John 8:1

BUT JESUS WENT (Ιησους δε επορευθη). Same deponent use of πορευομα as in John 7:53 and in contrast to the Sanhedrin's conduct, though it seems "pointless" (Dods). Apparently Jesus was lodging in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:2

EARLY IN THE MORNING (ορθρου). Genitive of time, ορθρος meaning daybreak, old word, not in John, though in Luke 24:1; Acts 5:21. John uses πρω (John 18:28; John 20:1; John 21:4).HE CAME AGAIN INTO THE TEMPLE (παλιν παρεγενετο εις το ιερον). If the paragraph is genuine, the time is the next day... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:3

THE SCRIBES AND THE PHARISEES (ο γραμματεις κα ο Φαρισαιο). John does not mention "scribes," though this combination (note two articles) is common enough in the Synoptics (Luke 5:30; Luke 6:7, etc.).BRING (αγουσιν). Vivid dramatic present active indicative of αγω. Dods calls this "in itself an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:4

HATH BEEN TAKEN (κατειληπτα). Perfect passive indicative of καταλαμβανω (see verse John 8:3), caught and still guilty.IN ADULTERY (μοιχευομενη). Present passive participle of μοιχευω, "herself suffering adultery" (Matthew 5:32). Used of married people. Not in John.IN THE VERY ACT (επ' αυτοφωρ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:5

COMMANDED (ενετειλατο). First aorist middle indicative of εντελλω, old verb to enjoin (Matthew 4:6).TO STONE SUCH (τας τοιαυτας λιθαζειν). Present active infinitive of λιθαζω (from λιθος), from Aristotle on. Stoning was specified for the case of a betrothed woman guilty of adultery (Deuteronomy... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:6

TEMPTING HIM (πειραζοντες αυτον). Evil sense of this present active participle of πειραζω, as so often (Mark 8:11; Mark 10:2, etc.).THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE WHEREOF TO ACCUSE HIM (ινα εχωσιν κατηγορειν αυτου). Purpose clause with ινα and present active subjunctive of εχω. This laying of traps for J... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:7

WHEN THEY CONTINUED ASKING (ως επεμενον ερωτωντες). Imperfect active indicative of επιμενω (waiting in addition or still, επ, old verb) with supplementary active participle of ερωταω, to question. See same construction in Acts 12:16 The verb επιμενω does not occur in John. They saw that Jesus see... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:8

AGAIN HE STOOPED DOWN (παλιν κατακυψας). First aorist active participle of κατακυπτω, old and rare verb (in Epictetus II, 16. 22) instead of κατω κυψας in verse John 8:6.WITH HIS FINGER (τω δακτυλω). Not genuine, only in D and Western class.WROTE ON THE GROUND (εγραφεν εις την γην). Imperfect... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:9

WENT OUT (εξηρχοντο). Inchoative imperfect. Graphic picture.ONE BY ONE (εις καθ' εις). Not a Johannine phrase, but in Mark 14:19 where also the second nominative is retained as if καθ' (κατα) is regarded as a mere adverb and not as a preposition.BEGINNING FROM THE ELDEST (αρξαμενο απο των πρε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:10

LIFTED UP HIMSELF (ανακυψας). First aorist active participle of ανακυπτω as in verse John 8:7.WHERE ARE THEY? (Που εισιν;). Jesus had kept on writing on the ground as the accusers had slipped away one by one.DID NO MAN CONDEMN THEE? (ουδεις σε κατεκρινεν;). First aorist active indicative of κ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:11

NO MAN, LORD (Ουδεισ, Κυριε). "No one, Sir." She makes no excuse for her sin. Does she recognize Jesus as "Lord"?NEITHER DO I CONDEMN THEE (Ουδε εγω σε κατακρινω). Jesus does not condone her sin. See John 8:15 for "I do not judge (condemn) any one." But he does give the poor woman another chanc... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:12

AGAIN THEREFORE (παλιν ουν). This language fits in better with John 7:52 than with John 8:11. Just suppose Jesus is in the temple on the following day.UNTO THEM (αυτοις). The Pharisees and crowds in the temple after the feast was past.I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (εγω ειμ το φως του κοσμου). Je... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:13

OF THYSELF (περ σεαυτου). This technical objection was according to the rules of evidence among the rabbis. "No man can give witness for himself" (_Mishnah, Ketub_. 11. 9). Hence, they say, "not true" (ουκ αληθες), not pertinent. "They were still in the region of pedantic rules and external tests... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:14

EVEN IF (καν). That is κα εαν, a condition of the third class with the present active subjunctive μαρτυρω. Jesus means that his own witness concerning himself is true (αληθες) even if it contravenes their technical rules of evidence. He can and does tell the truth all by himself concerning himsel... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:15

AFTER THE FLESH (κατα την σαρκα). According to the standards of the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:16). The Baptist had said: "There stands one among you whom ye know not" (John 1:26). The Light of the World had come, but they loved darkness rather than light (John 3:19), because the god of this age had... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:16

YEA AND IF I JUDGE (κα εαν κρινω δε εγω). "And even if I pass judgment." Condition of third class again.TRUE (alˆthinˆ). See John 1:9 for αληθινος, genuine, soundly based (cf. δικαια in John 5:30), "satisfying our perfect conception" (Westcott), not merely true (αληθες) in the particular facts... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:17

YEA AND IN YOUR LAW (κα εν τω νομω δε τω υμετερω). Same use of και--δε as in verse John 8:16. They claimed possession of the law (John 7:49) and so Jesus takes this turn in answer to the charge of single witness in verse John 8:13. He will use similar language (your law) in John 10:34 in an _argum... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:18

THE FATHER (ο πατηρ). Clearly genuine here. So these are the two witnesses that Jesus presents to the Pharisees in defence of his claim to be the Light of the World (verse John 8:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:19

WHERE IS THY FATHER? (που εστιν ο πατηρ σου;). "The testimony of an unseen and unheard witness would not satisfy them" (Vincent). Bernard understands the Pharisees to see that Jesus claims God the Father as his second witness and so ask "where," not "who" he is. Augustine has it: _Patrem Christi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:20

IN THE TREASURY (εν τω γαζοφυλακιω). See already Mark 12:41; Luke 21:1 for this word for the treasure-chambers of the temple. "It abutted on the Court of the Women, and against its walls were placed chests, trumpet-like in form, as receptacles for the offerings of the worshippers" (Bernard). The... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:21

AGAIN (παλιν). Probably παλιν (again) in verse John 8:12 refers to a day after the feast is over since the last day is mentioned in John 7:37. So then here again we probably move on to another day still beyond that in verse John 8:12.AND YE SHALL SEEK ME (κα ζητησετε με). As in John 7:34, "the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:22

WILL HE KILL HIMSELF? (μητ αποκτενε εαυτον;). Negative answer formally expected, but there is a manifest sneer in the query. "The mockery in these words is alike subtle and bitter" (Vincent). It was a different group of Jews in John 7:31 who cynically suggested that he was going to work among the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:23

YE ARE FROM BENEATH (υμεις εκ των κατω). This language, peculiar to John, could take up the idea in Josephus that these rabbis came from Gehenna whence they will go as children of the devil (John 8:44), but the use of εκ του κοσμου τουτου ("of this world" in origin) as parallel to what we have her... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:24

FOR EXCEPT YE BELIEVE (εαν γαρ μη πιστευσητε). Negative condition of third class with εαν μη and ingressive aorist active subjunctive of πιστευω, "For unless ye come to believe."THAT I AM HE (οτ εγω ειμ). Indirect discourse, but with no word in the predicate after the copula ειμ. Jesus can mean... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:25

WHO ART THOU? (Συ τις ει;). Proleptic use of συ before τις, "Thou, who art thou?" Cf. John 1:19. He had virtually claimed to be the Messiah and on a par with God as in John 5:15. They wish to pin him down and to charge him with blasphemy.EVEN THAT WHICH I HAVE ALSO SPOKEN UNTO YOU FROM THE BEGINN... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:26

I HAVE MANY THINGS TO SPEAK AND TO JUDGE CONCERNING YOU (πολλα εχω περ υμων λαλειν κα κρινειν). Instead of further talk about his own claims (already plain enough) Jesus turns to speak and to judge concerning them and their attitude towards him (cf. verse John 8:16). Whatever they think of Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:27

THEY PERCEIVED NOT (ουκ εγνωσαν). Second aorist active indicative of γινωσκω. "Preoccupied as they were with thoughts of an earthly deliverer" (Westcott) and prejudiced against recognizing Jesus as the one sent from God.THAT HE SPAKE TO THEM OF THE FATHER (οτ τον πατερα αυτοις ελεγεν). Indirect... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:28

WHEN YE HAVE LIFTED UP THE SON OF MAN (οταν υψωσητε τον υιον του ανθρωπου). Indefinite temporal clause with οταν (οτε + αν) and the first aorist active subjunctive of υψοω, to lift up (_Koine_ verb from υψος, height), used several times in John of the Cross of Christ (John 3:14; John 8:28; John 1... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:29

IS WITH ME (μετ' εμου εστιν). The Incarnation brought separation from the Father in one sense, but in essence there is complete harmony and fellowship as he had already said (John 8:16) and will expand in John 17:21-26.HE HATH NOT LEFT ME ALONE (ουκ αφηκεν με μονον). First aorist active indicat... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:30

MANY BELIEVED ON HIM (πολλο επιστευσαν εις αυτον). Ingressive aorist active indicative, came to believe, nominally at any rate, as in John 2:23. But the tension was keen and Jesus proceeded to test the faith of these new believers from among the Pharisees.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:31

WHICH HAD BELIEVED HIM (τους πεπιστευκοτας αυτω). Articular perfect active participle of πιστευω with dative αυτω (trusted him) rather than εις αυτον (on him) in verse John 8:30. They believed him (cf. John 6:30) as to his claims to being the Messiah with their own interpretation (John 6:15), but... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:32

AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH (κα γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν). Truth is one of the marks of Christ (John 1:14) and Jesus will claim to Thomas to be the personification of truth (John 14:6). But it will be for them knowledge to be learned by doing God's will (John 7:17). The word is from αληθης (α privat... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:33

WE BE ABRAHAM'S SEED (Σπερμα Αβρααμ εσμεν). "We are Abraham's seed," the proudest boast of the Jews, of Sarah the freewoman and not of Hagar the bondwoman (Galatians 4:22). Yes, but the Jews came to rely solely on mere physical descent (Matthew 3:9) and so God made Gentiles the spiritual children... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:34

EVERY ONE THAT COMMITTETH SIN IS THE BONDSERVANT OF SIN (πας ο ποιων την αμαρτιαν δουλος εστιν [της αμαρτιασ]). The Western class omits της αμαρτιας (sin), but that is the idea anyhow. Note the use of ποιων (present active participle, continuous habit or practice), not ποιησας (aorist active parti... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:35

THE BONDSERVANT (ο δουλος)...THE SON (ο υιος). There is a change in the metaphor by this contrast between the positions of the son and the slave in the house. The slave has no footing or tenure and may be cast out at any moment while the son is the heir and has a permanent place. Cf. Ishmael an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:36

IF THEREFORE THE SON SHALL MAKE YOU FREE (εαν ουν ο υιος υμας ελευθερωση). Condition of third class with εαν and first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive. "If therefore the Son set you free," as he has the power to do.YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED (οντως ελευθερο εσεσθε). Old and common adverb fr... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:37

YET YE SEEK TO KILL ME (αλλα ζητειτε με αποκτεινα). As at the recent feast (John 7:20; John 7:25; John 7:30; John 7:32; John 8:20). Some of these very professed believers were even now glowering with murderous vengeance.HATH NOT FREE COURSE IN YOU (ου χωρε εν υμιν). Intransitive use of χωρεω, ol... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:38

WITH MY FATHER (παρα τω πατρ). Locative case of πατηρ and article used as possessive (common idiom), "by the side of my Father," picture of intimate fellowship like προς τον θεον (face to face with God) in John 1:1.FROM YOUR FATHER (παρα του πατρος). Ablative case with παρα (from the side of) a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:39

OUR FATHER IS ABRAHAM (ο πατηρ ημων Αβρααμ εστιν). They saw the implication and tried to counter it by repeating their claim in verse John 8:33 which was true so far as physical descent went as Jesus had admitted (verse John 8:37).IF YE WERE (ε εστε). Strictly, "if ye are" as ye claim, a condit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:40

BUT NOW (νυν δε). Clear statement that they are not doing "the works of Abraham" in seeking to kill him. See this use of νυν δε after a condition of second class without αν in John 16:22; John 16:24.THIS DID NOT ABRAHAM (τουτο Αβρααμ ουκ εποιησεν). Blunt and pointed of their unlikeness to Abrah... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:41

YE DO THE WORKS OF YOUR FATHER (υμεις ποιειτε τα εργα του πατρος υμων). Who is not Abraham and not God as Jesus plainly indicates.WE WERE NOT BORN OF FORNICATION (ημεις εκ πορνειας εγεννηθημεν). First aorist passive indicative of γενναω. This they said as a proud boast. Jesus had admitted that t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:42

YE WOULD LOVE ME (ηγαπατε αν εμε). Conclusion of second-class condition with distinct implication that their failure to love Jesus is proof that God is not their Father (protasis).FOR I CAME FORTH FROM GOD (εγω γαρ εκ του θεου εξηλθον). Second aorist active indicative of εξερχομα, definite hist... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:43

MY SPEECH (την λαλιαν την εμην) andMY WORD (τον λογον τον εμον). Perhaps λαλια, old word from λαλος (talk), means here more manner of speech than just story (John 4:42), while λογος refers rather to the subject matter. They will not listen (ου δυνασθε ακουειν) to the substance of Christ's teach... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:44

YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL (υμεις εκ του πατρος του διαβολου). Certainly they can "understand" (γινωσκετε in John 8:43) this "talk" (λαλιαν) though they will be greatly angered. But they had to hear it (ακουειν in John 8:43). It was like a bombshell in spite of the preliminary preparation.YO... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:45

BECAUSE I SPEAK THE TRUTH (εγω δε οτ την αληθειαν λεγω). Proleptic emphatic position of εγω. "Truth is uncongenial to them" (Bernard). See John 3:19 for their picture.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:46

WHICH OF YOU CONVICTETH ME OF SIN? (Τις εξ υμων ελεγχε με περ αμαριτασ;). See on John 3:20; John 16:8 (the work of the Holy Spirit) for ελεγχω for charge and proof. The use of αμαρτια as in John 1:29 means sin in general, not particular sins. The rhetorical question which receives no answer invol... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:47

HE THAT IS OF GOD (ο ων εκ του θεου). See this use of εκ in John 3:31. "Their not listening proved that they were not of God" (Dods). They were of the earth and the devil, not of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:48

THOU ART A SAMARITAN AND HAST A DEMON (Σαμαρειτης ε συ κα δαιμονιον εχεις). On the spur of the moment in their rage and fury they can think of no meaner things to say. They know, of course, that Jesus was not a Samaritan, but he had acted like a Samaritan in challenging their peculiar spiritual p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:49

I HAVE NOT A DEMON (εγω δαιμονιον ουκ εχω). This Jesus says calmly, passing by the reference to the Samaritans as beneath notice.MY FATHER (τον πατερα μου). As in John 2:16. He is not mad in claiming to honour God (cf. John 7:18). They were insulting the Father in insulting him (cf. John 5:23).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:50

BUT I SEEK NOT MINE OWN GLORY (εγω δε ου ζητω την δοξαν μου). As they did not seek the glory of God (John 5:44; John 8:4).AND JUDGETH (κα κρινων). The Father judges between you and me, though the Son is the Judge of mankind (John 5:22). "It is only the δοξα (glory) that comes from God that is w... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:51

IF A MAN KEEP MY WORD (εαν τις τον εμον λογον τηρηση). Condition of third class with εαν and constative aorist active subjunctive of τηρεω. Repeated in verse John 8:52. See verse John 8:43 about hearing the word of Christ. Common phrase in John (John 8:51; John 8:52; John 8:55; John 14:23; John 14... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:52

NOW WE KNOW (νυν εγνωκαμεν). Perfect active indicative of γινωσκω, state of completion, "Now since such talk we have come to certain knowledge that thou hast a demon" (verse John 8:48).IS DEAD (απεθανεν). Second aorist active indicative of αποθνησκω. "Abraham died."AND THOU SAYEST (κα συ λεγε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:53

ART THOU GREATER THAN OUR FATHER ABRAHAM? (Μη συ μειζων ε του πατρος ημων Αβρααμ;). Negative answer expected by μη with ablative case of comparison in πατρος after μειζων. The question was designed to put Jesus in a difficult position, for Abraham and the prophets all "died." They do not see that... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:54

IF I GLORIFY MYSELF (εαν εγω δοξασω εμαυτον). Third-class condition with εαν and first aorist active subjunctive (or future active indicative) of δοξαζω.IT IS MY FATHER THAT GLORIFIETH ME (εστιν ο πατηρ μου ο δοξαζων με). The position and accent of εστιν mean: "Actually my Father is the one," e... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:55

AND YE HAVE NOT KNOWN HIM (κα ουκ εγνωκατε αυτον). Adversative use again of κα="and yet." Perfect active indicative of γινωσκω, the verb for experiential knowledge. This was true of the κοσμος (John 1:10; John 17:25) and of the hostile Jews (John 16:3). Jesus prays that the world may know (John 1... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:56

REJOICED (ηγαλλιασατο). First aorist middle indicative of αγαλλιαομα, a word of Hellenistic coinage from αγαλλομα, to rejoice.TO SEE (ινα ιδη). Sub-final use of ινα and second aorist active subjunctive of οραω. This joy of Abraham is referred to in Hebrews 11:13 (saluting, ασπασαμενο, the promi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:57

THOU ART NOT YET FIFTY YEARS OLD (πεντηκοντα ετ ουπω εχεις). Literally, "Thou hast not yet fifty years." Not meaning that Jesus was near that age at all. It was the crisis of completed manhood (Numbers 4:3) and a round number. Jesus was about thirty to thirty-three.AND HAST THOU SEEN ABRAHAM? ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:58

BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS (πριν Αβρααμ γενεσθα). Usual idiom with πριν in positive sentence with infinitive (second aorist middle of γινομα) and the accusative of general reference, "before coming as to Abraham," "before Abraham came into existence or was born."I AM (εγω ειμ). Undoubtedly here Jesus cl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 8:59

THEY TOOK UP STONES THEREFORE (ηραν ουν λιθους). First aorist active indicative of αιρω, inferential use of ουν. The time for argument had past.TO CAST AT HIM (ινα βαλωσιν επ' αυτον). Final clause with ινα and the second aorist active subjunctive of βαλλω. Vivid picture of a mob ready to kill J... [ Continue Reading ]

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