Think not

(μη δοκειτε). Prohibition with μη and the present imperative. See on verse John 5:39 for δοκεω for mistaken opinions in John.I will accuse you

(εγω κατηγορησω υμων). Emphasis on εγω (I). Future active indicative of κατηγορεω (κατα, against, αγορευω, to speak in the assembly αγορα, to bring an accusation in court, a public accusation). See Romans 3:9 for προαιτιαομα for making previous charge and Luke 16:1 for διαβαλλω, a secret malicious accusation, and Romans 8:33 for εγκαλεω, for public charge, not necessarily before tribunal.Even Moses

(Μωυσης). No "even" in the Greek.On whom ye have set your hope

(εις ον υμεις ηλπικατε). Perfect active indicative of ελπιζω, state of repose in Moses. Only example of ελπιζω in John. See 2 Corinthians 1:10 for use of εις with ελπιζω instead of the usual επ (1 Timothy 4:10).

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Old Testament