John 6:1

AFTER THESE THINGS (μετα ταυτα). A common, but indefinite, note of time in John (John 3:22; John 5:1; John 6:1; John 7:1). The phrase does not mean immediate sequence of events. As a matter of fact, a whole year may intervene between the events of chapter 5 in Jerusalem and those in chapter 6 in G... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:2

FOLLOWED (ηκολουθε). Descriptive imperfect active, picturing the crowd, but without the details of the boat for Christ and the rapid race of the crowd on foot (Mark 6:32; Matthew 14:13).THEY BEHELD (εθεωρουν). Imperfect active of θεωρεω. They had been beholding the signs which Jesus had been doi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:3

INTO THE MOUNTAIN (εις το ορος). From the level of the Jordan valley up into the high hill on the eastern side. Mark (Mark 6:46) and Matthew (Matthew 14:23) mention that after the miracle Jesus went further up into the mountain to pray.SAT (εκαθητο). Imperfect middle of καθημα, was sitting, a p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:4

THE FEAST OF THE JEWS (η εορτη των Ιουδαιων). Here used of the passover (το πασχα) as in John 7:2 of the tabernacles. This is probably the third passover in Christ's ministry (John 2:13 and one unmentioned unless John 5:1 be it). In John 2:13, here, and John 11:55 (the last one) the adverb εγγυς... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:5

LIFTING UP HIS EYES (επαρας τους οφθαλμους). First aorist active participle of επαιρω. See the same phrase in John 4:35 where it is also followed by θεαομα; John 11:41; John 17:1; Luke 6:20. Here it is particularly expressive as Jesus looked down from the mountain on the approaching multitude.COM... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:6

TO PROVE HIM (πειραζων αυτον). Present active participle of πειραζω, testing him, not here in bad sense of tempting as so often (Matthew 4:1).WHAT HE WOULD DO (τ ημελλεν ποιειν). Indirect question with change of tense to imperfect. As in John 2:25 so here John explains why Jesus put the questio... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:7

TWO HUNDRED PENNYWORTH OF BREAD (διακοσιων δηναριων αρτο). "Loaves of two hundred denarii." The Roman coin originally for ten asses (afterwards sixteen), about 16 2/3 cents. The denarius was the usual pay for a day's labour (Matthew 20:2; Matthew 20:9; Matthew 20:13). This item in Mark 6:37, but... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:8

ONE OF (εις εκ). So in John 12:4; John 13:23; Mark 13:1 without εκ.SIMON PETER'S BROTHER (ο αδελφος Σιμωνος Πετρου). So described in John 1:40. The great distinction of Andrew was precisely this that he brought Simon to Christ. Philip and Andrew appear together again in John 12:20-22, but in th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:9

A LAD HERE (παιδαριον ωδε). Old word, diminutive of παις, here only in N.T., not genuine in Matthew 11:16. How he came to have this small supply we do not know.BARLEY (κριθινους). Adjective, here and verse John 6:13 only in N.T., in the papyri, from κριθη, barley (Revelation 6:6). Considered an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:10

SIT DOWN (αναπεσειν). Literally, "fall back," lie down, recline. Second aorist active infinitive of αναπιπτω.MUCH GRASS (χορτος πολυς). Old word for pasture, green grass (Mark 6:39) or hay (1 Corinthians 3:12). It was spring (John 6:4) and plenty of green grass on the hillside.THE MEN (ο ανδρ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:11

THE LOAVES (τους αρτους). Those of verse John 6:9.HAVING GIVEN THANKS (ευχαριστησας). The usual grace before meals (Deuteronomy 8:10). The Synoptics use "blessed" ευλογησεν (Mark 6:41; Matthew 14:19; Luke 9:16).HE DISTRIBUTED (διεδωκεν). First aorist active indicative of διαδιδωμ, old verb to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:12

AND WHEN THEY WERE FILLED (ως δε ενεπλησθησαν). First aorist (effective) passive indicative of εμπιμπλημ, old verb to fill in, to fill up, to fill completely. They were all satisfied. The Synoptics have εχορτασθησαν like John 6:26 (εχορτασθητε).GATHER UP (συναγαγετε). Second aorist active imper... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:13

TWELVE BASKETS (δωδεκα κοφινους). One for each of the apostles. What about the lad? Stout wicker baskets (coffins, Wycliff) in distinction from the soft and frail σφυριδες used at the feeding of the four thousand (Mark 8:8; Matthew 15:37). Here all the Gospels (Mark 6:43; Matthew 14:20; Luke 9:17;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:14

SAW THE SIGN WHICH HE DID (ιδοντες α εποιησεν σημεια). "Signs" oldest MSS. have. This sign added to those already wrought (verse John 6:2). Cf. John 2:23; John 3:2.THEY SAID (ελεγον). Inchoative imperfect, began to say.OF A TRUTH (αληθως). Common adverb (from αληθης) in John (John 7:40).THE P... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:15

PERCEIVING (γνους). Second aorist active participle of γινωσκω. It was not hard for Christ to read the mind of this excited mob.THEY WERE ABOUT (μελλουσιν). Present active indicative of μελλω. Probably the leaders were already starting.TAKE HIM BY FORCE (αρπαζειν). Present active infinitive o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:16

WHEN EVENING CAME (ως οψια εγενετο). "The late hour" (ωρα understood), and so in late Greek the adjective is used as a substantive. It is late evening (real evening), not the early evening in mid-afternoon (Matthew 14:15). The disciples were in no hurry to start back to Bethsaida in Galilee (Mark... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:17

WERE GOING (ηρχοντο). Picturesque imperfect.IT WAS NOW DARK (σκοτια ηδη εγεγονε). Past perfect active of γινομα. While they were going, "darkness had already come."AND JESUS HAD NOT YET COME TO THEM (κα ουκ εληλυθε προς αυτους ο Ιησους). Another past perfect active of ερχομα with negative ουπ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:18

AND THE SEA WAS RISING (η τε θαλασσα διεγειρετο). Imperfect (without augment) passive of διεγειρω, late compound to wake up thoroughly, to arouse.BY REASON OF A GREAT WIND THAT BLEW (ανεμου μεγαλου πνεοντος). Genitive absolute with present active participle of πνεω, to blow, "a great wind blowi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:19

WHEN THEREFORE THEY HAD ROWED (εληλακοτες ουν). Perfect active participle of ελαυνω, old verb to march (Xenophon), to drive (James 3:4), to row (Mark 6:48).FURLONGS (σταδιους). Stadia, accusative of extent of space, a little over halfway across, "in the midst of the sea" (Mark 6:47). It was abo... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:20

BE NOT AFRAID (μη φοβεισθε). Prohibition with μη and present middle imperative of φοβεομα. So in Mark 6:50 (Matthew 14:27). John does not tell that the disciples thought Jesus was an apparition (Mark 6:49; Matthew 14:26), nor does he give the account of Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:28-3... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:21

THEY WERE WILLING THEREFORE (ηθελον ουν). Inchoative imperfect, "they began to be willing." This does not contradict Mark 6:51 as Bernard thinks. Both Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat.WHITHER THEY WERE GOING (εις ην υπηγον). Progressive imperfect active, "to which land they had been going... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:22

WHICH STOOD (ο εστηκως). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of ιστημ, to put, to stand. Jesus had sent the multitudes away the evening before (Mark 6:45; Matthew 14:22), but evidently some did not go very far, still lingering in excitement on the eastern side of the lake next morning.BOAT... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:23

HOWBEIT (αλλα). Verse 23 is really an explanatory parenthesis in this long sentence. Tiberias, capital of Herod Antipas, diagonally across the lake, is only mentioned in John in the N.T. (John 6:1; John 6:23; John 21:1).BOATS (πλοια). Called "little boats" (πλοιαρια) in verse John 6:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:24

WHEN THE MULTITUDE THEREFORE SAW (οτε ουν ειδεν ο οχλος). Resumption and clarification of the complicated statements of verse John 6:22.THAT JESUS WAS NOT THERE (οτ Ιησους ουκ εστιν εκε). Present indicative retained in indirect discourse. They still did not understand how Jesus had crossed over... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:25

WHEN THEY FOUND HIM (ευροντες αυτον). Second aorist active participle of ευρισκω. Found him after search and in the synagogue as John explains (verse John 6:59) in Capernaum, perhaps that very synagogue built by a centurion (Luke 7:5).RABBI (Ραββε). See on John 1:38 for this courteous title.WHE... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:26

NOT BECAUSE YE SAW SIGNS (ουχ οτ ειδετε σημεια). Second aorist active indicative of the defective verb οραω. They had seen the "signs" wrought by Jesus (verse John 6:2), but this one had led to wild fanaticism (verse John 6:14) and complete failure to grasp the spiritual lessons.BUT BECAUSE YE AT... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:27

WORK NOT FOR (μη εργαζεσθε). Prohibition with μη and present middle imperative of εργαζομα, old verb from εργον, work.THE MEAT (την βρωσιν). The act of eating (Romans 14:17), corrosion (Matthew 6:19), the thing eaten as here (2 Corinthians 9:10). See on John 4:32.WHICH PERISHETH (την απολλυμε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:28

WHAT MUST WE DO? (Τ ποιωμεν;). Present active deliberative subjunctive of ποιεω, "What are we to do as a habit?" For the aorist subjunctive (ποιησωμεν) in a like question for a single act see Luke 3:10. For the present indicative (ποιουμεν) of inquiry concerning actual conduct see John 11:47 (wha... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:29

THE WORK OF GOD THAT YE BELIEVE (το εργον του θεου ινα πιστευητε). In 1 Thessalonians 1:3 Paul speaks of "your work of faith" (υμων του εργου της πιστεως). So here Jesus terms belief in him as the work of God. These Jews were thinking of various deeds of the Pharisaic type and rules. Jesus turns... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:30

FOR A SIGN (σημειον). Predicate accusative, as a sign, with τ (what). As if the sign of the day before was without value. Jesus had said that they did not understand his signs (verse John 6:26).THAT WE MAY SEE, AND BELIEVE THEE (ινα ιδωμεν κα πιστευσωμεν). Purpose clause with ινα and the second... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:31

ATE THE MANNA (το μαννα εφαγον). The rabbis quoted Psalms 72:16 to prove that the Messiah, when he comes, will outdo Moses with manna from heaven. Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah and able to give bread for eternal life (verse John 6:27). Lightfoot (_Biblical Essays_, p. 152) says: "The key to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:32

IT WAS NOT MOSES THAT GAVE YOU (ου Μωυσης εδωκεν υμιν). "Not Moses gave you." Blunt and pointed denial (aorist active indicative of διδωμ) that Moses was the giver of the bread from heaven (the manna). Moses was not superior to Christ on this score.BUT MY FATHER (αλλ ο πατηρ μου). Not "our Fath... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:33

THE BREAD OF GOD (ο αρτος του θεου). All bread is of God (Matthew 6:11). The manna came down from heaven (Numbers 11:9) as does this bread (ο καταβαινων). Refers to the bread (ο αρτος, masculine). Bernard notes that this phrase (coming down) is used seven times in this discourse (John 6:33; John 6... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:34

LORD (Κυριε). Used now instead of _Rabbi_ (25) though how much the people meant by it is not clear.EVERMORE GIVE US THIS BREAD (παντοτε δος ημιν τον αρτον τουτον). Second aorist active imperative second singular like δος in Matthew 6:11 (urgent petition). What kind of bread do they mean? The Jew... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:35

I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (Εγω ειμ ο αρτος της ζωης). This sublime sentence was startling in the extreme to the crowd. Philo does compare the manna to the θειος λογος in an allegorical sense, but this language is far removed from Philo's vagueness. In the Synoptics (Mark 14:22; Matthew 26:26; Luke 22... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:36

THAT YE HAVE SEEN ME (οτ κα εωρακατε με). It is not certain that με is genuine. If not, Jesus may refer to verse John 6:26. If genuine, some other saying is referred to that we do not have. Note κα (also or even).AND YET BELIEVE NOT (κα ου πιστευετε). Use of κα = and yet.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:37

ALL THAT (παν ο). Collective use of the neuter singular, classic idiom, seen also in John 6:39; John 17:2; John 17:24; 1 John 5:4. Perhaps the notion of unity like εν in John 17:21 underlies this use of παν ο.GIVETH ME (διδωσιν μο). For the idea that the disciples are given to the Son see also J... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:38

I AM COME DOWN (καταβεβηκα). Perfect active indicative of καταβαινω. See on John 6:33 for frequent use of this phrase by Jesus. Here απο is correct rather than εκ with του ουρανου.NOT TO DO (ουχ ινα ποιω). "Not that I keep on doing" (final clause with ινα and present active subjunctive of ποιεω... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:39

THAT OF ALL THAT WHICH (ινα παν ο). Literally, "That all which" (see verse John 6:37 for παν ο), but there is a sharp anacoluthon with παν left as _nominativus pendens_.I SHOULD LOSE NOTHING (μη απολεσω εξ αυτου). Construed with ινα, "that I shall not lose anything of it." Απολεσω, from απολλυμ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:40

SHOULD HAVE ETERNAL LIFE (εχη ζωην αιωνιον). Present active subjunctive with ινα, "that he may keep on having eternal life" as in John 3:15; John 3:36.BEHOLDETH (θεωρων). With the eye of faith as in John 12:45.AND I WILL RAISE HIM UP (κα αναστησω). Future active indicative (volitive future, p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:41

MURMURED (εγογγυζον). Imperfect active of the onomatopoetic verb γογγυζω, late verb in LXX (murmuring against Moses), papyri (vernacular), like the cooing of doves or the buzzing of bees. These Galilean Jews are puzzled over what Jesus had said (verses John 6:33; John 6:35) about his being the br... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:42

HOW DOTH HE NOW SAY? (Πως νυν λεγει;). They knew Jesus as the son of Joseph and Mary. They cannot comprehend his claim to be from heaven. This lofty claim puzzles sceptics today.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:43

MURMUR NOT (μη γογγυζετε). Prohibition with μη and the present active imperative, "stop murmuring" (the very word of verse John 6:41). There was a rising tide of protest.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:44

EXCEPT THE FATHER DRAW HIM (εαν μη ελκυση αυτον). Negative condition of third class with εαν μη and first aorist active subjunctive of ελκυω, older form ελκω, to drag like a net (John 21:6), or sword (John 18:10), or men (Acts 16:19), to draw by moral power (John 12:32), as in Jeremiah 31:3. Συρω,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:45

TAUGHT OF GOD (διδακτο θεου). A free quotation from Isaiah 54:13 with this phrase in the LXX. There is here the ablative case θεου with the passive verbal adjective διδακτο (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516). In 1 Thessalonians 4:9 we have the compound verbal θεοδιδακτο. The same use of διδακτος with... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:46

THIS ONE HAS SEEN THE FATHER (ουτος εωρακεν τον πατερα). Perfect active indicative of οραω. With the eyes no one has seen God (John 1:18) save the Son who is "from God" in origin (John 1:1; John 1:14; John 7:29; John 16:27; John 17:8). The only way for others to see God is to see Christ (John 14:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:48

I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (εγω ειμ ο αρτος της ζωης). Jesus repeats the astounding words of verse John 6:35 after fuller explanation. The believer in Christ has eternal life because he gives himself to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:49

AND THEY DIED (κα απεθανον). Physical death. The manna did not prevent death. But this new manna will prevent spiritual death.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:50

THAT A MAN MAY EAT THEREOF, AND NOT DIE (ινα τις εξ αυτου φαγη κα μη αποθανη). Purpose clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of εσθιω and αποθνησκω. The wonder and the glory of it all, but quite beyond the insight of this motley crowd.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:51

THE LIVING BREAD (ο αρτος ο ζων). "The bread the living." Repetition of the claim in John 6:35; John 6:41; John 6:48, but with a slight change from ζωης to ζων (present active participle of ζαω). It is alive and can give life. See John 4:10 for living water. In Revelation 1:17 Jesus calls himself... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:52

STROVE (εμαχοντο). Imperfect (inchoative) middle of μαχομα, to fight in armed combat (Acts 7:26), then to wage a war of words as here and 2 Timothy 2:24. They were already murmuring (John 6:41), now they began bitter strife with one another over the last words of Jesus (John 6:43-51), some probabl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:53

EXCEPT YE EAT (εαν μη φαγητε). Negative condition of third class with second aorist active subjunctive of εσθιω. Jesus repeats the statement in verses John 6:50; John 6:51. Note change of μου (my) in verse John 6:51 to του υιου του ανθρωπου with same idea.AND DRINK HIS BLOOD (κα πιητε αυτου το α... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:54

HE THAT EATETH (ο τρωγων). Present active participle for continual or habitual eating like πιστευετε in verse John 6:29. The verb τρωγω is an old one for eating fruit or vegetables and the feeding of animals. In the N.T. it occurs only in John 6:54; John 6:56; John 6:58; John 13:18; Matthew 24:38.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:55

MEAT INDEED (αληθης βρωσις). So the best MSS., "true food." See on John 4:32 for βρωσις as equal to βρωμα (a thing eaten).DRINK INDEED (αληθης ποσις). Correct text, "true drink." For ποσις see Romans 14:17; Colossians 2:16 (only N.T. examples).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:56

ABIDETH IN ME AND I IN HIM (εν εμο μενε καγω εν αυτω). Added to the phrase in John 6:54 in the place of εχε ζωην αιωνιον (has eternal life). The verb μενω (to abide) expresses continual mystical fellowship between Christ and the believer as in John 15:4-7; 1 John 2:6; 1 John 2:27; 1 John 2:28; 1 J... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:57

THE LIVING FATHER (ο ζων πατηρ). Nowhere else in the N.T., but see John 5:26 and "the living God" (Matthew 16:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16). The Father is the source of life and so "I live because of the Father" (καγω ζω δια τον πατερα).HE THAT EATETH ME (ο τρωγων με). Still bolder putting of the myst... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:58

THIS IS THE BREAD (ουτος εστιν ο αρτος). Summary and final explanation of the true manna (from verse John 6:32 on) as being Jesus Christ himself.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:59

IN THE SYNAGOGUE (εν συναγωγη). Definite like our in church, though article absent. Only use of the word in John except John 18:20. "Among the ruins at _Tell Hum_, the probable site of Capernaum, have been found among the remains of a synagogue a block of stone perhaps the lintel, carved with a p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:60

A HARD SAYING (σκληρος). "This saying is a hard one." Old adjective, rough, harsh, dried hard (from σκελλω, to dry), probably the last saying of Jesus that he was the bread of life come down from heaven and they were to eat him. It is to be hoped that none of the twelve joined the many disciples... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:61

KNOWING IN HIMSELF (ειδως εν εαυτω). Second perfect active participle of οιδα. See John 2:25 for this supernatural insight into men's minds.MURMURED (γογγυζουσιν). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse. See John 6:41 for γογγυζω.AT THIS (περ τουτου). "Concerning this word.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:62

WHAT THEN IF YE SHOULD BEHOLD (εαν ουν θεωρητε). No "what" in the Greek. Condition of third class with εαν and present active subjunctive, "if ye then behold."ASCENDING (αναβαινοντα). Present active participle picturing the process.WHERE HE WAS BEFORE (οπου ην το προτερον). Neuter articular a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:63

THAT QUICKENETH (το ζωοποιουν). Articular present active participle of ζωοποιεω for which see John 5:21. For the contrast between πνευμα (spirit) and σαρξ (flesh) see already John 3:6.THE WORDS (τα ρηματα). Those in this discourse (I have just spoken, λελαληκα), for they are the words of God (Jo... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:64

THAT BELIEVE NOT (ο ου πιστευουσιν). Failure to believe kills the life in the words of Jesus.KNEW FROM THE BEGINNING (ηιδε εξ αρχης). In the N.T. we have εξ αρχης only here and John 16:4, but απ' αρχης in apparently the same sense as here in John 15:27; 1 John 2:7; 1 John 2:24; 1 John 3:11 and s... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:65

EXCEPT IT BE GIVEN HIM OF THE FATHER (εαν μη η δεδομενον αυτω εκ του πατρος). Condition of third class with εαν μη and periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of διδωμ. Precisely the same point as in verse John 6:44 where we have ελκυση instead of η δεδομενον. The impulse to faith comes from God... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:66

UPON THIS (εκ τουτου). Same idiom in John 19:12. "Out of this saying or circumstance." Jesus drew the line of cleavage between the true and the false believers.WENT BACK (απηλθον εις τα οπισω). Aorist (ingressive) active indicative of απερχομα with εις τα οπισω, "to the rear" (the behind things... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:67

WOULD YE ALSO GO AWAY? (Μη κα υμεις θελετε υπαγειν;). Jesus puts it with the negative answer (μη) expected. See John 21:5 where Jesus also uses μη in a question. Judas must have shown some sympathy with the disappointed and disappearing crowds. But he kept still. There was possibly restlessness o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:68

LORD, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? (Κυριε, προς τινα απελευσομεθα;). Peter is the spokesman as usual and his words mean that, if such a thought as desertion crossed their minds when the crowd left, they dismissed it instantly. They had made their choice. They accepted these very words of Jesus that had c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:69

WE HAVE BELIEVED (ημεις πεπιστευκαμεν). Perfect active indicative of πιστευω, "We have come to believe and still believe" (verse John 6:29).AND KNOW (κα εγνωκαμεν). Same tense of γινωσκω, "We have come to know and still know."THOU ART THE HOLY ONE OF GOD (συ ε ο αγιος του θεου). Bernard follow... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:70

AND ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL (κα εξ υμων εις διαβολος εστιν). Jesus does not say that Judas was a devil when he chose him, but that he is one now. In John 13:2; John 13:27 John speaks of the devil entering Judas. How soon the plan to betray Jesus first entered the heart of Judas we do not know (John... [ Continue Reading ]

John 6:71

OF SIMON ISCARIOT (Σιμωνος Ισκαριωτου). So his father was named Iscariot also, a man of Kerioth (possibly in Judah, Joshua 15:25, possibly in Moab, Jeremiah 48:24), not in Galilee. Judas was the only one of the twelve not a Galilean. The rest of the verse is like John 12:4.ONE OF THE TWELVE (ει... [ Continue Reading ]

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