is the similar phrase "in the re... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:30

I (Εγω). The discourse returns to the first person after using "the Son" since verse John 5:19. Here Jesus repeats in the first person (as in John 8:28) the statement made in verse John 5:19 about the Son. In John εμαυτου is used by Jesus 16 times and not at all by Jesus in the Synoptics. It occu... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:31

IF I BEAR WITNESS OF MYSELF (Εαν εγω μαρτυρω περ εμαυτου). Condition of third class, undetermined with prospect of determination (εαν and present active subjunctive of μαρτυρεω). The emphasis is on εγω (I alone with no other witness).IS NOT TRUE (ουκ εστιν αληθης). In law the testimony of a witn... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:32

ANOTHER (αλλος). The Father, not the Baptist who is mentioned in verse John 5:33. This continual witness of the Father (ο μαρτυρων, who is bearing witness, and μαρτυρε, present active indicative) is mentioned again in verses John 5:36-38 as in John 8:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:33

YE HAVE SENT (υμεις απεσταλκατε). Emphatic use of υμεις (ye) and perfect active indicative of αποστελλω, official and permanent fact and so the witness of the Baptist has to be recognized as trustworthy by the Sanhedrin. The reference is to the committee in John 1:19-28.HE HATH BORNE WITNESS (με... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:34

BUT THE WITNESS WHICH I RECEIVE (Εγω δε ου την μαρτυριαν λαμβανω). "But I do not receive the witness" simply from a man (like John). The εγω (I) in sharp contrast with υμεις (ye) of verse John 5:33. Jesus complained of Nicodemus for not accepting his witness (John 3:11). Cf. also John 3:32. In 1... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:35

HE (εκεινος). "That one" (John of John 5:33). Common demonstrative (that one) in John to point out the subject. Used in John 1:8 of the Baptist as here. John was now in prison and so Christ uses ην (was). His active ministry is over.THE LAMP (ο λυχνος). The lamp in the room (Mark 4:21). Old word... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:36

BUT THE WITNESS WHICH I HAVE IS GREATER THAN THAT OF JOHN (Εγω δε εχω την μαρτυριαν μειζω του Ιωανου). Literally, "But I have the witness greater than John's." Μειζω (μειζονα) is predicate accusative and Ιωανου is ablative of comparison after μειζω. Good as the witness of John is, Christ has supe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:37

HE HATH BORNE WITNESS (εκεινος μεμαρτυρηκεν). Εκεινος (that one; cf. John 5:35; John 5:38), not αυτος. Perfect active indicative of μαρτυρεω, the direct witness of the Father, besides the indirect witness of the works. Jesus is not speaking of the voice of the Father at his baptism (Mark 1:11), th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:38

AND (κα). "And yet" as in John 1:10 and John 5:40 below.HIS WORD ABIDING IN YOU (τον λογον αυτου εν υμιν μενοντα). But God's word had come to them through the centuries by the prophets. For the phrase see John 10:35; John 15:3; John 17:6; 1 John 1:10; 1 John 2:14.HIM YE BELIEVE NOT (τουτω υμει... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:39

YE SEARCH (εραυνατε). Proper spelling as the papyri show rather than ερευνατε, the old form (from ερευνα, search) as in John 7:52. The form here can be either present active indicative second person plural or the present active imperative second person plural. Only the context can decide. Either m... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:40

AND YE WILL NOT COME TO ME (κα ου θελετε ελθειν προς με). "And yet" (κα) as often in John. "This is the tragedy of the rejection of Messiah by the Messianic race" (Bernard). See John 1:11; Matthew 23:37 (κα ουκ ηθελησατε, and ye would not). Men loved darkness rather than light (John 3:19).THAT YE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:41

GLORY FROM MEN (δοξαν παρα ανθρωπων). Mere honour and praise Jesus does not expect from men (verse John 5:34). This is not wounded pride, for ambition is not Christ's motive. He is unlike the Jews (John 5:44; John 12:43; Matthew 6:1) and seeks not his own glory, but the glory and fellowship of the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:42

BUT I KNOW YOU (αλλα εγνωκα υμας). Perfect active indicative of γινωσκω, "I have come to know and still know," the knowledge of personal experience (John 2:24).THE LOVE O' GOD (την αγαπην του θεου). Objective genitive, "the love toward God." See Luke 11:42 for this phrase in the same sense (only... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:43

IN MY FATHER'S NAME (εν τω ονοματ του πατρος μου). Seven times Jesus in John speaks of the "Name" of the Father (John 5:43; John 10:25; John 12:28; John 17:6; John 17:11; John 17:12; John 17:26). See John 1:12 for use of ονομα (Luke 1:49).And ye receive... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:44

HOW CAN YE BELIEVE? (πως δυνασθε υμεις πιστευσαι;). Emphasis on "ye" (υμεις), ye being what ye are. They were not true Jews (Romans 2:29; Esther 9:28) who cared for the glory of God, but they prefer the praise of men (Matthew 6:1; Matthew 23:5) like the Pharisees who feared to confess Christ (Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:45

THINK NOT (μη δοκειτε). Prohibition with μη and the present imperative. See on verse John 5:39 for δοκεω for mistaken opinions in John.I WILL ACCUSE YOU (εγω κατηγορησω υμων). Emphasis on εγω (I). Future active indicative of κατηγορεω (κατα, against, αγορευω, to speak in the assembly αγορα, to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:46

YE WOULD BELIEVE ME (επιστευετε αν εμο). Conclusion of condition of second class (determined as unfulfilled) with imperfect indicative in both protasis and apodosis and αν in apodosis. This was a home-thrust, proving that they did not really believe Moses.FOR HE WROTE OF ME (περ γαρ εμου εκεινος... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:47

HIS WRITINGS (τοις εκεινου γραμμασιν). Dative case with πιστυετε. See Luke 16:31 for a like argument. The authority of Moses was the greatest of all for Jews. There is a contrast also betweenWRITINGS (γραμμασιν, from γραφω, to write) andWORDS (ρημασιν, from ειπον). Γραμμα may mean the mere let... [ Continue Reading ]

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