And now is

(κα νυν εστιν). See John 4:23 for this phrase. Not the future resurrection in verse John 5:28, but the spiritual resurrection here and now.The dead

(ο νεκρο). The spiritually dead, dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:5; Ephesians 5:14).Shall hear the voice of the Son of God

(ακουσουσιν της φωνης του υιου του θεου). Note three genitives (φωνης after ακουσουσιν, υιου with φωνης, θεου with υιου). Note three articles (correlation of the article) and that Jesus here calls himself "the Son of God" as in John 10:36; John 11:4.Shall live

(ζησουσιν). Future active indicative, shall come to life spiritually.

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Old Testament